
A selection of publications by the Mucem (Museum of the Civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean in Marseille), accompanying the museum's permanent and temporary exhibitions and cultural programming.
6 titles
Yvon Lambert au Mucem - Une pièce en cinq actes
French edition
A poetic conversation, in five acts, between Yvon Lambert (Paris), Marie-Charlotte Calafat (director of the Mucem collections), Stéphane Ibars (artistic director of the Lambert collection), and numerous artists, accompanies the exhibition, which brings together works from the Yvon Lambert collection and Mucem folk art objects.
Pedro Cabrita Reis - Forêts
bilingual edition (English / French)
currently out of stock
Comprehensive documentation of the Portuguese artist's sculptural "Forests", including two interviews.
Persona - Works by Romanian artists
bilingual edition (English / French)
currently out of stock
Persona – Works by Romanian artists questions notions of identity and identification through traditional Romanian motifs, such as the mask. Eight contemporary artists explore how folklore is intrinsically linked to modernity.
Alexandre Périgot - Mon nom est personne
French edition
Catalogue / artist's book gathering 137 anonymous works from the 16th century to nowadays coming from the collections of the MUCEM – The Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations in Marseille.
Palestine - Territoire, mémoire, projections
French edition
currently out of stock
A collection of texts from a series of screenings, lectures, exhibitions and meetings on Palestine organized by the Mucem, Marseille, in 2017.
Albanie, 1207 km est
bilingual edition (English / French)
currently out of stock
A panorama of Albania's contemporary art scene.

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