
353 titles
Edouard Boyer - Blanche
no text
The artist invited hospitalized teenagers to work on a theatre and drawing project based on Snow White.
Eduardo Kac - Natural History of the Enigma and other works
bilingual edition (English / French)
Artist and poet Eduardo Kac is internationally recognized for his interactive works on internet and for his practice of bio art. This catalogue dedicated to this singular artist features contributions by an art critic (Eleonor Heartney), a leader of the contemporary American novel (Steve Tomasula) and a French sociologist and philosopher (Pierre -Henri Jeudy). An interview with Eduardo Kac by Hugues Marchal concludes the volume.
Véronique Pittolo - La Révolution dans la poche
French edition
An update of the French Revolution's spirit, and a reflection on the notions of alienation, emancipation, and citizenship.
Thomas Clerc - Nouit
French edition
A short story inspired by No, a Jeff Wall's photograph from 1983.
Fabrice Reymond - Anabase #3 - Anabase
French edition
A book of thoughts, an instruction and a commentary of the world, an encrypted autobiography… The third publication from an ongoing collection of fragmentary texts, written daily by poet-artist Fabrice Reymond. With illustration by Julie Sorin.
Claude Closky - Les miens - Suivi de Biennales
French edition
A book of sonnets taking as subjects the modern world and its main actors: the anonymous crowd of famous people of any kind.
Images & (re)presentations - The Eighties – Second Part
bilingual edition (English / French)
(last copies available!)
This book reassembles the most significant texts and images of works of the 80's art scene, focusing on the problematics of images and representations.
Claude Closky - My People - Followed by Biennials
English edition
13.20 6.50 €
A book of sonnets taking as subjects the modern world and its main actors: the anonymous crowd of famous people of any kind.
Jacques-Henri Michot - Comme un fracas
French edition
A chronicle of the world's political situation and a reflection on the language used by those who persist to defend the current political and economic systems.
Bernard Heidsieck - Biopsies (+ CD)
French edition
Publication gathering all the texts and recordings of the Biopsies series (1965-1969).
Bernard Heidsieck - Passe-Partout (+ 2 CD)
French edition
Publication gathering all the texts and recordings of the Passe-partout series (1969-2004).
Bernard Heidsieck - Poèmes-Partitions – Précédé de Sitôt dit (+ 2 CD)
French edition
This publication brings together the sound poet's first work, published in 1955, as well as the entire Poèmes-Partitions series (1955-1965). It also includes 2 CDs with all the Poèmes-Partitions recorded in their time by the author.
Simone Forti - Oh, Tongue
French edition
The notebook of American dancer and choreographer Simone Forti, in which she shares her poetry as well as her thoughts on dance, the body, writing, the state of the world… The publication includes an interview with Forti by Annie Suquet, and an afterword by poet and Fluxus artist Jakson Mac Low.
Ivan Messac -
French edition
20.30 10.00 €
Catalogue gathering the works of Ivan Messac: bas-relief sculptures; printed textiles, and series of paintings dedicated to Adam and Eve or Maïakovski. A collection of works inspired by Pop iconography, in which we also meet Pessoa, Picabia, Hendrix, Jimmy Page…
Romain Ricciotti - Le pont du Diable
bilingual edition (English / French)
The confrontation between the radically poetic world of Julien Blaine and the radically technological world of Rudy Ricciotti's Pont du Diable (a footbridge spanning the Hérault gorges in the south of France, both a superb aesthetic gesture and a genuine technological feat).
Manuel Daull - Brutal
French edition
Collection of poems.
Antoine Dufeu - Vinagi gotov - Mondes !
French edition
This poem is the first prelude to Diagonale du vide, a project developed by Antoine Dufeu. Alternating prose, verse, and pauses, the text expresses a new relationship to the world.
Pierre-Damien Huyghe - Commencer à deux - Propos sur l\'architecture comme méthode
French edition
The architecture as method: an essay by philosopher Pierre-Damien Huyghe.
Pierre-Damien Huyghe - Faire place - Remarques sur la qualité d\'une certaine pauvreté moderne
French edition
currently out of stock
A short essay on the experience of intimacy in socialized modern life, followed by two new texts on the concepts of sustainability and habit.
Reyes Mate - Minuit dans l\'histoire - Commentaires des thèses de Walter Benjamin « Sur le concept d\'histoire »
French edition
Commentary on Walter Benjamin's theses: On the concept of history.
Sophie Coiffier - Les ciels
French edition
Prose poetry inspired by urban orality.
 Stelarc - Body Mechanics
bilingual edition (English / French)
This monograph is dedicated to Stelarc—the body artist known for his radical performances involving robotic prosthetics.
Antoine Will - Il ne s\'est rien passé à Artolsheim
French edition
Antoine Will investigates a crime news involving a community from Eastern France, and questions the making of accusations in the media and the court system.
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
Jean-Marc Bustamante, Peter Soriano, Roger Hiorns, Jean-Baptiste Bernadet, Claire Tabouret, Cyrille Maillot, La spécifité des sols, Acclimatation, Fabricateurs d'espaces, C'était au début des années 1980..., Hervé Bréhier, Emmanuelle Castellan, Mathias Schmied, Documentation Céline Duval et LJC archive...
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
Bernd Lohaus, Mark Manders, Richard Nonas, Robert Frank, Mark Geffriaud, Heidi Wood, Jean-Paul Labro, Harald Fernagu, Sébastien Vonier...
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
Rémy Marlot, Bertrand Grosol, Geoffroy Gross, Neil Beloufa / Orianne Déchery, Lionel Estève, Calder, Marie Ducaté, Renato Ercoli, Françoise Pétrovitch...
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
James Welling, Bernhard Rüdiger, Martin Widmer, Christine Phillip, Isa Genzken, Arnold Odermatt, Alex Katz, Dédales, Richard Nonas, Jean Le Gac, Arno Gisinger / Anthony Haughey, Sabine Anne Deshais.
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
Xavier Noiret-Thomé, Marylène Negro, Simon Boudvin, Xavier Theunis, Georg Baselitz, Stéphane Vigny, Sliman Raïs & Lilian Bourgeat, Cécile Bart, Philippe Fangeaux, Martin Kasper & Daniel Schlier & Brigitte Perroto, Antoine Quénardel & Jean-Philippe Teyssier, Cécile Babiole & Anthony Haughey, Pierre-Yves Freund & Arnaud Vasseux, Mehdi Moutashar...
Carlos Kusnir -
bilingual edition (English / French)
32.00 16.00 €
Designed in close collaboration with the artist, this monograph provides an overview of Carlos Kusnir's canvases, wall paintings, installations and photographs, with a text by writer Frederic Valabrègue.
Rémy Marlot -
bilingual edition (English / French)
26.00 13.00 €
First monograph devoted to the photographer / videographer.
La peinture est presque abstraite
bilingual edition (English / French)
14.00 8.00 €
A book envisaged as a critical work based on exhibitions bringing together eight French and British artists: a new approach to contemporary painting, beyond the traditional opposition between figuration and abstraction.
Reconnaissance de la rivière
French edition
27.00 13.50 €
Four approaches (aesthetic, geographic, poetic and photographic) of the river.
French edition
29.00 12.00 €
304 pages of texts and images (C. Floyer by Marie Muracciol, W. Guyton by Marjolaine Lévy, C. Höller by Dorothea von Hantelmann, M. Kelley by Guillaume Leingre, P. Parreno by Florence Ostende, G. Rockenschaub by Michel Gauthier, A. Sala by Larisa Dryansky, T. Trouvé by Sylvie Coëllier, R. Wright by Frédéric Paul, C. Wyn Evans by Hélène Meisel, R. Zarka by Elisabeth Wetterwald...).
Arnaud Maguet - Arnaud Maguet & Guests
bilingual edition (English / French)
20.00 12.00 €
Monograph / artist's book, with numerous contributions, texts and specific projects, questioning the basic aspects of the 1950's to 1970's subculture, around music, experimental or popular cinema, D.I.Y. graphics, underground litterature...
Jean Nouvel - Grandes Conférences (DVD)
French edition
A conversation between the artist and the architect.
Jean-Pierre Raynaud - Grandes Conférences (DVD)
French edition
A conversation between the historian and the artist.
Paul Virilio - Grandes Conférences (DVD)
French edition
A conversation between the architect and the philosopher.
Rita McBride - Tight: Repeating Boredom / Hall / Privaat
English edition
(last copies available!)
39.00 25.00 €
Artists' book, as a part of the artistic collaboration between the sculptors Rita McBride and Koenraad Dedobbeleer.
Éric Tabuchi - Alphabet Truck - vol.2
no text
currently out of stock
26 trailer trucks on empty highways, each bearing one letter of the alphabet.
Photographie moderne / Modernité photographique
texts in English and French
(last copies available!)
A collection of texts devoted to modernity in photography.
Peeping Tom\'s Digest - The Chain – Berlin
English edition
(last copies available!)
First issue dedicated to the Berlin avant-garde art scene, with unpublished works by 53 artists who are all curators of this exhibition on paper.
Peeping Tom\'s Digest - The Chain – Berlin
English edition
First issue dedicated to the Berlin avant-garde art scene, with unpublished works by 53 artists who are all curators of this collaborative project.
Bernard Villers - La carte de Tendre
A topographic and allegorical representation of love (unfolding artist's book).

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