journals & magazines
English edition
7.50 3.50 €
Interviews with LaToya Ruby Frazier and Fred Moten, Sergio De La Pava, Nina Hoss, Barbara Hammer, Joseph Keckler, Lydia Ourahmane, Kaneza Schaal, Hank Willis Thomas and Kambui Olujimi, and Summer Wheat; portfolio by Ville Kumpulainen; poetry and fiction; an essay by Terrance Hayes; journal by Yun-Fei Ji; exhibitions and books' reviews…
Neural - Archivism – The Dynamics of archiving
English edition
The Dynamics of archiving: interviews with Ernesto Oroza, Simone Osthoff, Red conceptualismos del Sur, Manu Luksch, Daniel G. Andujar; Anna Ramos presents the Memorabilia podcast series; the British Library's 140 years of recorded sound vs. Centuries of Sounds; Rhizome's Net Art Anthology; reports on ISEA 2017 – “Biocreation and Peace”, Lisbon's xCoAx 2017…
English edition
(last copies available!)
This issue investigates the sinuous folds of the body. Featuring: special section on George Henry Longly; Mathieu Copeland on anti-bodies within the body of art institutions; interview with Barbara Hammer, Lou Dallas, Manuel Solano; Eleanor Antin on Carving; Ellen Blumenstein & Kate Cooper; Ben Vickers in conversation with Kenric McDowell on human and machine; visual essay by Marianna Simnett; Donna Huanca in conversation with Venus Lau; ektor garcia; 25 questions with Eric N. Mack… and including Clubbing fanzine's first issue!
Flash Art
English edition
Flash Art
Unveiling the magazine's new graphic identity, this issue of Flash Art features: 20-page section on Adrian Piper; Maurizio Cattelan and Marta Papini talk to art-world boundary explorer Asad Raza; Tenzing Barshee on Margaret Honda; Stephanie Seidel talks to Juan Antonio Olivares about his 3-D animation Moléculas; Thomas Duncan on photography and corporeality in the work of Josh Tonsfeldt; David Andrew Tasman on Anna Uddenberg's heterotopic forms; Eli Diner on the captivating and inscrutable sculptures of Michael E. Smith; reviews…
The Drawer - Parade
French edition (texts in English and French)
The Drawer
Pierre Alechinsky, Antonio Aricò, Katrin Bremermann, Jennifer Caroline Campbell, Corentin Canesson, Catastrophe, Carolin Eidner, Isabelle Ferreira, Louis Fratino, Yann Gerstberger, Clive Hodgson, Lisa Holzer, Alfie Kungu, Miki Leal, Camille Llobet, Alice Louradour, Ohad Meromi, Galina Munroe, Arkadiy Nasonov, Camila Oliveira Fairclough, Jon Pilkington, Jennifer May Reiland, Yannick Val Gesto, César Vayssié, Xavier Veilhan, and the Jean-Claude Sergues Collection.
Tacet - The sounds of Utopia
bilingual edition (English / French)
The sound arts and experimental music annual review's 4th issue, on the theme of utopias.
Espace art actuel - Wounds
bilingual edition (English / French)
Espace art actuel
What can art do to relieve pain and heal wounds? This issue's main section addresses these questions through an examination of works by Kader Attia, Emily Falencki, Eric Fischl, Berlinde De Bruyckere and Teresa Margolles, as well as two essays by Édith-Anne Pageot and Mirna Boyadjian. Other features includes an interview with Marion Zilio, followed by the usual sections “Interview”, “Events” and “Reviews”.
Artforum - February 2018
English edition
This February in Artforum: Dan Nadel on the art of Christina Ramberg, Howardena Pindell talks about her forthcoming retrospective at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Amy Taubin on Errol Morris's Wormwood, Caroline Lillian Schopp on the art of Franz Erhard Walther, plus reviews from New York, Detroit, Paris, Bologna, Mexico City, Sharjah, Tokyo, Beijing, and more.
English edition
15.00 7.50 €
Contemporary views on Egon Schiele; the controversial artistic treasury of the Gurlitt Collection; Macron's victory explained in literature; interviews with Giuseppe Penone and Lucy McKenzie; Glasgow: Britain's true artistic capital; photography in India; Tokyo's urbanistic issues; “Negative” section with Robert Menasse's Die Hauptstadt, Tonya Harding, Google, ballet's gender-free future, and a marriage advice for an American at Kensington Palace; portfolio by photographer Michele Borzoni.
Dits - Musées pour cible
French edition
19.00 9.50 €
The review of the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Grand-Hornu (MAC's) inaugurates its new formula with the theme of the museum and its criticism by artists. This issue showcases a selection of contemporary and international artistic projects reflecting on the concept of museum. With artists Yto Barrada, Christoph Büchel, Jacques Charlier, LaToya Ruby Frazier, Tamar Guimarães, Jompet Kuswidananto, Wesley Meuris, Rei Naito, Ryue Nishizawa, Noah Purifoy, Dayanita Singh, Fiona Tan, and Fred Wilson.
Spike - New formations
bilingual edition (English / German)
Anicka Yi; on “post-work” by Tom McCarthy; Twing Peaks: The Return, by Philippe Parreno & Asad Raza; death of the art gallery model: a round table; Gilbert & George; Oliver Laric; new formats in digital art; Do we need a new avant-garde?; interview with the Contemporary Art Writing Daily; Courbet's La dame au podoscaphe; Documenta X (1997) by Daniel Baumann; John Russell by Tobias Madison; Manifesto for the public museum; reviews from London, Milan, New York, Paris…
Inter - Technocorps et cybermilieux
French edition
Inter, art actuel
Current technological issues and new boundaries of human corporeality.
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Rita Mcbride, Julia Scher, Lu Yang, Michael Stevenson, Alexandra Pirici, Martin Arnold, Erika Verzutti, Julia Phillips & Aaron Gilbert, Simphiwe Ndzube, Diego Marcon, Tiona Nekkia Mcclodden, Diamond Stingily, Meriem Bennani, Siri Aurdal, Asad Raza, Lydia Ourahmane…
Faire – To look at things - Volume 02 (#5, 6, 7, 8)
bilingual edition (English / French)
(last copies available!)
Issues 5 to 8 of the critical review dedicated to Graphic design. Compilation includes studies on the following subjects: an Instagram post by studio Experimental Jetset for the Paradiso cultural centre in Amsterdam; a series of gestures, from Harun Farocki to L'Architecture Aujourd'hui; the publication Parallel Encyclopedia by Batia Suter; Charles Mazé & Coline Sunier's residency at the Villa Médicis.
Artforum - January 2018
English edition
This January Artforum looks at The Uses of Power: to picture our current life and imagine possible lives otherwise, Artforum invited seven artists and two writers—Nan Goldin, Adrian Piper, Sable Elyse Smith, Kia LaBeija, Donald Moffett, House of Ladosha, K8 Hardy, Johanna Fateman, and Paul B. Preciado—to consider how we can and should use power. Plus new Editor David Velasco on the Power of Good-bye, Azikiwe Mohammed talks with Claudia Rankine about Jimmy's Thrift of New Davonhaime, a preview of more than 40 spring shows worldwide, and more.
CRU (Complex Raw United)
French edition
The third issue of Frédéric Acquaviva and La Plaque Tournante's audio / video hybrid magazine, featuring Frédéric Acquaviva, Lieutenant Caramel, Jean-Baptiste Favory, Joël Hubaut, Andy Ingamells, Eduardo Kac, Maurice Lemaître, Loré Lixenberg, and Christoph Ogiermann.
Diaphanes - Time Probe Zero Synthesis
bilingual edition (English / German)
In its third edition, Diaphanes probes the (im)possibilities of coming to visual and conceptual grips with the present, and brings together artistic, literary, and critical positions and perspectives on imperative contemporaneity and absolute nowness (with Manuel Franquelo, Dietmar Dath, Nicole Bachmann, Maël Renouard, Esther Shalev-Gerz, Gilles Rotzetter, Alexander Kluge, Lucy McKenzie, Markus Proschek, Philip Topolovac, Ko Murobushi, Stephen Barber, Elena Vogman, Marcus Quent, Wolfgang Plöger, Jso Maeder, Luc Meresma, Dieter Mersch, Penelope Umbrico, Christine Tauber).
French edition
(last copies available!)
The third issue of the erotic journal Féros, featuring Phoebe Clarke, Claire Dantzer, Victor Man, Anthony Pearson, Benoit Platéus, Georges Tony Stoll, Matthew Stone, Phillip Zach...).
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
Vincent Barras's poems-scores; the music of David Jackman and Organum by Paul Hegarty; Ring-Modulation # 25: "Some Classicism" by Kasper T. Toeplitz; 30 years of Metamkine: interview with Jérôme Noetinger and Franck Laplaine; carte-blanche to Patrick Renaud; chronicles and disc reviews…
French edition
Mouvement inaugurates its new formula: a new visual identity, new sections and 16 additional pages dedicated to photography. Contents: interviews with Jacques Rancière, Julien Gosselin & Aurélien Bellanger, Katsuya Tomita; portraits of Neïl Beloufa and Mette Ingvartsen; Pierre Ducrozet; Nik Void & Peter Rehberg; Ana Pi; Pauline Bayle; makers and sculpture in Sheffield; Iraqi cinema; portfolios, January-February agenda…
Le son du grisli
French edition
Le son du grisli
Kurt Schwitters' Merz Manifesto; AMM by David Grubbs; Daunik Lazro's discography reviewed by Luc Bouquet and... Daunik Lazro; interviews with Anna Tjan from the label Dancing Wayang and Dave Phillips; on Lonely Woman by Ornette Coleman. Plus: some sixty book and record reviews.
Flash Art
English edition
Flash Art
New York–based fashion label Telfar; Eli Diner on the proleptic videos of Melanie Gilligan; Julia Bryan-Wilson on the fleeting-yet-emphatic multimedia art of Cecilia Vicuña; Daniel Horn on Emil Michael Klein's canny abstraction; Ronald Rose-Antoinette on the Wood Land School's yearlong decolonization of SBC Gallery; Cristina Guadalupe Galván talks to home-based artist Alison Knowles; Pierre-Alexandre Mateos & Charles Teyssou bid adieu to the hyperglycemic concept store Colette; exhibitions reviews.
Cahiers Maurice Blanchot
French edition
Cahiers Maurice Blanchot
Special feature “Blanchot and the narrative”; a study on Blanchot and photography; Jean-Luc Nancy; Philippe Jaccottet; a poem by the late Michel Butor…
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
Charlotte Moorman by Deborah Walker; manifesto for a 21th century avant-garde music by Ulrich Krieger; Ulrich Krieger by Kasper T. Toeplitz ; Ring-Modulation #24: “From idea to sound;” photographic series by Marie Combes; disc reviews, and more.
English edition
7.50 3.50 €
Interviews with Lucy Dodd (by Rashid Johnson), Cate Giordano, Celeste Dupuy-Spencer, Jlin, Branden Jacobs-Jenkins, Milford Graves, Meredith Monk and Jim Hodges, Don Mee Choi and Christian Hawkey, Friederike Mayröcker; portfolio by Laura Bruce; fictions by Klaus Kertess, Wendy Xu, Pierre Senges, Constance DeJong; an essay by Nuar Alsadir, and more.
Artforum - December 2017 – The Year in Review
English edition
Best of 2017: A renowned group of critics, artists, and curators from around the world take stock of the year in art, and of art's place amid social, judicial, political, and ecological shifts; Five celebrated cineasts select the top films of the year; Five musicians and artists name their music highlights of the year; Seven scholars, curators, writers, and artists choose the year's outstanding titles; 40 artists from around the world choose the most striking work, event, or exhibition of the year…
Mousse - On Display
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
currently out of stock
Special issue dedicated to the relationship between and mutual influence of exhibition display and contemporary art practices. A pool of guest contributors—including Hans Ulrich Obrist, Mario García Torres, Simon Starling, Jens Hoffmann, Kim West, Liam Gillick, Gabriel Sierra, Morgan Fisher, Willem De Rooij, Céline Condorelli, and more—were invited to select illuminating cases of cross-pollination, and to compile extended captions for their chosen images.
French edition
Interview with P. Nicolas Ledoux and Pierre Beloüin on the occasion of Optical Sound's twenthieth anniversary; Hubert Selby Jr.; the discography of Etant donnés; a special section dedicated to Marjorie Cameron…
Volume ! - Varia
texts in English and French
Volume! – The French journal of popular music studies
Jean-Marie Le Pen's far right music label; Rap Studies in Africa; Sampling in Palestinian rap; Bowie: the graphic art; Indie rock in Switzerland; Portugese punk rock; Multilinguism in French punk rock band Mano Negra… 35 authors have contributed to this “Varia” issue, which also inaugurates a new graphic design. Including special commissioned illustrations by artist Grégory Delauré.
Cahiers Charles Fourier
French edition
Cahiers Charles Fourier
Five articles (by René Schérer, Bernard Desmars et Daniel Chérouvrier, Nathalie Brémand, Hélène Guérin, Jérôme Duwa), an unpublished document (a letter from Fourier written in 1834) and a great number of reading notes which demonstrate the significant vitality of the research on Fourier, Fourierism, and utopia.
Artforum - November 2017
English edition
This November Artforum looks at Art and Virtual Reality: Douglas Coupland talks with Daniel Birnbaum about the future of technology and desire and Alyssa K. Loh discusses virtuality and empathy. Plus Cheryl Finley on “Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power,” Greil Marcus on Slash: A Punk Magazine from Los Angeles, 1977-80; Jackie Neudorf on Donna Deitch's Desert Hearts, and more.
Flash Art
English edition
Flash Art
This issue celebrates the 50th anniversary of the magazine. It features texts and interviews that reassess key passages in recent art history, in each case using landmark content from Flash Art's archive as a point of departure (Piero Gilardi; Anarchitecture; the Soviet Nonconformist art; Jeff Koons and Maurizio Cattelan; the writings of Peter Halley; revisiting the pioneering exhibition “Aperto '93” with Helena Kontova and Hans Ulrich Obrist; Chinese art today; what's left of the Berlin art scene…).
Stream - Les paradoxes du vivant
bilingual edition (English / French)
The fourth issue of the annual research book-magazine at the intersection of architecture, art and economy, explores the figure of the living as the key to contemporary challenges. Contributions by experts in different fields of knowledge offers the opportunity to rethink our relationship to the ecosystem and the new technologies, and to bring forward the essential notion of cohabitation.
French edition
In Japan, what is left of Butō?; Qatar, the young painter and the Emir's portrait; John Maus; F. J. Ossang; the new generation of French graffiti artists; interviews with Anders Petersen, Michael Foessel, Vincent Macaigne, Lola Gonzalez; Crowd by Gisèle Vienne; Mount Olympus by Jan Fabre; the oppressive mutations of urban lighting; portfolio by Fumi Ishino & Thomas Koenig.
Camille Henrot - Palais - Days are Dogs
bilingual edition (English / French)
On the occasion of her carte blanche at the Palais de Tokyo from 18 October 2017 to 7 January 2018, French artist Camille Henrot is the guest editor-in-chief of this issue 26 of the magazine Palais, devoted entirely to the exhibition “Days are Dogs.”
Espace art actuel - Shivers
bilingual edition (English / French)
Espace art actuel
This issue addresses the shiver and explores the affective dimension in the field of art. With: Aseman Sabet on Stendhal syndrome; poetic images and waking dreams in contemporary art; the aesthetic shudder, from Nietzsche to Castellucci; Anicka Yi; Myriam Lefkowitz; interview with Sophie Jodoin; the Venice Biennale and Manif d'art 8; reviews and selected publications…
bilingual edition (English / French)
Kim West, Exhibition, Apparatus, and Media, 1963-1977 / Yann Chateigné, 1977 / Richard Parry, London, London / Lotte Arndt on Enquête sur le/notre dehors by Alejandra Riera / Peter Fischli, The Hiking Trail Around the Airport / Liam Considine on “Thinking of readymades belong to everyone®” / Giovanna Zapperi on “Show Me Your Archive” / Oleg Frolov on Tobias Kaspar / Anke Dyes on Till Megerle / Christian Haye on Juliana Huxtable / Camilla Wills on On Charges (The Supplicants) by Elfriede Jelinek / Jeanne Graff, Clifton Clifton.
Spike - The Real
bilingual edition (English / German)
This issue of Spike looks at the real as a fault-line of art and a utopian horizon of its agency. Welcome to the oasis of the real (featuring Francesco Vezzoli, Maria Hassabi, Asad Raza, Emily Jacir, Wayne Koestenbaum, Gabi Ngcobo, Tristan Garcia, Calla Henkel & Max Pitegoff…)!
Artforum - October 2017
English edition
Artforum looks at Russia and the Art of Revolution: A century after the Soviet uprising of October 1917, Matthew S. Witkovsky, Devin Fore, and Owen Hatherley look back—and forward—at the fate of radical culture, utopia, and politics; architect David Adjaye talks about design, culture, and society; Ina Blom on Ed Atkins and the science of weather simulation; and more.
Inter - Risques et dérapages 2/2 + Les nouvelles fables de Fountain – 1917-2017
French edition
Inter, art actuel
Second issue dedicated to the notion of risk in art, together with a booklet celebrating the 100th anniversary of Fountain, the iconic work by Duchamp. The magazine also features tributes to two recently deceased artists, Gusztav Metzger and Felipe Ehrenberg.
English edition
Cura's new issue connects the different sections with one common thread: the machine as a possibility or as a threat. The magazine also extends its “Inside the Cover” section with three essays on this issue's cover artist, Max Hooper Schneider. Plus: Sam Lewitt on Michael Asher's 1991 exhibition at Le Consortium in Dijon ; interviews with John Bock, Korakrit Arunanondchai, Kenric McDowell, Bailey Scieszka ; David Horvitz in conversation with Margot Norton ; Nicolas Deshayes' sculptures ; Pakui Hardware ; Haroon Mirza's visual essay ; Bruno Zhu…
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Interviews with Frieda Toranzo Jaeger, Rana Hamadeh, Aria Dean, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, Lin Ke, Yasunao Tone, Timothée Calame, Sara Deraedt; round-table on the relations between art, dance, and theater; Yann Chateigné's notes on time; Kathy Noble on institutional trauma; Jens Hoffmann, Candice Hopkins, Chus Martínez, and Ingo Niermann on issues related to cultural appropriation; Sofia Stevi by Andrew Berardini; conversation with Liz Craft and Stanya Kahn; the use of augmented reality in arts; round-table on performance studies; Hendrik Folkerts on monumentalization.
The Drawer - Amour
French edition (texts in English and French)
The Drawer
Etel Adnan, Dike Blair, Thomas Huber, Dorothy Iannone, Mathias Kiss, Tiziana La Melia, Stéphane Lecomte, Jan Melka, Mario Milizia, Francis Picabia, Vimala Pons, Laure Prouvost, Louise Sartor, Ashley Hans Scheirl, Alice Wietzel...
Espace(s) - La légèreté
French edition
This issue explores the vast regions of lightness with an ensemble of textual and visual contributions by artists, historians, scientifics, and writers.
French edition
Harmony Korine, Tokyo collective Chim Pom, Lascaux 4, the revival of a Basque village, portraits of Théo Mercier and Mohamed El Khatib, interviews with SMITH, David Dufresne, Tania Bruguera, and Karim Moussaoui, Braguino by Clément Cogitore, analysis, exhibitions, and portfolios by Hannah Whitaker and Stefano Marchionini.
English edition
15.00 7.50 €
Four artistic destinies at the heart of the Tiananmen Square protests; Hudson Yards, Manhattan; Todd Haynes's Wonderstruck; London's museums and the British gay history; American women artists in the Age of Trump; Paris's museums get hooked on all things biological; Mexico City artists beyond modern traditions; interviews with Camille Henrot and Liz Glynn; portfolio by Li Ran; “Negative” section with the Seagram building's new restaurants, a farewell to Colette, Gustavo Dudamel, and more.
English edition
7.50 3.50 €
Interviews with Amit Dutta, Lisa Sanditz, Nina Katchadourian, Anoka Faruqee & Michelle Grabner, Suzanne Bocanegra, Adrienne Truscott, Marcus Steinweg, Mike Wallace, Lucy Ives; portfolio by Renee Gladman; a text by Kristen Gleason, the winner of BOMB's 2017 Fiction Contest; an essay by Jennifer Kabat; Édouard Louis's “New York diary”; books and shows reviews, and more.
Artforum - September 2017
English edition
In their September 2017 issue Artforum look ahead at 40 exhibitions worldwide, Huey Copeland and Frank Wilkerson on museums, monuments, and race, reviews on the 57th Venice Biennale, Documenta 14, and Skulptur Projekte Münster, Amy Taubin on Top of the Lake: China Girl, and more.
Toilet Paper
no text
Toilet Paper
French edition
Kiev, refuge of Donbass artists; the spoken-word scene in London; the Choreographic Coding Labs; Porto's artistic scene; interview with Roger Ballen; electro music artist Actress; writer Charles Robinson; Charlemagne Palestine; autopilot and creation; Europe, mon Amour, by the Birgit Ensemble; portfolio by Richard J.Butler and Harvey Benge.

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