
The International Research Centre for Glass and Visual Arts (Cirva, Centre international de recherche sur le verre et les arts plastiques) places the creative act at the heart of its mission. The art center has occupied a unique place within the international scene since 1983 and invites artists and designers to work with a specific material—glass—in an atmosphere of complete freedom. At the Cirva's studio, they are met by a team of experienced glassmakers, and a dialogue begins. This exchange unfolds over the course of time, a valuable resource that the Cirva nurtures by taking care not to predetermine the exact length of each residency. It is instrumental in allowing the artists to undertake bold experiments during which unlimited avenues of thought encounter a material with a complex and unpredictable reputation.

Cahiers du Cirva is a series of publications documenting the research carried out within the Cirva. Designed in close collaboration with the artist, each Cahier is a space for creation, in line with the project developed in the studio.
5 titles
Estrid Lutz - Cahier du Cirva
bilingual edition (English / French)
Three years of research into glass by the Mexico-based French artist.
Mathilde Rosier - Champ de visions
French edition
A little book-object that offers a perspective the installation by French artist Mathilde Rosier at the invitation of the Mucem: glass "seed-eyes" sown on the façade and in interior spaces of the Centre de Conservation et de Ressources (Marseille).
Tamar Hirschfeld - Cahier du Cirva
bilingual edition (English / French)
An artist's book dedicated to the "bestiary of objects" designed by Israeli-born artist Tamar Hirschfeld during a two-year residency at the Cirva (International Glass and Visual Arts Research Centre) in Marseille, rooted in the culinary imagination of everyday life in France and Provence.
Grégory Granados - Cahier du Cirva
bilingual edition (English / French)
French designer Gregory Granados imagines the ideal shape of a vase/flower pot for a dancing plant. His discreet and subtle research questions the connection between the shaping of a given material and the sound it emits, investigating the acoustic properties of glass.
Souffles - Cahier du Cirva
bilingual edition (English / French)
The new wave of French and international design: an account of research on the glass vase conducted at the International Research Center for Glass and Plastic Arts, showcasing the work of the ten designers who were awarded the grand prize in the Design Parade Hyères competition, organized each year by the Villa Noailles.

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