
Victor Vasarely - Volume 1
English edition
Editions du Griffon - Monographs & catalogues
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First volume of the great reference monograph conceived and designed by the artist, offering a glimpse of Vasarely's graphic period.
Victor Vasarely - Volume 1
French edition
Editions du Griffon - Monographs & catalogues
sold out
First volume of the great reference monograph conceived and designed by the artist, offering a glimpse of Vasarely's graphic period.
Nicolas Schöffer -
French edition
Editions du Griffon - Monographs & catalogues
sold out
The legendary reference monograph, with the musical piece Spatiodynamisme by Pierre Henry on a 45RPM vinyl record (available in English edition).
Pierre Denan - Je
bilingual edition (English / French)
M19 - I.S. (Inventaire Supplémentaire)
sold out
Artist's book: a series of procedures to follow, which substitute for all forms of religious and ideological injunction.
Pierre Denan - Dragon Eye
no text
M19 - I.S. (Inventaire Supplémentaire)
sold out
Artist's book: a series of patterns drawn from the library of a vectorial drawing software, homothetically reduced to the dimensions of the book to rectangles of different sizes, laid out over the pages as in an urban map.
Pierre Denan - Hot & arty
no text
M19 - I.S. (Inventaire Supplémentaire)
sold out
Artist's book: compositions with borrowings, alterations, quotations as well as original propositions, functioning on a binary mode.
Pierre Denan - J. Christ
no text
M19 - I.S. (Inventaire Supplémentaire)
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Artist's book: 37 Christs photographed in as many Roman churches.
Pierre Denan - More
no text
M19 - I.S. (Inventaire Supplémentaire)
sold out
Artist's book: a selection of patterns cut out from fashion magazines, details of clothes, accessories, as well as figures, landscapes, words.
Pierre Denan - Poulet Poulet
no text
M19 - I.S. (Inventaire Supplémentaire)
sold out
Artist's book: 37 foodstuffs photographed in high angle shots, lit by electric light.
Pierre Denan - R. Thomas
no text
M19 - I.S. (Inventaire Supplémentaire)
sold out
Artist's book: portrait of a young soldier reproduced exactly on each page of the book.
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
John Cornu -
bilingual edition (English / French)
a panoramic view of John Cornu's practice since 2006, with thirty-eight works accompanied by thirty-eight texts by historians, curators, conservation experts, art critics, and contemporary artists, with as many different approaches and possible readings.
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Second reading
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
A collective work examining fifty years of poetic activity by Bernard Heidsieck (1928-2014), a central figure in sound poetry and performance poetry, a major poet of the second half of the 20th century, along multiple axes.
French edition
Les presses du réel – Music & Sound Arts – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
Writings, manuscripts, bibliography, index.
Bisou Records
The soundtrack to Murnau's Nosferatu composed / improvised / played by the trioof Emmanuelle Parrenin, Quentin Rollet and Jérôme Lorichon. The book accompanying the CD contains four versions of the Nosferatu story by four French artists: Marie-Pierre Brunel, Foolz, Caroline Sury and Alexios Tjoyas.
bilingual edition (English / French)
Maison ONA
Jean-Christophe Thomas analyzes François Bayle's complete work in 52 recurring features.
Sheila Hicks - A Matter of Scale
English edition
JRP|Editions - Hapax
Sheila Hicks' recent monumental and architectural-based projects.

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