The Institute for
Contemporary Art in a two volumes boxset: memories, symposiums, conferences, images of the main exhibitions, specific projects.
The former Nouveau Musée, now called Institute for
Contemporary Art (, is thirty years old.
It's a good opportunity to reconsider the story of the art scene
through the adventure of a french Art Center.
A good chance also to examine the art system and the fonction
of art now. What happens now, and in the next future, for an "ambition of art" ?
In a two-volume publication in boxset, the catalogue gathers memories, symposiums, conferences, images of the main exhibitions, and specific projects by the artists.
Volume I, entitled
Alphabet, is a compendium of texts by the artists, excerpts from the
Muséographie de l'art contemporain, a colloquium held in 1979 at the Nouveau Musée, and critical texts by art professionals on the question of "what has been happening in art and what has changed in contemporary art structures in Europe over the past thirty years."
Volume II,
Archives, retraces the history of the Institut d'art contemporain, exhibition by exhibition from 1978 to 2008, together with a list of works shown and archive documents of meetings, colloquia, master classes, previews and letters exchanged with the artists.