Sternberg Press
The Solution Series is a steadily growing collection of proposals related to nation-specific issues as well as contemporary borderless crises. Edited by writer
Ingo Niermann, the series invites original and compact ideas from writers, artists, and designers familiar with the issues at hand. These solutions—which take the form of speculative essays, fiction, artistic interventions, design, or a combination thereof—are as imaginative as they are provocative, as unexpected as they are uncannily familiar.
English edition
Sternberg Press
A series of propositions and encounters in service to an aesthetic, critical, and poetic experience of living life led by death.
English edition
Sternberg Press
Against globalization's noxious exploitation of maritime resources,
Ingo Nierman provides new practical, technological, and metaphysical
scenarios to renew the relationship between men and the sea.
English edition
Sternberg Press
Transdisciplinary collection of essays and stories providing new propositions for the concepts associated with communism in relation to a variety of contemporary issues. Contributions are drawn from the project “The Kids Want Communism”—a clandestine public series of events marking the century of the Bolshevik Revolution.
English edition
Sternberg Press
Set during the 2011 Occupy movement, the tell of a love revolution started by an army of activists willing to bring justice and equality for all on an intimate level.
English edition
Sternberg Press
A political and artistic performance manual revolving around the double agent figure
English edition
Sternberg Press
Having furnished solutions for Germany and Dubai, Ingo Niermann takes a new look at what nationhood can mean and accomplish today, finding inspiration, of all places, in North Korea.
English edition
Sternberg Press
The tenth volume in the Solution series edited by Ingo Niermann: a speculative novel that accompanies “Friday in Venice,” a transmedia storytelling project about a possible Europe.
English edition
Sternberg Press
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The biopolitical and psychosexual topic of love.
English edition
Sternberg Press
15.00 7.11 €
Eight and a half solutions for the Nordic country.
English edition
Sternberg Press
An anthology of texts proposing a doable solution for the region.
English edition
Sternberg Press
Using Dubai as a sort of modernist blank slate for urban and social renewal, Ingo Niermann confronts today's most relevant cultural and technological developments with analytical elixirs that are as pertinent as they are unbelievable.
English edition
Sternberg Press
15.00 7.50 €
A compilation of highly entertaining “solutions,” where the objective is not the education of America so much as the pleasure of a text that purports to be just that.
English edition
Sternberg Press
Ingo Niermann devises in this book ten provokingly simple ideas which would see Germany work it out after all, including a new grammar, a new political party, assigning allotment gardens to unemployed people and retirees, and the Great Pyramid, the tallest building of the world which would serve as a democratic tomb for millions of people.
English edition
Sternberg Press
19.00 7.50 €
The first in the Solution series where authors are asked to develop an abundance of compact and original ideas for other countries and regions.
English edition
Sternberg Press
sold out
The rehabilitation of the idea of the “far.”
English edition
Sternberg Press
sold out
At a time when functional independence seems to be a real possibility for Scotland—and yet no one is quite sure what that means—a delirium of visions, realistic and absurd, is necessary.