
Brook is a publishing house based in Paris and an itinerant screening programme. Brook is an independent publisher specialising in hybrid forms of contemporary writing, poetry, essays, fiction, critique and theory. Founded in 2018 by Rosanna Puyol Boralevi and Jessica Bambal Akan, Brook focuses on translating into French texts engaged in and nourished by feminism and antiracism, postcolonial and queer studies. Brook was initiated as an evolving video programme designed to promote artists' video work, moving image, sound or text based practices, brought to life by curators Róisín McQueirns and Rosanna Puyol Boralevi, the artists showing their work and the spaces hosting us.
9 titles
Jill Johnston - JJ - Tartine-moi et autres textes
French edition
JJ brings together articles by cultural critic, auto/biographer, and lesbian icon Jill Johnston (1929-2010), translated into French for the first time, as well as texts, poems and drawings by Pauline L. Boulba, Aminata Labor, Nina Kennel and Rosanna Puyol.
Cecilia Pavón - Bonbons à l\'anis
French edition
The first collection of texts published in French by the Argentinian artist and poet.
Saidiya Hartman - À perte de mère - Sur les routes atlantiques de l\'esclavage
French edition
Saidiya Hartman traces the history of the Atlantic slave trade by recounting a journey she took along a slave route in Ghana. Following the trail of captives from the hinterland to the Atlantic coast, she reckons with the blank slate of her own genealogy and vividly dramatizes the effects of slavery on three centuries of African and African American history.
Collectif Brasa - Textes à lire à voix haute
French edition
A collection of texts by fifteen contemporary Brazilian authors who approach the notions of care and privilege from a transfeminist, anti-racist and decolonial critical perspective.
Fred Moten - Les sous-communs - Planification fugitive et étude noire
French edition
A political and aesthetic critique of racial capitalism and modes of social experimentation in the form of resistance to the colonial commons.
José Esteban Muñoz - Cruiser l\'utopie - L\'après et ailleurs de l\'advenir queer
French edition
First French translation of José Esteban Muñoz's field defining work—an intellectual inspiration for a generation of LGBTQ scholars.
Shulamith Firestone - Zones mortes
French edition
First French translation of Shulamith Firestone's first novel.
Laura Mulvey - Fétichisme et curiosité
French edition
French edition of Laura Mulvey's writings which range from analyses of Xala, Citizen Kane and Blue Velvet, to an extended engagement with the creations of Native American artist Jimmie Durham and the feminist photographer Cindy Sherman.
French edition
The first collection by award-winning performance artist/poet Justin Chin.

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