journals & magazines
French edition
(last copies available!)
18.00 9.00 €
Isabelle Lévénez, Yves Schemoul, Chiharu Shiota, Anne-Marie Pécheur, Bertrand Segonzac, Mélanie Lecointe, Joël Ducorroy, Vladimir Skoda, Antoine Perrot...
Bulletins of The Serving Library
English edition
Bulletins of The Serving Library
The new biannual publication from Stuart Bailey and David Reinfurt (Dexter Sinister), which continues where the final issue of their previous house journal Dot Dot Dot left off.
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
currently out of stock
For its 88th issue (special issue limited to 666 copies!), the quaterly magazine turns into a carte blanche given to more than 80 personalities related to various experimental sound practices. A tribute to the do-it-yourself way.
Volume – What You See Is What You Hear
bilingual edition (English / French)
Volume – What You See Is What You Hear
18.00 10.00 €
Third issue of the contemporary art journal about sound, devoted to the complex relationships between visual and sound forms (critical texts, historical analysis, interviews, artist's interventions...).
Kaleidoscope - Summer 2011 – Pop Right Now!
English edition
7.50 5.00 €
Pop Right Now! special issue (Steven Shearer, Slavs and Tatars, Kaari Upson, Alina Szapocznikow, Greg Parma-Smith, Bettina Funcke & Massimiliano Gioni & John Miller, Boris Groys, Darren Bader, Justin Bieber, Rashid Johnson, Mark Greif & Richard Lloyd, Mark Leckey, Morgan Fisher, Helen Marten & Hans Ulrich Obrist, Simon Denny, Douglas Coupland & Markus Miessen, Jeff Koons, Scott King...).
Inter - Agir – Pratiques et processus
French edition
Inter, art actuel
Acting: practices and processes.
Semaine - mai-août 2011
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
Isabelle Lévénez, Yves Schemoul, Chiharu Shiota, Anne-Marie Pécheur, Bertrand Segonzac, Mélanie Lecointe, Joël Ducorroy, Vladimir Skoda, Antoine Perrot...
Cahiers Maurice Blanchot
French edition
Cahiers Maurice Blanchot
Derrida's postcards to Blanchot, essays by Jean-Luc Nancy, Didier Cahen, Kevin Hart, Michel Deguy, lectures at the Collège International de Philosophie (Gisèle Berkman, Danielle Cohen-Levinas, Leslie Hill, Michael Holland), studies (Jérémie Majorel, Daniel Dobbels, Yuji Nishiyama), reading notes...
French edition
Pierre Huyghe, Didier Marcel, Guy Debord, Benoît-Marie Moriceau, Elmgreen & Dragset, John McCracken, 8th Qwangju Biennale, Oscar Niemeyer, Allan McCollum, Olaf Nicolai, Herzog & de Meuron, Karen Kilimnik, Marc Camille Chaimowicz...
Peeping Tom\'s Digest - Mexico
English edition
Peeping Tom's Digest
(last copies available!)
A mapping of the young Mexican art scene.
Peeping Tom\'s Digest - Mexico
English edition
Peeping Tom's Digest
A mapping of the young Mexican art scene.
Volume! - Peut-on parler de musique noire ?
texts in English and French
Volume! – The French journal of popular music studies
What is it we call “Black” music? A selection of texts from the April 2010 conference in Bordeaux based on a critical discussion of Philipp Tagg's open letter about “Black music,” “Afro-American Music” and “European Music.”
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
Kasper T. Toeplitz / Das Synthetische Mischgewebe / Captain Beefheart / Rolf Julius / Jean-François Denis (Diffusion i Média / empreintes DIGITALes) / a history of metal, from Black Sabbath to Sunn O))) / chronic, readings, records, news, concerts...
Roven - Spring-Summer 2011
French edition
Drawing and erotism (Camille Henrot, Julien Carreyn and Antoine Marquis, Killoffer...), Vija Celmins, Catherine Macchi de Vilhena, Tudi Deligne, Daniel Nadaud, Marine Pagès, Corin Sworn, Chris Johanson, Dürer, Charles Ephrussi, Hélène de Givry, Bertrand Schefer, Roni Horn, Léa Mayer, collection MCS, Peter Soriano, Scoli Acosta, Alexandre Hollan and Caroline Sagot Duvauroux, Tudi Deligne, Olufemi Sanyaolu...
Espace(s) - Limites et frontières
French edition
Nearly forty contemporary authors explore the notions of limits and frontiers within the spatial universe.
French edition
29.00 12.00 €
292 pages, 13 texts, 290 works (X. Veilhan, G. Turk, O. Dolligner, P. Broccolichi, M. Cantor, V. Stratmann, J. Koons, C. Williams, M. Boyce, R. Hysbergue, T. Dean, J. Monk, P. Roehr.
Semaine - janvier-avril 2011
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
Joël Kermarrec, Daniela Comani, Du spirituel dans l'art contemporain, Variations sur un thème de Peter Szendy, Alexandre Maubert, Justine Pluvinage & Vera Schöpe,Didier Dessus & Pierre-Yves Magerand, Nicolas Daubanes, Camille Llobet, François Daillant, Julia Cottin, Nicolas Tilly, Yannick Vey...
Volume – What You See Is What You Hear
bilingual edition (English / French)
Volume – What You See Is What You Hear
18.00 10.00 €
Second issue, around the problematics of voice and oralness.
bilingual edition (English / French)
(last copies available!)
Interviews with Edouard Baribeaud, Françoise Pétrovitch, DoubleBob, Yûichi Yokoyama, Paul Cox, Gary Panter, Jean-Jacques Dumont, Antonio Gallego & Éric Watier, Masist Gül : Kaldırım Destanı, Laura Brothers, Louise Despont, CF, Killoffer & Jochen Gerner.
Inter - Art et activisme
French edition
Inter, art actuel
Art and activism.
Cahiers Charles Fourier
French edition
Cahiers Charles Fourier
Essays by Patrick Samzun, Louis Ucciani, Tomomi Fukushima, Quentin Detourbet, Denis Andro...
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
currently out of stock
“Metal Machine Theory” par Mattin & Ray Brassier / chroniques / Jean-Claude Eloy / Thierry Madiot / Seijiro Murayama / Taku Sugimoto / L'interaction par et pour tous, Patricia Kuypers / Emmanuel Adely / disques / concerts / infos / index.
New Gentlemen\'s Club
English edition
New Gentlemen's Club
(last copies available!)
2nd issue of the adult art magazine (limited edition).
Roven - Fall-Winter 2010-2011
French edition
Mapping and drawing, William Kentridge, drawing out of control, Matthieu Cossé, Louise Grislain, André Rouveyre, Charles Le Brun, André Raffray, Adrien Gerenton, Dominique Charnay's cartoons collection, Jochen Gerner, Roxane Borujerdi, Nick Devereux, Diana Cooper, Mark Dion ; artistic contributions by Wolfgang Laib, Matthieu Cossé, Paul van der Eerden, Caroline Jörg, João Vilhena, Sarah Tritz & Anne Kawala...
Palais / - Fall 2010
bilingual edition (English / French)
Carte blanche to Adam McEwen / Fresh Hell / Hugo von Hofmannsthal / H.C. Westermann / Sharons Hayes / Rob Pruitt / exhibition guide...
Espace(s) - Special Issue – Correspondances Paris-Moscou
French edition
The French and Russian contributions to Space exploration as seen by 5 French authors and 5 Russian authors (Special Issue).
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
currently out of stock
“Metal Machine Theory” par Mattin / chroniques / Mastering / Interfaces / L'interaction par et pour tous, Carole Rieussec / Cave12 / disques / notes de lectures / concerts / infos / index.
Semaine - septembre-décembre 2010
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
ADERA, Mulhouse 01, André Cadere & Éric Hattan, Knud Viktor, Jacques Villeglé, Daniel Chust Peters, Identity Lab, À l'infini, La lumière dans tous ses états, D'après nature, Images fabriquées / Photographie plasticienne...
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
“Metal Machine Theory” par Mattin / chroniques / Tenko / The Amine ß Ring / L'interaction par et pour tous, Perrine Maurin / Mazen Kerbaj / Max-Msp# / disques / concerts / infos / index.
Retour d\'y voir
French edition
Retour d'y voir
22.00 15.00 €
Second issue of the art history magazine published by the Mamco, Geneva.
texts in English and French
The 4th issue of May makes an atypical choice by publishing a very large section of archival material coming from what is called the“feminist nebula” in Italy in the 1970s. Beyond their great historical, aesthetic and literary value, these documents contribute to the line of thinking pursued by the magazine to re-posit the terms of a social critique in relation to the critique of present-day artistic production.
French edition
Frog gets a makeover for its fifth anniversary, in the form of a 300 pages book: 24 exhibitions reviews, 6 interviews, a new section devoted to architecture, a dozen exhibitions in pictures, some artists special projects, and the chronicles.
Palais / - Summer 2010
bilingual edition (English / French)
Dynasty special issue, with 40 innovative contributions by international artists: an overview of a young generation of French artists highlighted in the spaces of the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris/ARC and the Palais de Tokyo.
Semaine - mai-juillet 2010
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
Jean Claude Rugirello, Olivier Masmontel, Marguerite et le dragon, Déjà vu, Battement d'aile, Dessins : acte I, A II C MIEUX, Philippe Poupet, La Relève !, Christian Lapie, Céleste Boursier-Mougenot, Temps réels, Anouck Durand-Gasselin, L'école de Mallarmé – Raoul Marek.
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
Chroniques / « Metal Machine Theory » par Mattin / Marc Namblard / Wandelweiser / Christian Zanési / L'interaction par & pour tous – Patricia Dallio / disques / notes de lecture / infos / concerts / index.
French edition
29.00 12.00 €
304 pages, 13 texts, 297 works (M. Fisher, I. Genzken, F. Pumhösl, V. Santoro, D. Coindet, K. Fritsch, P. Vadi, L. Montaron, S. Brüggemann, G. Leblon, H. Duprat, D. Blais...).
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
Chroniques / « Obsolescence » – Ça sent le pâté par eRikm / Alan Vega / Antoine Chessex / Wandelweiser / L'interaction par & pour tous – Aurore Gruel / disques / lectures / chroniques bis / infos / concerts / index.
A House is not a Home - Be Contemporary – Special issue
bilingual edition (English / French)
8.00 5.00 €
Special issue devoted to an exhibition in the private space of a manor, with special interventions by 23 international artists (Abramovic, Ardouvin, Attia, Buren, Calle, Cattelan, Closky, Creed, Deller, Geers, Hirschhorn, Lévêque, Sachs, Ming, Weiner...).
French edition
Soldes Almanac
The almanach's first issue features: a special segment on Congo's 50th anniversary of independence (interview with Vincent Kenis by Jean-Louis Sbille, Congolese punk and hybrid music, choreographer Faustin Linyekula, photographic essay by Beata Szparagowska, a Kisangani chronicle by Virginie Dupray), Captain Beefheart, Jean-Pierre Verheggen's poetry, Aleister Crowley: a graphic invocation, Laure Prouvost, Edouard Glissant, interviews with Daniel Innerarity, Majid Rahnema...
texts in English and French
Conversation entre Fulvia Carnevale et John Kelsey / Caroline Busta / Dork Zabunyan / Chris Kraus / Dave Hullfish Bailey / Interview with Richard Hertz – Catherine Chevalier / Lili Reynaud Dewar...
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
Dominique de Beir, Laurent Pernel, Jeanne Susplugas, Dominique Angel, Bruno Peinado / Bernard Marcadé, France Dubois, Jérémy Liron, Patrick Faigenbau / Claire Tenu...
Volume! - La reprise
texts in English and French
Volume! – The French journal of popular music studies
Cover versions in popular music.
Volume! - La reprise Bis
texts in English and French
Volume! – The French journal of popular music studies
This issue of Volume! continues the investigation started in #7-1, with new questions raised about cover versions, including copyright, intertextuality, and genealogy
Palais / - Spring 2010
bilingual edition (English / French)
Pergola (Laith Al-Amiri, Valentin Carron, Charlotte Posenenske, Serge Spitzer, Raphaël Zarka) / John Brinskerhoff Jackson / Daniel Pinson / Raphaël Zarka & DeValence / Benjamin Lafore & Sébastien Martinez Barat / exhibition guide and a selection of books, music, movies, games and events around Pergola...
Inter - Indiens / Indians / Indios
French edition
Inter, art actuel
Canadian native art today.
Inter - Fragments d\'art actif
French edition
Inter, art actuel
Action art and performance.
Inter - Rituels
French edition
Inter, art actuel
Art, performance and ritual (special issue directed by Serge Pey).
texts in English and French
Heterotopias: Pragmatics / Merlin Carpenter / Installation et intervention / Bruno Serralongue / Seth Price / Jay Chung / Karl Holmqvist / Heimo Zobernig...
French edition
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Francis Bacon, Sturtevant, Roberto Cuoghi, Carsten Höller, Jeff Koons, Wolfgang Tillmans, Heimo Zobernig, Manifesta 7, Collier Schorr, Alex Katz, Trisha Donnelly, Lynda Benglis, Richard Prince...
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
Julien Martin / Akio Suzuki (Resonant Spaces Festival, 2006) / Michael Pisaro / Jean-François Pauvros / underground musics in France...

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