Les presses du réel – editions
Vittorio Santoro - D[a]edalus, my father\'s horse, taken from the mill, a tourné en rond autour d\'une statue de...
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
35.00 19.00 €
Works 2007-2011, with a new essay by noted British critic Rebecca Geldard as well as a preface by curator and art historian Daniel Kurjaković.
Artistes et partis - Esthétique et politique (1900-1945)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
Artists and parties: aesthetics and politics in the first half of the 20th century.
Antje Kramer - L\'aventure allemande du Nouveau Réalisme  - Réalités et fantasmes d\'une néo-avant-garde européenne (1957-1963)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
The Nouveau Réalisme between Paris and West Germany in the 1960's.
Peter Galison - Objectivité
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Fabula
The story of objectivity, by two of the greatest historians of science today.
Myriam Gourfink - Danser sa créature
French edition
Les presses du réel – Dance & Performing Arts –
Different readings and interpretations of French choreographer Myriam Gourfink's work.
Tacet - Who is John Cage?
English edition
Les presses du réel – Music & Sound Arts – Ohcetecho (sound arts)
First issue of the experimental music annual review.
Tacet - Qui est John Cage ?
French edition
Les presses du réel – Music & Sound Arts – Ohcetecho (sound arts)
First issue of the experimental music annual review.
Jean-Paul Fourmentraux - L\'œuvre commune - Affaire d\'art et de citoyen
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
A sociological approach to new practices in public art commissioning.
François Hers - L\'art sans le capitalisme
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
A new model of action to invent new modes of art production and exchange by establishing a direct dialogue between the artist, the citizen-commissioner and the cultural mediator, outside the museum and apart from the art market (available in English edition).
Verne Dawson - Precession of the Equinoxes - Paintings 1994-2010
English edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Reference monograph: an overview of the American painter's oeuvre over fifteen years, with two essays and one autobiographical text.
Verne Dawson - Präzession des Äquinoktiums - Gemälde 1994-2010
German edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Reference monograph (available in English edition).
Verne Dawson - Précession des équinoxes - Peintures 1994-2010
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Reference monograph (available in English edition).
Laurent Montaron -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Monograph (with an essay by Michel Gauthier and an interview).
Au loin, une île !
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
14.00 7.00 €
Catalogue of a double exhibition dedicated to the contemporary British art scene.
Vincent Nordon - Straub/Huillet, non merci ? - La plainte d\'un ami
French edition
Les presses du réel – Cinema & video art – Fama
A litterary tribute to Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet by the director, screenwriter and writer Vincent Nordon.
Vincent Nordon - Straub/Huillet, non merci ? - La plainte d\'un ami
French edition
Les presses du réel – Cinema & video art – Fama
A litterary tribute to Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet by the director, screenwriter and writer Vincent Nordon.
Cahiers Charles Fourier - Biographies fouriéristes
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Charles Fourier review
A new approach to the history of Fourierism and societary movement, based on the project of a biographical dictionary of Fourierism.
Augusto de Campos - Poètemoins - Anthologie
bilingual edition (French / Portuguese)
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Construction
The anthology of the founder of the concrete poetry movement in Brazil.
Augusto de Campos - Poètemoins - Anthologie – Limited edition
bilingual edition (French / Portuguese)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Artists' books & editions
Limited edition of the anthology, with an original signed silkscreen.
Feminine Futures – Valentine de Saint-Point - Performance, Dance, War, Politics and Eroticism
French edition (texts in French, English, Italian, German)
Les presses du réel – Dance & Performing Arts –
A reexamination of the role of female avant-gardes in the fields of performance and dance: a comprehensive publication with over 2500 color illustrations, together with documentary material on Valentine de Saint-Point, Marinetti, Futurism, Canudo, Russian Ballets, German and American expressionism (original photographs, manuscript letters, drawings, woodcuts, manifestos, first editions and ephemera).
Matthieu Pinette - L\'œil de Ruskin - L\'exemple de la Bourgogne
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
John Ruskin - Les deux chemins
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
An exploration of the relationship between artistic creation and industrial production, between the artist and his material.
Pascale Cassagnau - Intempestif, Indépendant, Fragile - Marguerite Duras et le Cinéma d\'art contemporain
French edition
Les presses du réel – Cinema & video art
New perspectives on Marguerite Duras' cinematographic works and a young generation of videographers / filmmakers.
Devant les images - Penser l\'art et l\'histoire avec Georges Didi-Huberman
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Perceptions
Thirteen texts (including an unpublished essay by Georges Didi-Huberman) to think art and history together, from the tools developed by the theorist of the future of images.
Philosophie des possessions
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Drama
A series of portraits of philosophers remained outside majority movements of contemporary thought (Gabriel Tarde, William James, Alfred North Whitehead, John Dewey, Charles Péguy, Etienne Souriau, Raymond Ruyer, and Gilbert Simondon), brought together around the theme of the “possession”.
Jean-Philippe Antoine - La traversée du XXe siècle - Joseph Beuys, l\'image et le souvenir
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
First major monograph in French, fully illustrated, devoted to the key figure of Joseph Beuys, revealing the aesthetic ambition and political issues through a genealogy that retraces a whole part of the XXth century.
Pierre Joseph - Oui, non, peut-être
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Catalogue raisonné / first monograph of a key figure in the art scene since the late 1980s, this luxurious book (designed by M/M), lavishly illustrated, documents the whole Pierre Joseph's oeuvre, from the first group shows to most recent works.
Guido Guerzoni - Apollon et Vulcain - Les marchés artistiques en Italie (1400-1700)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
A pioneering and masterly study of the history of art markets in Italy (covering the fields of painting and scultpure, but also architecture, applied arts and performing arts), which demonstrates the possibility of an economic history of art linking social or political mechanisms and symbolic or patrimonial issues.
Fabrice Flahutez - Le lettrisme historique était une avant-garde
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
Letterism's history and posterity: a new reading of the historical issues of an unknown but influential artistic avant-garde.
David Teboul - Boris Mikhailov - J\'ai déjà été ici un jour
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
A portrait of the great Ukrainian photographer based on a film on Boris Mikhailov by David Teboul.
Juliet Fleming - Graffiti et arts scripturaux à l\'aube de la modernité anglaise
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Fabula
35.00 28.00 €
The unknown and disregarded literary arts of sixteenth century England (graffiti, tatoos, writing on clothes or ceramics...): a startling new perspective of early modern literature and cultural history.
11th Lyon Biennale - A Terrible Beauty Is Born
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
32.00 17.00 €
Catalogue of the 11th edition of the international exhibition, conceived by Argentinean curator Victoria Noorthoorn, gathering 78 artists from all over the world.
Veduta / Lyon Biennal 2009 - The Spectacle and the Everyday
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
30.00 15.00 €
Retrospective catalogue of the “Veduta” urban art program conceived alongside the 2009 Lyon Biennal, with various local actors and cultural and artistic institutions: an exploration of the diversity of visual cultures, guided by the core ideas of convergence and participation.
Judith Delfiner - Double-Barrelled Gun - Dada aux Etats-Unis (1945-1957)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
The resurgence of Dada in the U.S. (a genealogy of American post-war experimental art).
L\'art contemporain et la Côte d\'Azur - Un territoire pour l\'expérimentation – 1951-2011
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
Contemporary art and the French Riviera (a territory for experimentation).
Gilles A. Tiberghien - Pour une république des rêves
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Œuvres en sociétés
An essay based on a group exhibition conceived by French philosopher and writer Gilles A. Tiberghien.
Jean-François Pousse - L\'architecture contemporaine sur la Côte d\'Azur
French edition
Les presses du réel – Architecture / design / graphic design – Architecture
An overview of contemporary architecture in the French Riviera from 1945 to the present day (a journey through 59 emblematic constructions presented by an architect and historian and an architecture critic).
 Ida Tursic & Wilfried Mille - Decade
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Reference monograph.
Matt Mullican - 12 by 2
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Monograph based on an ambitious project that revisits forty years of Californian post-conceptual artist's work, between symbolism of representation and exploration of the subconscious under hypnosis, with two essays and an interview.
 Ida Tursic & Wilfried Mille - Decade - Limited edition
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Artists' books & editions
(last copies available!)
Limited edition of the Ida Tursic & Wilfried Mille monograph with an insert of a print signed by the artists.
Faire impression - L\'école d\'art de Mulhouse entre industrie et beaux-arts (1829-2009)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
A postmodern portrait of French art schools outside Paris, from the example of Mulhouse, which evolved from industrial arts and fine arts to contemporary art and design.
David Antin - John Cage sans cage
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Motion Method Memory
(last copies available!)
Two talks about John Cage and the concept of structure by American poet, critic, linguist and performance artist.
Cahiers Maurice Blanchot
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Cahiers Maurice Blanchot
Derrida's postcards to Blanchot, essays by Jean-Luc Nancy, Didier Cahen, Kevin Hart, Michel Deguy, lectures at the Collège International de Philosophie (Gisèle Berkman, Danielle Cohen-Levinas, Leslie Hill, Michael Holland), studies (Jérémie Majorel, Daniel Dobbels, Yuji Nishiyama), reading notes...
Isabelle Launay - Undertraining - On A Contemporary Dance
English edition
Les presses du réel – Dance & Performing Arts –
English edition of the interviews with French dancer and choreographer Boris Charmatz.
Günter Brus - Expositions - Colloque en l\'honneur des 70 ans de l\'artiste (+ CD)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – Bibliothèque art action pensée
A symposium-based tribute to Günter Brus by international contributors, philosophers, art critics and historians, curators, artists and musicians (with a CD containing a musical composition by Olga Neuwirth and Burkhard Stangle).

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