vidéo (DVD, CD/DVD-ROM)
Ange Leccia - Logical Song (DVD)
French version with English subtitles
a.p.r.e.s editions - Documents & Video Works (DVD)
A film by Gilles Coudert that takes a close look at Ange Leccia's work, interweaving the exploration of Leccia's exhibition “Logical Song” (2013) at the MAC/VAL – Val-de-Marne Contemporary Art Museum with perspectives from a series of interviews (with 3 films by the artist).
Daniel Buren - Travaux in situ & situés - Istres (book / DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French), film in French version with English subtitles
a.p.r.e.s editions - Books-DVDs
The design, construction and reception of all interventions by Daniel Buren in the public space of the city of Istres in 2013.
« L\'Homme approximatif » (+ DVD)
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
20.00 10.00 €
Collection of poems bringing together French authors on the fringes of literary trends, past and present. Under the supervision of François Dominique and Bruno Lemoine. This edition includes a DVD of video-poems by Isabelle Filleul de Brohy.
Soun-Gui Kim - Art, or Listen to the silence - Soun-Gui Kim in Conversation with Jacques Derrida, Jean-Luc Nancy and John Cage (DVD)
trilingual edition (English / French / Korean)
Soun-Gui Kim engages her collaborators—philosophers Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc Nancy, and John Cage—in conversation about contemporary art and the relationship of artists to the globalized art world and market, from the perspective of Eastern thought.
Richard Hamilton - Richard Hamilton in the reflection of Marcel Duchamp (DVD)
English edition (French / Spanish subtitles)
a.p.r.e.s editions - Books-DVDs
A film by Pascal Goblot that explores an exceptional relationship between two influential figures of contemporary art.
Guy de Cointet - Who\'s that guy? - Tell me more  about Guy de Cointet (DVD)
original version, bilingual susbtitles (English / French)
A film, a portrait of Guy de Cointet (1934-1983), a French-born artist based in California who created text and sculptural works, often combining them as props and stage sets in theatrical performance pieces (interviews with John Baldessari, Larry Bell, Morgan Fisher, Paul McCarthy, Christophe Bourseiller, etc.).
Jef Cornelis - 13th Biennale de Paris 1985 (DVD)
original version, subtitles in English and French
JRP|Editions - Bureau des Videos (DVD)
The fourth title in the “Archives” series, which is dedicated to landmark exhibitions and curatorial practices, and provides sources and moving images to the growing field of research of curatorial studies and exhibition history.
Tadashi Kawamata - Scheiterturm (book/ DVD)
bilingual edition (German / French), German / French subtitles
a.p.r.e.s editions - Books-DVDs
The collaborative construction process of the “wood log tower” designed by Tadashi Kawamata in Ittingen Charterhouse, a former Carthusian monastery in Switzerland, developed with the architect Christopher Scheidegger.
Tadashi Kawamata - Workshop + Collective Folie +  Scheiterturm (box set 3 books / DVDs)
a.p.r.e.s editions - Books-DVDs
54.00 45.00 €
Box set bringing together three books / DVDs devoted to Tadashi Kawamata's wood constructions: Scheiterturm (2014), Collective Folie (2014), and Workshop (2008).
Valérie Jouve - Repérages - Un film collectif sur une proposition de Valérie Jouve (+ DVD)
French edition
Le Plateau / Frac Île-de-France
A collective project initiated by Valérie Jouve.
Michel Giroud - Le Musée des Muses Amusées (MMAM) Imperium Asinum Magnificum (IAM) selon la Poésie Totalement Totale (PTT) (+ CD / DVD)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Construction
A real, potential and fictitious museum by Michel Giroud.
Florence Reymond - La montagne cent fois recommencée (+ DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French)
Immédiats / Analogues - Monographs
31.00 15.50 €
First monograph.
Trankat Episode #1 (book / DVD)
bilingual edition (French / Arabic), film in French version
a.p.r.e.s editions - Books-DVDs
A book / DVD on the artist residency in Tetouan in Morocco, with works by Fouad Bouchoucha, Jordi Colomer, Moussa Sarr, Simohammed Fettaka, Mohssin Harraki, Youssef El Yedidi, and Kader Attia.
Tadashi Kawamata - Collective Folie (book/ DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French), English / French subtitles
a.p.r.e.s editions - Books-DVDs
The collaborative construction and deconstruction process of the tower designed by Tadashi Kawamata for the Parc de la Villette in Paris.
Louis Ucciani - L\'index fouriériste
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
Digital version of the Fourierist conceptual index: a tool allowing a completely new reading of Charles Fourier's complete writings based on current possibilities of science and technology applied to texts, through a dedicated software interface for content analysis.
Louis Ucciani - L\'index fouriériste (+ CD-rom)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
The Fourierist conceptual index: a tool allowing a completely new reading of Charles Fourier's complete writings based on current possibilities of science and technology applied to texts, through a dedicated software interface for content analysis (CD-rom included).
Faire art comme on fait société - Les Nouveaux commanditaires (+ 2 DVD)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
A multidisciplinary reflection on a new type of engagement of art in democracy, renewing relationships between creation, culture and society: 47 contributions by international thinkers and actors of the art world (with 9 movies on DVD).
Ericka Beckman - Super-8 Trilogy (DVD)
JRP|Editions - Bureau des Videos (DVD)
Ericka Beckman's Super-8 Piaget trilogy: We Imitate; We Break Up (1978); The Broken Rule (1979); and Out of Hand (1980).
Jef Cornelis - Summer of 1966 - 33a Biennale di Venezia & 2e Salon des galeries-pilotes de Lausanne (DVD)
original version, subtitles in English and French
JRP|Editions - Bureau des Videos (DVD)
A summer of art.
Robert Breer - ATOZ (DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French)
Frac Franche-Comté - Alphabet series
An animated film by Robert Breer.
Jean-Luc Godard - Numéro Trois - Variations sur Numéro Deux de Jean-Luc Godard (book / DVD box set)
bilingual edition (English / French), original version, English / French subtitles
a.p.r.e.s editions - Variations on...
A series of texts that serve as literary variations on Jean-Luc Godard's Numéro deux / a film on DVD which can be described as upending the ideas propounded in Godard's film, featuring artists' works as part of a mise en abyme and dialogue.
Peeping Tom\'s Digest - Beirut (+ DVD)
English edition
Peeping Tom's Digest
Peeping Tom - Peeping Tom's Digest
A mapping of the young Lebanese art scene (DVD included).
Thomas Hirschhorn - Early Video Works - 1995-1997 (DVD)
JRP|Editions - Bureau des Videos (DVD)
An anthology of seminal videos by Thomas Hirschhorn.
Phill Niblock - Working Title (+ DVDs)
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Music & Sound Arts – Ohcetecho (sound arts)
Frac Franche-Comté - Monographs & catalogues
An overview of American minimalist composer, filmmaker and video artist Phill Niblock's work since the 60's, through about twenty essays and interviews by musicologists, art critics and historians, various documents, scores, and more than 8 hours of videos on DVDs.
MMM-Box - Aventures & archives (2003-2013)
(last copies available!)
45.00 15.00 €
9 discs (CD, DVD, Blu-Ray) directed by Ecole Média Art Fructidor.
Fabrice Hyber - Sans gêne (book / DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French) / DVD in French version (English subtitles)
a.p.r.e.s editions - Books-DVDs
The story of the process of Fabrice Hyber's artwork for the Institut Pasteur.
Fujiko Nakaya - Fog (+ 2 DVD)
trilingual edition (English / French / Japanese)
First comprehensive monograph dedicated to the Japanese artist's fog sculptures: a luxurious box set gathering an annotated catalogue of Nakaya's Fog Works created for public spaces all over the world (as well as her video works and paintings), a video DVD and an interactive DVD-ROM.
Sabine Prokhoris - Le fil d\'Ulysse - Retour sur Maguy Marin (+ CD / DVD)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Dance & Performing Arts –
An insight into the work of French dancer and choreographer Maguy Marin, with a film on DVD and an audio CD.
 Kimsooja - Works & Process (DVD)
original version (English / Spanish / French), subtitles in English and French
a.p.r.e.s editions - Works & Process (DVD)
25.00 20.00 €
Various documentary approaches of Kimsooja's work (8 films).
Jef Cornelis - Documenta 4 (DVD)
original version, subtitles in English and French
JRP|Editions - Bureau des Videos (DVD)
Documenta 4 in film.
Jef Cornelis - Documenta 5 (DVD)
original version, subtitles in English and French
JRP|Editions - Bureau des Videos (DVD)
Documenta 5 in film.
Robert Milin - Un espace de l\'art ? (DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French) / DVD in French version (English subtitles)
a.p.r.e.s editions - Books-DVDs
A film by Robert Milin to question the conditions and implications of “art in the suburbs.” (with Sylvie Blocher, Thomas Hirschhorn, Didier Marcel, Guy Tortosa...).
Frédéric Acquaviva - Aatie (opéra-monde) (CD / DVD)
A piece for mezzo-soprano, voices, instrumental ensemble, electronics and videos (with a DVD, with no sound, to synchronise, or not, with the CD).
 Fabrikdelabeslot - Concerto pour autotypo, conques et bulles - duo (book / DVD)
French edition
Al Dante - Contemporary Art
(last copies available!)
21.00 9.00 €
A book/DVD featuring a performance by Fabrikdelabeslot and Julien Blaine on a text by the latter (Je parle à la machine) in the printing workshops of the École Supérieure d'Art et Design Grenoble-Valence.
Ingo Niermann - The Future of Art - A Manual (+ DVD)
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
In 1831 Honoré de Balzac wrote a short story, “The Unknown Masterpiece,” in which he invented the abstract painting. Almost 200 years later, writer Ingo Niermann tries to follow in his footsteps to imagine a new epoch-making artwork. Together with the artist Erik Niedling he starts searching for the future of art and, seeking advice, meets key figures of the art world.
Antje Majewski - The World of Gimel - How to Make Objects Talk (+ DVD)
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
A utopian and subversive take on how to make objects talk.
Jean Olivier Hucleux - Works & Process (DVD)
French edition (English subtitles)
a.p.r.e.s editions - Works & Process (DVD)
25.00 20.00 €
Three films about Hucleux.
Miguel Chevalier - Seconde Nature (livre / DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French) / DVD in French version (English subtitles)
a.p.r.e.s editions - Books-DVDs
The design, actual production, and issues of a hybrid piece of public art mixing virtual and real worlds, conceived by artist Miguel Chevalier and architect-designer Charles Bové.
Anton Vidokle - New York Conversations (DVD)
English edition
Sternberg Press - Audio / video
A text film documenting three days of public conversations between artists, critics, curators, and a free floating public.
Betty Bui - Documents & Video Works (DVD)
French edition
a.p.r.e.s editions - Documents & Video Works (DVD)
Sixteen exhibitions and four video works by the artist, in an original handmade screen-printed cardboard box.
Lygia Clark - Archive pour une œuvre-événement - Projet d\'activation de la mémoire corporelle  d\'une trajectoire artistique et son contexte (10 DVDs box set)
French subtitles
65.00 35.00 €
Box set of 10 DVDs featuring 20 interviews conducted and produced by Suely Rolnik on experimental practices that Lygia Clark (1920-1988) developed from 1962.

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