Women (female artists)

Sadie von Paris - Gang blues ecchymoses - Rites et passages vers la vie
French edition
Al Dante - Contemporary Art
30.00 15.00 €
An insurrectional youth in quest for alternative words: a poetic and visual work by photographer Sadie von Paris and writer Véronique Bergen.
Magali Reus -
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
Magali Reus' recent series and new sculptures.
Pacôme Thiellement - The Age of Technicians
bilingual edition (English / French)
The two authors of this publication, each by means of their own specific medium, question the relation of humanity to digital technologies. In his text, Pacôme Thiellement describes the digital alienation to come; Lauren Huret's collages revisits the time when personal computers entered the domestic space.
Sheila Hicks - Apprentissages
French edition
JRP|Editions - Hapax
Handbook documenting a series of site-specific installations in Paris by a pioneer in textile art.
À l\'Ouest toute ! - Travailleuses de Bretagne et d\'ailleurs
French edition
An account of a three-year research program focusing on working women's struggles in Britany: the publication provides an overview of the studies and artworks produced within the framework of the program, as well as extracts of lectures and a set of original archives.
 Ensemble Musiques Nouvelles - Scories / Live at Transnumériques (2 CD)
Sub Rosa
16.00 12.00 €
New “electro-contempo” collaboration, born out of the encounter between turntablist DJ Olive, musical director of Ensemble Musiques Nouvelles Jean-Paul Dessy, and violonist David Núñez. The second CD includes a live recorded at Les Transnumériques festival.
Kapwani Kiwanga -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Captures - Digressions (interviews)
An in-depth exploration of the Canadian artist's anthropology-based research method in the form of a conversation with Corinna Ewald, Smaranda Olcèse, and Julie Pellegrin (inaugural title of the “Digressions” series initiated by La Ferme du Buisson in collaboration with Captures editions).
English edition
Cura. - Cura.magazine
Cura #25 Summer issue celebrates its special edition, dedicated to 25 (+1) outstanding protagonists of the contemporary art scene, selected among the most interesting female artists of the new generation. A collectible and celebratory issue!
Mélanie Veuillet - Tools of Disobedience
bilingual edition (English / French)
Edition Patrick Frey
currently out of stock
185 photographs of everyday objects secretly made by inmates in their cells.
Émilie Parendeau - Ça m\'inquiète toujours ces sirènes
no text
For her show at Mamco, the French artist borrowed from the museum collections to reinterpret a series of artworks by Imi Knoebel, Steven Parrino, Frank Stella, John M. Armleder, Luciano Fabro, Robert Filliou, and Christian Robert-Tissot. Both a catalogue and an artist's book, this publication replays the exhibition much like a snapshot collection.
Minna Henriksson - Works on Paper
English edition
Rab-Rab Press
Minna Henriksson's artist book Works on Paper is a graphic story with forty linocuts on the political history of the paper industry in Finland.
Minouk Lim - United Paradox
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
This monographic catalogue presents a series of works by artist Minouk Lim which draws on the tragic events of the 1950 Korean war and their aftermaths. Based on installations, sculptures, videos, and performance pieces, Lim's visual language mirrors a nation's refusal to face up with its history and initiates a reflective process to come to terms with the past.
Valérie Mréjen - Images en quête d\'histoires
French edition
Le Plateau / Frac Île-de-France
currently out of stock
A collection of 37 postcards based on family pictures gathered by the participants of a collective workshop held by the artist and writer Valérie Mréjen. The postcards tell two fictitious family stories, which the reader can freely rearrange to create his own narrative.
Maja Bajevic - Power, Governance, Labor
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
New monograph of one of the most important artists rooted in Eastern Europe.
Elisabeth Lebovici - Ce que le sida m\'a fait - Art et activisme à la fin du XXe siècle
French edition
JRP|Editions - Lectures Maison Rouge
A both intimate and political account of the links between artistic practices and activism during the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s and 1990s in France and the United States—featuring monographic texts, interviews, and thematic essays.
Claire Dantzer - Morceaux choisis
bilingual edition (English / French)
12.00 5.00 €
First monograph by French artist Claire Dantzer, featuring a selection of works from 2005 to present, and an introductory text by Jean-Christophe Arcos. The publication highlights the cross-disciplinary artist's main interests, including subjectsrelated to body and food, as well as literature and children's tales.
Félicia Atkinson - Hand In Hand (CD)
Shelter Press - Records
Atkinson's most ambitious musical work to date, Hand In Hand combines 80's sci-fi anxious aethetics with today's transparency of digital sounds. Placing the voice at the epicenter of the recording, the French artist and musician convokes fiction, composition and abstraction in the manner of Joan La Barbara, Robert Ashley, or Delia Derbyshire.
Rochelle Goldberg - No Where, Now Here
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
GAMeC Books
Catalogue documenting the Canadian artist's most important works to date and a specially commissionned installation. Her steel structures and ceramic works represent menacing hybrid-species engaged in a role play of predator and prey. Includes an essay by Golberg, texts by critics and curators, and a conversation between art historian Leah Pires and neuroscientist Sara Constantino.
Deborah Hay - Mon corps, ce bouddhiste
French edition
Les presses du réel – Dance & Performing Arts –
New expanded edition of a major text by the American choreographer-dancer.
 Native Instrument - Camo (vinyl EP)
Shelter Press - Records
currently out of stock
The music of Swedish-Australian duo Native Instrument graciously mixes vocal experimentations and wildlife field recordings. Their debut release compiles four sound collages moving between tropical ambience, club inspired bug beats and amphibian trance.
Claudia Comte - 40 x 40
English edition
Edition Patrick Frey
(last copies available!)
This large-format artist's book (40 x 40 cm open) brings together graphic works by Claudia Comte. Mathematically structured like a Cartesian coordinate system, the publication folds and unfolds so that it can be read in four different ways. The book becomes a geometric play space in which to discover the many facets of Comte's visual identity.
Marinella Senatore - The School of Narrative Dance
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
(last copies available!)
Founded by Marinella Senatore, the School of Narrative Dance is an international initiative which proposes an alternative system of education, based on emancipation, inclusion, and self-cultivation. The School implements multidisciplinary projects focusing on storytelling and choreography. This publication documents a workshop at MAXXI, Roma, involving more than 300 people for five months.
Sophie Dubosc - Avec ou sans raison
bilingual edition (English / French)
Featuring new and previous works by Sophie Dubosc, this catalogue gives a complete overview of her aesthetic reflection. Working primarily with three-dimensional forms, sculpture, raw materials, and reflecting on historical issues, the French artist's complex practice is covered by two essays, and a full-color photographic documentation section.
Judith Hopf - Up
trilingual edition (English / German / Italian)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Hopf's multidisciplinary practice addresses the paradoxes and ridicule that spill form high-minded attitudes toward art making and the faith in technology, professionalism, and efficiency. This catalogue gathers a significant sampling of her works, as well as two essays and an interview.
Salomé Lamas - Parafiction
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Among Portugal's most interesting young filmmakers, Salomé Lamas explores the boundaries and circumstances of documentary filmmaking, working at the intersection of ethnography, history, storytelling, memory, and fiction. This publication documents her work since 2010, through contributions, video stills, and interviews.
 Alexandre & Florentine Lamarche-Ovize - Inventaire
bilingual edition (English / French)
The Drawer - Books
Monograph gathering most of the artists's recent works—ceramic and faience sculptures, watercolors and gouaches, drawings, collages, and installations—divided into three thematic chapters. The publication includes an interview of several voices (with special guest Mathieu Mercier), and a text by Annabela Tournon.
Marjorie Micucci - Coro Spezzato : The Future Lasts One Day – Fosse d\'Orchestre – Conductor
bilingual edition (English / French)
Frac Franche-Comté - Conferences series
The transcription of a lecture by Marjorie Micucci on the connections between two installations by Italian artist Rosa Barba.
Nina Beier - Cash for Gold
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Most comprehensive monograph on the work of Nina Beier to date, Cash for Gold brings together eight essays drawing on the Danish's artistic practice and her investigation on the status of images in our contemporary reality.
Cindy Coutant - De la prise de parole sensible à la stratégie de communication médiatique en situation de crise
French edition
Confort Moderne
Halfway between the catalogue and the artist's book, this publication introduces the work of Cindy Coutant. The French artist focuses on issues involving poetics and semantics, in connection with the new technologies and the Internet imagery.
Rei Naito - Transphère - Émotions de croire
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
MCJP (Maison de la Culture du Japon à Paris)
Third publication in the framework of the “Transphère” Exhibition cycle, this catalogue documents a work by Rei Naito, a Japanese artist who has built an international reputation with her minimalist and conceptual creations. The installation Émotions de croire (The emotion of belief) is a moving reflection on the atomic bomb, and a place of mourning and hope.
Liz Magor -
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
This monographic publication delivers an in-depth exploration of Liz Magor's sculpture and installations produced over the course of 40 years.
 Lilas - Marques
no text
United Dead Artists
Bad dreams and ancestral fears play the leading roles in this first monograph rooted in darkness.
 Élise Florenty & Marcel Türkowsky - One head too many / Une tête en trop / Ein Kopf zu viel
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
Trilingual monograph investigating five film-projects by the French-German duo. The publication features a series of essays and a high-quality photographic documentation.
 Claude Queyrel & Pascale Stauth - Les Fantômes de la Crique
French edition
Fondation Hartung Bergman
29.00 14.50 €
Publication introducing the synthesis of a project inspired by the artistic and intimate experience of Hans Hartung and Anna-Eva Bergman on the island of Menorca, where they built a house-workshop and lived in from 1932 to 1934.
Maria Lassnig - Woman Power - Maria Lassnig in New York – 1968-1980
English edition
This catalogue brings together works and archival material from Lassnig's New York days. Along with her paintings, watercolors and drawings, the publication gathers documenation on animated films she created in collaboration with the Women/Artists/Filmmakers, Inc. group. It also includes a text by Elisabeth Bronfen, “A Mysterious Point of Certainty: Maria Lassnig's Body-Awareness Painting.”
Margit Busch - If–Then–Else - Welcome to Transciency – Preis der Kunsthalle Wien 2016
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
Publication documenting a project installation by German artist Margit Busch, the joint recipient of the 2016 Kunsthalle Wien Prize. Busch's project sheds light on the meeting points of scientific, philosophical, artistic, and practical discourses.
Lydia Okumura - Situations
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
currently out of stock
Monographic catalogue showcasing the under-recognized work of Brazilian-Japanese artist Lydia Okumura, who, for almost fifty years, has explored the realm of geometric abstraction
Hannah Rickards - Grey light - Left and right back, high up, two small windows
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
Catalogue documenting a video installation in which the British artist pursues her investigation on the translation of elusive, natural phenomena into formal language. Structured rhythmically around the pattern of a foghorn sounding, Grey Light finds its origins in the notion of the foghorn as an auditory marker for opacity.
Monica Ross - Ethical Actions - A Critical Fine Art Practice
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
British artist Monica Ross (1950-2013) left behind forty years of socially engaged, feminist, and performative artwork, which has had a deep effect on contemporary art and society. This fully illustrated publication documents Ross's works from 1970 to 2013.
Barbara Heé - Waters
bilingual edition (English / German)
Edition Patrick Frey
A photographic series focusing on the waterfalls near Mount Bachtel in Switzerland. Willing to capture the mystical essence of these falls in the twilight, Barbara Heé provides enchanting images with fairy-like accents.
Tekla Aslanishvili - Algorithmic Space and Its Social Implications
English edition
Casino Luxembourg
Tekla Aslanishvili's research for an artistic project in the public space.
Jessica Fleischmann - High Winds
English edition
X Artists' Books
High Winds is an artist's book written by Sylvan Oswald, with graphics by Jessica Fleischmann. This “western phantasmagoria” is a bedtime book for adults based on Oswald's experiences with insomnia, gender transition, and moving to Los Angeles.
Anne-Valérie Gasc - Twenty Six Blank Rocks
no text
Lendroit éditions
A series of 26 prints of lithographic stones, reflecting on Ed Ruscha's work (artist's book).
Pauline Piguet - Dos Imperial
French edition
Similar to a travel diary, sprinkled with tropes of paradisiacal holidays, Dos Imperial interweaves the work of an artist, Bruno Aeberli, a graphic designer, Pauline Piguet, and a writer, Simon Dubois.
Aude Romary - Discordes (CD)
Vand'Œuvre / CCAM Éditions
This duo started in 2014 with the idea to transform the acoustic instrument into a real electroacoustic one. Transducers, springs and microphones are attached to the cello which is then processed through electronic and tape. This CD comes from several hours of improvisations recorded in studio and reorganised to build six pieces of abstract electroacoustic music.
Marie Lund - Scout
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
A series of sculptures set in a roofless exhibition space in Merida, Mexico.
Eve Wood - The Artists\' Prison
English edition
X Artists' Books
This collaborative artist's book is a work of fiction set in a Kafkaesque world where creativity is a criminal offence and artists are imprisonned. Alexandra Grant's text, the testimony of the prison's warden, is powerfully illustrated by Eve Wood's drawings.

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