Latin America

Cecilia Vicuña - Slow Down Fast, A Toda Raja
English edition
Errant Bodies - Doormats
currently out of stock
In this brilliant intergenerational dialogue curator Camila Marambio and Cecilia Vicuña, one of the most intriguing Indoamerican artists of our times, converse about mestizaje/miscenegation, ecological disaster, eroticism and decolonization in their multilingual, subversive and irreverent humorous slang.
La Danza del Agua (vinyl LP)
An eclectic musical journey through Latin American experimentalism.
Clemente Padín - De la représentation à l\'action
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
The reissue, in a new translation, of one of the most important essays of Latin American poetry from the historical avant-gardes.
Thiago Rocha Pitta - Due albe
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Flash Art - Flash Art Publishing (books)
Artist's book.
Ouvrir l\'album du monde - Photographies 1842-1896
French edition
Kaph Books
The development of photography in its first years of existence: an history of the dissemination of photography as a form of documentation and an instrument of discovering and understanding the world and its people, through a wide selection of historic images taken in the Americas, Africa, the Middle East and Asia, between 1842 and 1896.
An Early Album of the World - Photographs 1842-1896
English edition
Kaph Books
The development of photography in its first years of existence: an history of the dissemination of photography as a form of documentation and an instrument of discovering and understanding the world and its people, through a wide selection of historic images taken in the Americas, Africa, the Middle East and Asia, between 1842 and 1896.
José Vicente Anaya - Híkuri - Pour un art d\'une vitalité sans limite
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
A seminal text of Contemporary Mexican poetry, inspired by the Tarahumara and peyote rituals. Included in appendix is the first manifesto of infra-realism, written by Anaya in 1975.
Amalia Pica - Please Listen Hurry Others Speak Better
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
This catalogue accompanies three solo exhibitions in which two threads in Amelia Pica's practice are brought together: communication between humans and exchange between species. It includes a series of essays on animal rights and the artistic practice of the Argentine artist, as well as documents and an iconographic ensemble.
Francis Alÿs - Knots\'n Dust
bilingual edition (English / Arabic)
currently out of stock
Catalogue of Francis Alÿs' exhibition at Beirut Art Center.
Elena Reygadas - Rosetta
English edition
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
currently out of stock
The first book by Elena Reygadas, Latin America's Best Female Chef, is more than a cookbook.
Lucio Fontana - Ambienti/Environments
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
The reference monograph deepens, for the first time in an exhaustive way, the pioneering installations created by Fontana since the late 1940s.
Augusto de Campos - Celebrity Cafe - Outro / Autre
bilingual edition (French / Portuguese)
Celebrity Cafe
Les presses du réel – Literature – Misceallenous
Special issue dedicated to Brazilian poet Augusto de Campos.
Alfredo Volpi - The Poetics of Colour
trilingual edition (English / French / Portuguese)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Catalogue of the first international retrospective dedicated to Brazilian-Italian painter Alfredo Volpi: a thorough exploration in words and images of the painter's peculiar life and career—from the bounds and relationships with the Brazilian art community, to his special link to the city of São Paulo and his adopted country, leading to the development of his unique artistic language.
Rodrigo Ortiz Monasterio - Não de China
bilingual edition (English / Spanish)
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
This publication is the result of a collaboration between artist Jorge Méndez Blake, curator Rodrigo Ortiz Monasterio and graphic designer Santiago da Silva. Gathered around a shared interest for Mexican poet José Juan Tablada, the three authors attempt to offer contemporary interpretations of the seminal themes in his work (orientalism, relation betwenn literature and architecture…).
 Rometti Costales - Little animals, ash trays
bilingual edition (English / Spanish)
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
This catalogue presents an overview of the duo's projects in the last years, unfolding a personal universe bringing forward nature as a space for political expression. It is structured through a conversation between the artists and Juan Canela, including diverse graphic material and several specific extrapolations written by critics and curators.
Gabriel Sierra - Before Present
English edition
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
This series of four short volumes documents an experimental project by the Colombian artist focusing on the psychological dimension of architecture based on the feeling of déjà-vu.
Jesús León - Vida
bilingual edition (English / Spanish)
Edition Patrick Frey
José de Jesús “Chucho” León Hernández is a part of Mexico City's nightlife. For over twenty years he has been photographing the city's vibrant music scene, the carryings-on at underground venues and gay clubs, the newcomers and leavers, rising stars and departing legends.
A Universal History of Infamy
English edition
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
This catalogue questions the place of U.S. Latino and Latin American art in U.S. museums and art history. It engages a series of artists working across a range of media—from installation and performance to drawing and video.
Cécile Fromont - L\'Art de la conversion - Culture visuelle chrétienne dans le royaume du Kongo
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
An an extensive analysis of the advent of Christian visual culture in the Kingdom of Kongo and its and development across four centuries.
Mario de Vega - Smells Like Teen Spirit (CD)
Tochnit Aleph
14.00 10.00 €
Recording of a sound performance executed in October 2016 in the exhibition space of Berlin record store Rumpsti Pumsti. Using sanding machines and a hammer, the Mexican artist destroyed one copy of each publication ever released by Tochnit Aleph label. Without an audience present, the action was documented with two dynamic microphones.
Laura Mello - Ringing Still Life (7\
Corvo Records
A 7" double groove cut concept-album (2004-2017), including field recordings and ringtones composed by Laura Mello.
Alejandro Cesarco - Learning the Language (Present Continuous I)
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
Jeu de Paume - Monographs
14.00 3.00 €
This catalogue stems from the artist's eponymous video project dedicated to Argentine pianist Margarita Fernández. The publication reproduces two texts from seminars given by Fernández, in which she gives an analysis of the filmic and musical writing taking the example of Robert Bresson's use of Franz Schubert's Sonata in A major.
Teresa Burga - Aleatory Structures
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
This comprehensive monograph on Teresa Burga acknowledges the recent reassessment of the multidisciplinary artist's work as a pioneering voice in Peruvian contemporary art.
L.A. collects L.A. - Latin America in Southern California Collections
English edition
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
A panorama of Latin American art collections in Southern California.
Sebastián Diáz Morales - Mise en Abyme
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
Sebastián Diáz Morales films and videos show that reality is nothing more than a figment of the imagination. Every figure and every narrative in them is a metaphor for the boundary between reality and fiction. This catalogue documents three recents video works by the Argentinian artist.
Valentina Jager - Eleven Poems
English edition
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
A collection of 11 poems printed on single sheets that can be used as page markers to interrupt whatever else you are reading. Each poem is based on descriptions of natural phenomena, to talk about everyday situations of human social behavior.
Naufus Ramírez-Figueroa - Requíem for Mirrors and Tigers
English edition
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
This publication catalogues the trajectory of a cycle of performances of the same name, through which the artist attempted to exhaust his interest in the Guatemalan Civil War as a recurring subject of his work. It documents the six performances in the cycle via foldout colour posters of each work, and an essay by Frédérique Bergholtz and Susan Gibb.
Mike Wilson - Rockabilly
English edition
Diaphanes - Forward Fiction
After a meteorite crashes into his yard, the daily life of Rockabilly and of his neighbors takes a strange turn… Mike Wilson's third novel combines social criticism and science fiction, depicting the dark corners of American suburbs at night.
 Nicolas Floc\'h - Le grand troc / El gran trueque / A grande troca
bilingual edition (English / French)
An artistic, political and collective project by Nicolas Floc'h, based on a principle of participation and co-realization, which points, at different levels, to the multiple relationships between social groups and public institutions that structure and frame them, while also questioning the symbolic or economic value of an artwork.
Ana Navas - I had to think of you
bilingual edition (English / German)
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
The catalogue published on the occasion of Navas' first institutional exhibition continues her research on art and design, which deals with phenomena such as memory, translation, interpretation and authorship and documents a wide exchange of images and ideas. A collection of photographs the artist received from friends and acquaintances provides an insight into how her work is influenced and understood by others under the motto “I had to think of you”.
The Lulennial II - A Low-Hanging Fruit
bilingual edition (English / Spanish)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Catalogue of the second edition of Lulennial, a biennial organized in the small space of gallery Lulu, in Mexico City. The twenty-two artists invited by curators Chris Sharp and Andrew Berardini met around one subject matter: fruit.
Hercule Florence - Le Nouveau Robinson
English edition
Humboldt Books - Globetrotter
Through a series of scientific contributions and archives, this publication recounts the extraordinary character that was Hercule Florence—an explorer, an inventor and an artist, considered one of the inventors of photography.
Guillermo Kuitca - Collected Drawings - 1971-2017
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
This extensive volume spans the drawings of Argentinian artist Guillermo Kuitca from 1971 to 2017. Gathering together for the first time more than 650 works on paper selected from a body of more than 3,000 produced over the course of 40 years, the book lies somewhere between a catalogue raisonné and an artist's book.
Sigismond de Vajay - Unreachable Empires
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
Conceived by Sigismond de Vajay, this artist's book combines 70 of his drawings with commissioned essays by Mexican novelist Mario Bellatín, French biologist and glaciology researcher Bruno Jourdain, and geography and biotechnology expert Elizabeth R. Johnson. Together, thanks to their intertwined dialogue around reality, fiction, science, knowledge, and the power of artistic approaches, they express a subjective vision of our changing times.
Tomás Saraceno - Arachnid Orchestra - Jam Sessions (+ CD)
English edition
(last copies available!)
This catalogue is conceived as a continuation and circulation of Saraceno's eponymous sound project: The artist uses spider webs as musical instruments embodying the incredible structural properties of the spider's silk, but also the spider's sophisticated mode of communication through vibrations. Saraceno recorded jam sessions between arachnids and musicians, included in this publication, as well as documentation, essays, and a manifesto.
Eduardo Kac - Télescope intérieur - Une œuvre spatiale d\'Eduardo Kac (DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French)
a.p.r.e.s editions - Documents & Video Works (DVD)
In February 2016, French astronaut Thomas Pesquet produced aboard the ISS an artwork by Eduardo Kac, entitled Inner Telescope. This film documents the conception and the realization of the very first artistic performance in Space.
Dora García - Segunda Vez - How Masotta Was Repeated – A research Project led by Dora García
English edition
This publication documents a research made by Dora García for a video project on Oscar Masotta, pioneer of Lacanian psychoanalysis in Latin America and influential art critic. It features a selection of Masotta's writings as well as contextual essays on his work.
Carlos Bernal Barrera - Aucune mesure n\'est exacte
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
Lendroit éditions
Carlos Bernal Ferrara illustrates the fluctuations induced by the printing of a PDF file by printing a square repeatedly until a grid is obtained. From the immaterial plane image to the printed tangible notebook, the physical factors related to the printer or the paper moved the lines. Through this gesture of repetition, the artist demonstrates that we will always obtained a different result even if the file is the same.
Beatriz González - 1965-2017
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
currently out of stock
Catalogue celebrating the first European retrospective of the artist and pedagogue Beatriz González: the publication explores 50 years of plural and polymorphic work, inspired by the historical and cultural realities of Colombia. It features a rich selection of images and a critical apparatus which explores the artist's career while revealing the contemporaneity of her work.
Susana Sulic - Vitesse Photon Target
French edition
Supernova - Poetry and storytelling
Vitesse Photon Target is a long-running poem combining typographic and syntactic experiments with the theme of space research.
Julio Le Parc - Bifurcations
bilingual edition (English / French)
Published in conjunction with the eponymous exhibition at the Galerie Perrotin in Paris, this monograph features historical works by Julio Le Parc, as well as his most recent paintings, showing an undeniable interest in the study of light and movement. The publication also contains a text by Hans Ulrich Obrist, an interview by Jerôme Sans and a chronology written by the artist.
León Ferrari - The Words of Others - León Ferrari and Rhetoric in Times of War
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
This publication provides a wide-ranging survey of the Argentinian artist's literary collages—produced from 1965 to 2013—which use appropriated texts, representing a kind of experimental writing at the intersection of visual arts, performance, theater, literature, and activism.
Israel Martínez - Resounding Roar
English edition
Errant Bodies - Doormats
A polyphonic work of creative resistance, this publication by sound and visual artist Israel Martínez reflects on the present state of Mexico and its regime of narco-politics through artistic works, interviews, notes, images, and collaborations with fellow writers, curators, activists and artists.
Michael Taussig - Becoming Palm
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
currently out of stock
Becoming Palm is the outcome of a conversation between two friends, artist Simryn Gill and anthropologist Michael Taussig, addressing the complexities of palm oil and “the enormous transformations, human, and ecological, that this crop engenders” (Taussig) in two disparate geographical locations, Southeast Asia and South America.
 The Yanomami - Ancient Lights And The Black Core (vinyl LP)
Sub Rosa
Ancient Light and the Blackcore was originally published in 1995 as part of Sub Rosa's “Utopian Diaries” series. It gathers 5 tracks of hallucinatory music and extraordinary recordings of shamanic ceremony from the Yanomami communauty. Includes the text Subworld by David Toop. First vinyl issue.
 Ernesto Neto and the Huni Kuin - Aru Kuxipa - Sacred Secret
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
This collaborative journey between Brazilian artist Ernesto Neto and members from the Huni Kuin indigenous communities brings to the fore the concept of “ancestral futures” and extends the concerns that have been evident in Neto's oeuvre over the past 20 years: a celebration of the sensuality of being, the unity of bodies and nature, and a longing for spiritual vision.
Mario García Torres - An Arrival Tale
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
Mexican conceptual artist Mario García Torres examines the space of arrival as a complicated and disjointed nexus between departure, displacement, and return, in a series of works that reflect on the European migrant crisis.

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