Women (female artists)

Béatrice Balcou -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Captures - Digressions (interviews)
A conversation with multidisciplinary French artist Béatrice Balcou, whose work investigates reflexive issues directed at her practice, such as the spectator's experience and the artistic gesture.
Félicia Atkinson - Limpid as the Solitudes (vinyl LP)
Shelter Press - Records
currently out of stock
Félicia Atkinson and Jefre Cantu-Ledesma have thought of this new collaboration as a series of soundscapes filled with literary and cinematographic references, from Sylvia Plath's poetry to the films of Hal Hartley and Wong Kar Wai. The album carries a strange echo of the 1990s, materialized in Julien Carreyn's cover photograph.
Gisèle Vienne - The Pyre (vinyl LP)
Shelter Press - Records
currently out of stock
The score composed and recorded by KTL (Stephen O'Malley & Peter Rehberg) for the dance piece ‘The Pyre', written and directed by Gisèle Vienne. A tensed composition haunted by the voice of Dennis Cooper.
Linda Fregni Nagler - Yama no Shashin
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Humboldt Books - Artist's Travels
This publication presents a project by Linda Fregni Nagler about the photographic “School of Yokohama”, which emerged during the Meiji era in Japan. Over the past ten years, the artist has collected hand-colored photographs of this period representing Mount Fuji. She re-photographed them, printed them and colored them by hand, according to colorization method of that time.
 Rometti Costales - Little animals, ash trays
bilingual edition (English / Spanish)
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
This catalogue presents an overview of the duo's projects in the last years, unfolding a personal universe bringing forward nature as a space for political expression. It is structured through a conversation between the artists and Juan Canela, including diverse graphic material and several specific extrapolations written by critics and curators.
Léna Araguas - Nouvelles de l\'Ouest
French edition
Tombolo Presses
Epistolary portrait of a seaman by his daughter (artist's book).
Laura Mannelli - As above so below
bilingual edition (English / French)
CDA (Centre des Arts)
Artists Gast Bouschet & Nadine Hilbert, and Laura Mannelli, collaborate on a selection of works that explore the concept of worlds within worlds based on Dante Alighieri's opus. These visual narratives are complemented by texts from writers Benjamin Bianciotto, Agnès de Cayeux, Peter Gray, Didier Ottaviani and Catherine Vidal.
Eva Evrard -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Immédiats / Analogues - Monographs
28.00 14.00 €
First monograph: minimalist artist Eva Evrard explores the book form, sculpture and installation to question the complexity of the body. Her artistic project is defined by its formal polysemy, inspired by American conceptual art and the renewal of the Arts & Crafts movement.
Thao Nguyen Phan - Voyages de Rhodes
English edition
A palimpsest reconstruction of French Jesuit missionary Alexandre de Rhodes's (1591–1660) Rhodes of Viet Nam: The Travels and Missions of Father Alexandre de Rhodes in China and Other Kingdoms of the Orient, originally published in 1653 (artists' book).
Virginie Barré - Bord de Mer - Des films et leurs objets
French edition
Frac Bretagne
25.00 10.00 €
This monographic catalogue explores the artistic activity of Virginie Barré over the last ten years, focusing on her video works and their poetic themes from childhood to dreams.
Loré Lixenberg - The Singterviews - A real time Opera – Vol. 1 (DVD)
The first volume of the sung interviews by mezzo-soprano Loré Lixenberg (with Phill Niblock, Pauline Oliveros, Trevor Wishart…).
Magda Mayas - SPILL - Stereo (vinyl LP)
Corvo Records
(last copies available!)
Conceived as rendering of a live concept the Berlin based duo of Tony Buck and Magda Mayas have been developing during one year or so, featuring multi-speaker and multi-layered audio, the essence of Stereo sees SPILL performing in the studio, improvising and reacting to previously recorded improvisations and pre-structured, pre-recorded elements.
Georgia Sagri - Georgia Sagri Georgia Sagri and I
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
As her first comprehensive publication, this catalogue surveys the multi-facetted oeuvre of the Greek artist/social activist Georgia Sagri. Across performance, video work, and sculpture, she explores the murky relationships between the artist's body and her body of work, subjectivity and persona, original and reproduction with equal parts humor and severity.
Alexandra Bachzetsis - An Ideal for Living
bilingual edition (English / French)
CCS (Centre culturel suisse Paris)
This artist's book is part of a choreographic project exploring the body/object relationship. It features a photographic series which juxtaposes performers' bodies and objects, creating contradictory associations. The publication also includes two texts by Paul B. Preciado: an essay on the philosophy of movement, and a poem on sexual subjectivity, written with artificial intelligence.
Athena Papadopoulos - A Tittle-Tattle-Tell-A-Tale-Heart (2 vol.)
English edition
Cura. - Cura.books
The first artist book by Athena Papadopoulos conceived as a diary and a novel. The publication is a collection of drawings and thoughts of the artist in the form of a romance, published in two different editions.
Laura Mello - Ringing Still Life (7\
Corvo Records
A 7" double groove cut concept-album (2004-2017), including field recordings and ringtones composed by Laura Mello.
Claude Favre - Crever les toits, etc. - suivi de Déplacements, septembre 2016
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
Claude Favre delivers a poetry made of readings and borrowings, a present poetry, attentive to the movements of men and to those who constrain them.
Charlotte Charbonnel - A07 A17
bilingual edition (English / French)
First monograph.
Klaudia Schifferle - 152 Paperdolls
German edition
Edition Patrick Frey
This publication features a series of 152 paper dolls by artist Klaudia Schifferle, also co-founder of cult punk band Kleenex / Liliput. These collages, created with magazine cutouts collaged on A4 paper, embody a certain vision of modern life, identified by consumerism and commodity fetishism.
Seta Manoukian - Painting in Levitation
bilingual edition (English / Arabic)
Kaph Books
This publication looks back at Manoukian's pictorial work, focusing on the 70s and 80s periods of her practice. It includes an essay by Gregory Buchakjian, a chronology by Aline Manoukian, and an interview with the artist by Kristine Khouri.
Stéphanie Letarte - The Human Strike (CD)
Errant Bodies - Records & DVDs
This recording stems from a collaborative sound experimentation developed as part of a project to create new forms for artistic research within the university. Invited artists, musicians, and researchers produced a series of sound actions focusing on questions of community, creative resistances, sonic agency and the créolité passing between Haiti and Quebec.
Céline Ahond -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Captures - Digressions (interviews)
A conversation with French artist Céline Ahond whose work—from video and objects to performance and collaborative acts—questions the place of the individual, power relations, the territory, and the eventuality of freedom.
Athene Galiciadis - An Acrylic Glass Pyramid and Three Pendulums attached to a Triangle on a Table
English edition
Edition Patrick Frey
Monograph by artist Athene Galiciadis gathering unpublished artworks, specially created for this publication: inspired by Emma Kunz, Swiss artist and healer, whose work draws on geometric abstraction, Galiciadis produced a series of drawings—figures, spirals, patterns and vases—printed on graph paper, accompanied by photographic documentation.
Elizabeth Lebon - The Book of Ghost
English edition
Elizabeth Lebon writes poems, stories and performances, usually with the help of a typewriter. The choice of paper, as well as its format, is centrally important to the conceptualization and experimentation of this artist. This new book-object of concrete poetry plays with the transparency of its leaflets.
Lilian Auzas - Anita
French edition
Hippocampe - Books
Fictionalized biography of Anita Berber, the sulphurous expressionist icon, dancer, actress, and muse.
Kaori Suzuki - Conduit (CD)
Second Editions
Originally conceived for live context employing high volume playback and extended duration, Conduit pushes the parameters of musical composition and perception. Minimal in construction, applying high frequency staccatissimo that gradually turns in on itself, Kaori Suzuki's latest output delivers a striking twenty-six minutes of intoxicating computer music. A remarkable statement.
Andrea Neumann - Refound (10\
A collaboration between Andrea Neumann (composer, inside piano, mixer) and Mads Emil Nielsen (composer, electronics).
Clare Goodwin - Dennis and Denise
English edition
Five writers respond to Clare Goodwin's painting Dennis and Denise (2018), offering narrative foils to Goodwin's visual language. Dennis and Denise is neither described nor explained, but serves as a catalyst for literary experimentation. The texts, in turn, illustrate the painting's wealth of implicit meaning (texts by Tony Grisoni, Rebecca Geldard, Chris Fite-Wassilak, Frances Loeffler, Aoife Rosenmeyer, J. Emil Sennewald).
Chloe Feinberg - Infinite Recognition
no text
Affiliated with Vaporwave—a sub-genre of electric music and art which criticizes and mocks 1990s internet imagery—artist Chloe Feinberg takes a new turn with this series of black & white erotic illustrations.
Perrine Rouillon - Me and the Other Little Someones Would Like to Know Why We\'re Not in the Book – Not to Mention It\'s the First Time I Put My Arms Like This
English edition
Dis Voir - Figures
This charming volume stages a dialogue between an ink-drawn character named Little SomeOne, and her creator, illustrator and writer Perrine Rouillon.
Romy Rüegger - Language is Skin - Scripts for Performances
English edition
Archive Books
The scripts of Romy Rüegger's performances: a constellation of texts, largely written to be spoken. The scripts as they are printed do not document the performances primarily. They are indications of spacial and temporal layering, juxtapositions of aesthetic and poetic elements and bodies. Overlapping every day observations with archival material, confronting, jumping.
Nakako Hayashi - Here and There - Hyacinth Revolution Issue
bilingual edition (English / Japanese)
Here and There
On the occasion of this 13th issue, the Japanese artist asked 46 participating artists to cultivate a hyacinth, and to give an account of this experience through artistic gestures, including paintings, photographs, poetry, haiku, essays, and observation diaries (with Yukinori Maeda, Masanao Hirayama, Benjamin Sommerhalder, Susan Cianciolo…).
Alex Martinis Roe - To Become Two - Propositions for Feminist Collective Practice
English edition
Archive Books
This publication offers a narrative of artist Alex Martinis Roe's research into a genealogy of feminist political practices in Europe and Australia from the seventies until today.
 Silvia Maglioni & Graeme Thomson - Dark Matter Cinema Tarot (box set)
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers
Limited edition box set including a divinatory tarot game designed by filmmakers Silvia Maglioni and Graeme Thomson. The usual cards are replaced by a selection of 78 photograms from the history of cinema (numbered and signed copies).
Teresa Burga - Aleatory Structures
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
This comprehensive monograph on Teresa Burga acknowledges the recent reassessment of the multidisciplinary artist's work as a pioneering voice in Peruvian contemporary art.
Guttu Ane Hjort - Writings, Conversations, Scripts
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
The first survey of text works by artist Ane Hjort Guttu. Written between 2003 and 2018, the texts range from public statements, poetic short prose, film scripts and reflections on the role of the artist to essays on art for children and the link between light and wealth.
Keren Cytter - The Brutal Turtle
English edition
CEC (Centre d'édition contemporaine)
Second in a trilogy of children's books, The Brutal Turtle tells the story of a Turtle wandering in the desert, trying to reach the animal farm. Facing cruel obstacles during his journey, he becomes angry and terrorizes the farm's people once he arrives at the farm. A tale on power's relativity, hate, violence, and on the importance to be nice.
Keren Cytter - The Furious Hamster
English edition
CEC (Centre d'édition contemporaine)
The last in a trilogy of children's books, this publication tells the story of a hamster stuck between the pages of a book. Wishing to escape to discover the animal farm, he will find the help of his own fleas. A story about caring and learning, by artist Keren Cytter.
Josephine Pryde - Lapses in Thinking By the person i Am
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
This catalogue presents documentation and texts from the British artist's first exhibition in the United States, which combines a series of color photographs of hands touching objects with a scale-model freight train and track.
Pauline Julier - Naturalis Historia
French edition
CCS (Centre culturel suisse Paris)
currently out of stock
Naturalis Historia is the result of an ambitious multimedia research on the history of nature. Taking an encyclopedic approach, artist Pauline Julier explores several nature stories appealing to the arts and sciences to create this vast narrative. The 504-page edition includes a rich iconography, original texts as well as interviews with Philippe Descola and Bruno Latour.
Laure Prouvost -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Palais de Tokyo (Paris)
Palais de Tokyo - Monographs (coedition Les presses du réel)
New monograph.
Katja Novitskova - Ringier 2017
English edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
A visual tour de force (artist's book).
Valentina Jager - Eleven Poems
English edition
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
A collection of 11 poems printed on single sheets that can be used as page markers to interrupt whatever else you are reading. Each poem is based on descriptions of natural phenomena, to talk about everyday situations of human social behavior.
Giovanna Silva - 17 April 1975 - A Cambodian Journey
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
This publication by photographer Giovanna Silva and writer Peter Fröeberg Idling retraces the history of Cambodia, creating a fictional and personal story that looks at the country through the eyes of the two authors. Today's Phnom Penh cityscape photographs take on a singular dimension in comparison to the ruins of Khmer temples, with a sense of emptiness and abandonment that resonates with the invasion of Phnom Penh by the Khmer Rouge in 1975.
Matali Crasset - Les capes
no text
Shelter Press - Books
This catalogue presents a series of vases produced by designer Matali Crasset during a residence at the national porcelain manufactory of Sèvres, in France. The publication gathers 3 notebooks, printed on 3 different papers, including Polaroids of vases photographed by Julien Carreyn, drawings by Crasset and miscellaneous documents.
Rebecka Tollens - Bright
no text
United Dead Artists
This publication explores the fascinating world of Franco-Swedish artist Rebecka Tollens: Inspired by her own dreams, these lead pencil drawings conjure a troubled atmosphere intermingling themes of Nordic mysticism, sorority and childhood. The publication highlights a series devoted to the Sami people from the Far North.
Bouchra Khalili - Blackboard
bilingual edition (English / French)
Jeu de Paume - Monographs
Bouchra Khalili's films, video installations, photographs and silkscreen prints suggest civic platforms, from which members of minorities perform their strategies of resistance to arbitrary power. This catalogue dedicated to the French-Moroccan artist spans ten years of creation.
Marina Faust - “It\'s Only You”
bilingual edition (English / French)
Le Consortium - Monographs
Virginie Yassef -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Captures - Digressions (interviews)
A conversation with multidisciplinary artist Virginie Yassef about her work The Veldt, inspired by a play by writer Ray Bradbury. An interview contucted by Julie Pellerin, Mathieu Copeland, and Philippe Quesne.

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