
Nero is a publishing house specialized in the production of artist's books, editions, and catalogues commissioned by museums, foundations and private collections. Based in Rome, Nero also works in curating, art direction and consulting for cultural projects and contemporary art.
Wolfgang Scheppe - Taxonomy of The Barricade - Image Acts of Political Authority in Paris, May 1968
English edition
An iconographic taxonomy—researched, conceived, and ideated by Wolfgang Scheppe, also author of the book's final essay—that traces the state and police visual control through almost 500 images from the May 1968 police archives in Paris.
The Missing Planet - Visions and re-visions of Soviet Times
English edition
The history of Soviet and post-Soviet art from 1970 to the present through the essays of thirty authors and the works of more than fifty artists.
Shifting Views on Italian Art
English edition
A critical analysis of the format of the curatorial residency as a research model.
Julien Carreyn - Le Moulin des Ribes
English edition
A bucolic pictorial / photographic project by Julien Carreyn around a French watermill.
Simone Forti - News Animations
English edition
A reference book containing all the transcripts of Simone Forti's News Animations.
Angelo Plessas - Experimental Education Protocol III
English edition
The report of the third edition of The Experimental Education Protocol, an alternative educational model imagined by the artist Angelo Plessas, organized in the form of a sailboat cruise in the Aegean Sea.
Marialba Russo - Public Sex
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Marialba Russo's collection of photographs of Italian porno film posters from the 1970s, questioning both the view of the original images and their later exhibition.
Chiara Fumai - Poems I Will Never Release, 2007-2017
English edition
First retrospective monograph: an essential resource for any in-depth critical study of Chiara Fumai's work and thought, including a first systematic analysis of her oeuvre.
Liu Xiaodong - New England
bilingual edition (English / Chinese)
The volume New England brings together a series of portraits by Liu Xiaodong of homonymous subjects. The project represents the artist's search to portray a generation of young Chinese professionals who have moved to London to try and follow their dreams.
Protext! (2 volumes)
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
The possible role of weaving as a transgressive practice, as a weapon of protest and sabotage.
Micol Assaël - Λ (Lambda)
English edition
Λ (Lambda) is an artist book by Micol Assaël which collects a series of 72 drawings made by the artist starting in 2011 as a reflection on light.
Rä di Martino - Afterall (A Space Mambo)
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Publication based on the eponymous futuristic / dystopian project of the Italian artist and film-maker.
Sara Enrico - The Jumpsuit Theme
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
The series of works developed by Sara Enrico around the concept of the textile jumpsuit.
Insufficient Armour
English edition
A body of essays and visual contributions by radical theorists around the prosthesis and the "augmented body" issues.
Soggetto nomade
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Female identity through the images of five Italian women photographers, 1965-1985: a reflection on identity and its representation in recent history.
Riccardo Benassi - Morestalgia
English edition
Monograph / artist's book.
Boris Rebetez - Common Tales
bilingual edition (English / German)
Retrospective monograph.
Marcin Rusak - Encoded Symbols
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
This book is dedicated to the work of Marcin Rusak, as part of a series of monographs on the thought and work of young contemporary designers.
Roberto Sironi - Encoded Symbols
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
This book is dedicated to the work of Roberto Sironi, as part of a series of monographs on the thought and work of young contemporary designers. The activity of the Italian designer unfolds through highly symbolic projects, based on his personal interest in anthropology and ethnology.
 Am Nuden Da - Let\'s Not Dispute The Useless. …
English edition
The content of this book is the result of a series of solo exhibitions; staged outside of any gallery space, visually undocumented, and taking place without visitors.
Claire Scanlon - “ ”
English edition
Around 1999, artist Becky Beasley began writing to her former tutor, Claire Scanlon, who kept her letters but never replied. Years later, in 2016, the two began to intermittently record their conversations, now as friends.
Adam Gibbons - “ ”
English edition
A conversation about Ergonomic Futures, Tyler Coburn's furniture for humans to come.
 Canedicoda - Adagio con buccia
English edition
Artist designer Canedicoda built a a temporary tailor's atelier, where clothes were build directly onto the visitors' bodies. Conceived halfway between a journal and an inventory, this publication documents each phase of the project, collects pictures of the 100 actual garments, as well as participants' feedbacks.
Danilo Correale - They Will Say I Killed Them
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Publication accompanying the eponymous film by Danilo Correale, They Will Say I Killed Them is an investigation on Italian film projects that were aborted due to censorship, from the 1950s to the 80s.
Alessandro Cicoria - Cicoria - A Brief Account of Alessandro Cicoria\'s Life and Work
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Cicoria is a visual essay conceived as a stream of images of the Alessandro Cicoria's past and current artworks, put together with apparently no visual coherence by Cicoria himself. A dialogue between the artist and curator Luca Lo Pinto is the map to understand the peculiar attitude behind his work and vision.
Nico Vascellari - Codalunga
English edition
Opened to the public since 2005, Codalunga is a section of Nico Vascellari's studio in Vittorio Veneto devoted to experiments in visual and sound art. This publication documents a project which has been going on for a decade now, gathering artists from all around the world.
Marian Kaiser - “ ”
English edition
An interview with artist James Hoff by theorist writer Marian Kaiser, focusing on Hoff's publishing practice and reflections on books.
 GCC - “ ” - Internal Affairs – 2013-2018
English edition
A collection of selected images and conversations from the artist collective GCC's five-year WhatsApp archive.
 Badlands Unlimited - “ ” - Act 1
English edition
Set behind the scenes of Badlands Unlimited, an artist-run, New York-based publishing company, this three- act play follows the characters as they launch an erotic novella, deal with internal conflicts, and imagine the promise and threat of technology between the pages and in our lives. Badlands Unlimited is a comedy of errors that morphs into a deeper meditation on art and mortality.
Alessandro Piangiamore -
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
The first overview on the work of Italian artist Alessandro Piangiamore, with commissioned texts, a comprehensive portfolio of artworks, and the artist's visual references. All the repertoire of Piangiamore speaks of his need to conceive form as something that's open and mutual, and sculptures as objects capable of revealing an absence, a negative trace of that constant passage of state.
Angelo Plessas - The Eternal Internet Brotherhood/Sisterhood
English edition
A survey of the eponymous project, which materialized between 2012 and 2017 in different remote places around the world—an annual gathering initiated by artist Angelo Plessas for a community of cultural practitioners concerned with our post-technological life.
What is going to happen is not the future, but what we are going to do
bilingual edition (English / Spanish)
This publication stems from the 2018 edition of ARCO – Madrid international contemporary art fair. Taking as a point of departure the exploration of the concept of “future,” Chus Martínez, Elise Lammer, and Rosa Lleó wrote essays discussing different topics (art fairs, human evolution, and experimental education). These texts are illustrated by works by nineteen artists featured at the Madrid fair.
Ludovica Carbotta - The Shotgun, the Invisible Rail, and the Spectacled Tyrant
English edition
In a junction of artist's book, illustrated sci-fi story, and a glossary of sculptural objects Ludovica Carbotta explores the concept of “fictional site-specificity” through different media, authorships, and descriptive strategies: a site-oriented practice that considers imaginary places, or real places within fictional contexts, to recover the role of imagination in the process of constructing knowledge.
Marco Fedele di Catrano - Portrait of Jennie
English edition
This artist's book is based on a namesake project of video installations and art objects exploring the transformation of the image within time and space. With texts and drawings by curator Vitaly Patsyukov.
Aneta Grzeszykowska - Negative Book
English edition
An intimate diary in the shape of an apparently cold, monochromatic book, Negative Book collects a series of eighty-four black-and-white photographs taken by Grzeszykowska following a very particular procedure, which is both visual and performative.
Roberto Timperi - Àmor
English edition
The first publication by Roberto Timperi gathers more than ten years of photographic work: an intimate diary and a one-way ticket into the underground world.
Joseph Kosuth - Neon in Contextual Play - Joseph Kosuth and Arte Povera
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
A companion to his previous book, Colour in Contextual Play, Joseph Kosuth's Neon in Contextual Play continues the artist's investigation of the interplay between language and reality, words and objects, color and light. Within these pairings, early neon works by Kosuth interact with those by Arte Povera artists who also used the industrial medium.
Enzo Cucchi - Fifty Years of Art Graphics
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Fifty years of graphic and editorial production of one of the most visionary artists of his generation—Enzo Cucchi. The catalogue includes more than a hundred plates, ordered chronologically, photographic reproductions, detailed information, and a series of essays by reknowned contributors.
Elisabetta Benassi - It Starts With the Firing
English edition
This artist's book reactivates a press controversy which took place in 1970s London and affected the Tate Galleries' collecting strategies—in particular, the acquisition of Equivalent VIII, a work by minimalist artist Carl Andre made in firebrick.
Piero Golia - The Painter
bilingual edition (English / German)
The Painter is a robot programmed to paint and to improvise and generate unexpected narratives—in response to visitors entering. It is center piece of a larger project lead by Italian artist Piero Gola at the Kunsthaus Baselland—documented in this publication. Includes a text by Ines Goldbach, and an interview with the artist by Jonathan Monk.
English edition
Publication gathering a selection of materials—texts and artworks—produced during a series of discussions and workshops on contemporary painting held at the Istituto Svizzero di Roma. Artists of different generations, areas of meaning and geographical origins were brought together to debate around the value of painting today and its role in today's society.
Tobias Kaspar - New Address
English edition
This publication provides a peek into the practice and work of the Swiss artist, using a selection of black and white “behind-the-scenes” photographs taken from Kaspar's hard disk. An additional booklet includes a list of works as they appear in the book as well as a text by artist Mikael Brkic and a longer essay by art historian Daniel Horn.
Mike Nelson - Cloak
English edition
Cloak is a total-blue book which documents a site-specific intervention by Mike Nelson in the UBS building in Monaco. The artist has painted every single room and detail of the building with a pigment called ultramarine blue, extracted from the precious lapislazzuli—originally from the Middle East, and more expensive than gold.
Vincent Katz - Katz
English edition
This publication, edited by Enzo Cucchi, gathers drawings by Alex Katz and words by his son Vincent. It is a project that takes shape through the intimate relationship between the three subjects.
Théâtre des expositions #7 - Dans un espace et un temps sans titre / In uno spazio e in un tempo senza titolo
bilingual edition (French / Italian)
This catalogue presents the projects of artists, designers, writers, directors, musicians, performers, philosophers and researchers in residence at theVilla Medici – French Academy in Rome during the year 2015-2016.
7759 - Bodies, Logistics, and Labor
English edition
7759 – Bodies, Logistics, and Labor is a collective collection of essays which also includes two photographic works by Stefan Burger. The publication examines the notions of surplus value, logistics and globalization, in the framework of a case study on the self-managed dockers from Genoa.

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