Les presses du réel – editions
Myr Muratet - Manuel d\'écologie urbaine
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Al Dante
This manual provides the current state of knowledge on the functioning of nature in an urban environment: its ecology.
Gaëlle Beaujean - L\'art de cour d\'Abomey - Le sens des objets
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
Conceived around an anthropology of the object, this book proposes to follow the course of royal objects of Abomey, former capital of the pre-colonial Kingdom of Dahomey (in present-day Benin).
 Yan Pei-Ming - The Man Who Weeps
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
New monograph: a retrospective of Yan Pei-Ming's paintings and watercolors from 2006 to 2019, structured around the figure of disappearance and violence, and around the confrontation with the works of the masters of the past as well as with modern iconography, with essays by Franck Gautherot, David Liot, Xavier Douroux and Fabian Stech.
Julien Blaine - Le livre
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
An original fable at war against the founding books of monotheisms (unpublished text of 1963).
Angéline Neveu - Enragée de Nanterre - ou Le mensonge intime
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Angéline Neveu, a figure of May '68 then of the French poetic underground, close to the Situationists, tells herself and offers a testimony on the years 1960-70.
Clemente Padín - De la représentation à l\'action
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
The reissue, in a new translation, of one of the most important essays of Latin American poetry from the historical avant-gardes.
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
A journal of critical and political poetry.
Vanina Géré - Les mauvais sentiments - L\'art de Kara Walker
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
This book traces the career of Kara Walker (born in 1969), the most internationally recognized African-American artist since Jean-Michel Basquiat, and explores the history of the reception of a work that faces the limits of representation, challenging the question of the figuration of the black body.
Maria Stavrinaki - Saisis par la préhistoire - Enquête sur l\'art et le temps des modernes
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Misceallenous
(last copies available!)
Can the modern uses of prehistory shed new light on the modern experience of time and, thus, the art of this period?
Exhibiting in an Educational Field - LiveInYourHead 2009-2019
texts in English and French
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
This hybrid publication's starting point relies in ten years of activities of LiveInYourHead, Geneva School of Art and Design (HEAD)'s exhibition space. Between a catalogue, an archive and a collective publication, this book explores the relationships between art education and curatorial knowledge.
Uncertain Patterns - Teaching and Learning Socially Engaged Art
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
An overview of study programs teaching socially engaged art.
Maurice Fréchuret - L\'art et la vie - Comment les artistes rêvent de changer le monde, XIXe-XXIe siècle
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Figures
The reconciliation of art and life, at the heart of the reflection and practice of many modern and contemporary movements.
Zoe Beloff - Techniques de la distraction
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – ArTeC
Two texts by New York artist Zoe Beloff, pioneer in the field of “media archeology”, whose works are at the crossroads of avant-garde art, popular cultures and critical theory.
Jacques Rancière - Le travail des images - Conversations avec Andrea Soto Calderón
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Perceptions
A conversation, accompanied by an introduction by Andrea Soto Calderón, to better understand the crucial role that images occupy in Jacques Rancière's work, and how images are the site of imaginative and reconfiguring operations.
Baptiste Brun - Jean Dubuffet et la besogne de l\'Art Brut - Critique du primitivisme
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
Jean Dubuffet, Art Brut, and the primitivist paradigm.
Émilie Goudal - Des damné(e)s de l\'Histoire - Les arts visuels face à la guerre d\'Algérie
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
A critical look at the place and stakes of representations of the war of independence in the contemporary construction of the French and Algerian art scene.
Catherine Grenier - Sophie Ristelhueber - La guerre intérieure
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Documents
Interview with one of the great figures of art photography today, in which Sophie Ristelhueber reflects on her own carrer and practice.
Sonia Boyce - Thoughtful Disobedience - Nouvelle édition française
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Focusing on several major collaborative performance-videos by a figure of the British Black Art movement, this illustrated monograph includes a series of essays which interpret Boyce's interdisciplinary practice in the light of art history, and analyse her interest in black feminism, cultural studies, film studies, art history and critical theory.
Julien Creuzet -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Palais de Tokyo (Paris)
First monograph dedicated to French artist, videographer, performer and poet Julien Creuzet.
Angelica Mesiti -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Palais de Tokyo (Paris)
First monograph.
Jacques Donguy - Chroniques de Poésie numérique
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Construction
currently out of stock
The chronicles of the digital poetry movement, by one of its pioneers and main actors in France.
Jean-François Bory - Minute poems - Choix 1963-2018
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Misceallenous
135 poems, calligrams and other visual experiments, spread over 54 years of poetic activity, by one of the major actors of the poetic avant-garde in France.
Jean-François Bory - Toujours nouvelles
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Misceallenous
Fourteen comical, absurd, ironic, moving short novels, by Jean-François Bory, unfaithful successor to Dada and active author of the avant-garde movements of the 1960s/1970s.
Jean-François Bory - Tels qu\'en eux-mêmes
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Misceallenous
A selection of essays that Jean-François Bory devoted to his favorite and somewhat marginal authors, ranging from Nadar to Raoul Hausmann via d'Annunzio.
Michèle Métail - Portraits-robots
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
From “The Left Bank Publisher” to “Miss Fukushima”, 102 portraits of a person or a profession in 10 expressions in the form of an inventory.
Michèle Métail - Portraits-robots - Luxury Edition
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
From “The Left Bank Publisher” to “Miss Fukushima”, 102 portraits of a person or a profession in 10 expressions in the form of an inventory, with an original and unique artwork.
Angéline Neveu - Synthèse / désir
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Reissue of the main publications by Angéline Neveu (1946-2011), a political figure of the poetic underground scene in France.
Stéphane Nowak Papantoniou - Nos secrets sont poétiques
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
This publication brings together two new texts by Stéphane Nowak Papantoniou, with an audio link granting access to a recorded version of the publication, accompanied by a composition by sound artist motif_r.
Stéphane Nowak Papantoniou - Nos secrets sont poétiques - Luxury Edition (+ CD)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
This publication brings together two new texts by Stéphane Nowak Papantoniou. The limited edition includes an original and unique artwork, as well as a CD with a sound declension of the poem, recorded by the author and accompanied by a composition of the sound artist motif_r.
Christian Prigent - Poésie sur place (+ CD)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Collection of transcripts of performance poetry by Christian Prigent. This edition comes with a CD including the recordings of these performances, featuring the author and actress Vanda Benes.
José Vicente Anaya - Híkuri - Pour un art d\'une vitalité sans limite
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
A seminal text of Contemporary Mexican poetry, inspired by the Tarahumara and peyote rituals. Included in appendix is the first manifesto of infra-realism, written by Anaya in 1975.
texts in English and French
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
A magazine for visual and experimental poetry and works inspired by Dada and Fluxus, directed by Jean-François Bory.
Isabelle Delorme - Quand la bande dessinée fait mémoire du XXe siècle - Les récits mémoriels historiques en bande dessinée
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
The historical-memorial narrative in comics, from Art Spiegelman to Marjane Satrapi, as a new form of representation of History, between individual and collective memory.
Carmelo Bene - L\'esthétique du déplaisir
French edition
Les presses du réel – Cinema & video art – ArTeC
Two interviews in which Carmelo Bene exposes his working method and his ideas on television, and opens a reflection on the links between artistic avant-gardism and mass diffusion.
Ludger Schwarte - Notes pour un art futur
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Figures
Philosopher Ludger Schwarte presents a critical essay against the notion of contemporaneity in art and pleads for a renewed temporality: an art of futurity.
Michèle Métail - La poésie en trois dimensions
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
A collective exploration of 45 years of protean poetic activities, between printed text, exposed text and proffered text, with some thirty contributions by academics and poets, with numerous illustrations.
Anne Lafont - L\'art et la race - L\'Africain (tout) contre l\'œil des Lumières
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
French art historian Anne Lafont delivers an unpublished study on the close and paradoxical relations of art and race in the Enlightenment. A new voice in current works on issues of race, art, images and colonization.
Max Neuhaus - Les pianos ne poussent pas sur les arbres
French edition
Les presses du réel – Music & Sound Arts – Ohcetecho (sound arts)
The first French translation of Neuhaus's writings.
Vincent Nordon - Berlioz, Baden-Baden - Un opéra plutôt comique
French edition
Les presses du réel – Music & Sound Arts – Fama
It is a hundred and fifty years since Hector Berlioz is caught between storm and passion, violence and adolescence. This book wants to get out of these cliches, even to sink into others.
Jeremy Corral - Japanoise - Extrémismes & entropie
French edition
Les presses du réel – Music & Sound Arts – Délashiné!
A detailed investigation into the Japanese noise scene (Japanoizu), with a sharp critical eye and an in-depth knowledge of local sources, by a specialist of alternative cultures and experimental musics in Japan.
Alastair Brotchie - Alfred Jarry - Une vie pataphysique
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Misceallenous
A biography of the founder of Pataphysics, by Alastair Brotchie.
Augusto de Campos - Celebrity Cafe - Outro / Autre
bilingual edition (French / Portuguese)
Les presses du réel – Literature – Misceallenous
Special issue dedicated to Brazilian poet Augusto de Campos.
Giovanna Zapperi - Carla Lonzi : un art de la vie - Critique d\'art et féminisme en Italie (1968-1981)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
A critical examination of the relationship between aesthetics and politics through the iconic figure of Carla Lonzi (1931-1982), an innovative art critic and one of the founders of neo-feminism in Italy.
Estelle Zhong Mengual - L\'art en commun - Réinventer les formes du collectif en contexte démocratique
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
An investigation into the artistic and political issues of participatory art since the 1990s.
Adelfo Scaranello - Musée des beaux-arts et d\'archéologie de Besançon
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Architecture / design / graphic design – Architecture
Catalogue documenting the project for the restructuring of the Besançon Museum of Fine Arts and Archeology by Architectures Adelfo Scaranello.
Dziga Vertov - Le ciné-œil de la révolution - Écrits sur le cinéma
French edition
Les presses du réel – Cinema & video art – Medias/Theories
A collection of texts by Soviet avant-garde filmmaker and theoretician Dziga Vertov, including a critical apparatus and visual documents.
Michael R. Taylor - Percy Rainford - Duchamp\'s “Invisible” Photographer
English edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – Misceallenous
First publication dedicated to Jamaican-born American photographer Percy Rainford, a longtime collaborator of both Marcel Duchamp and architect Frederick Kiesler. Drawing from extensive archival research and interviews, author Michael R. Taylor showcases the work of this remarkable avant-garde photographer, while also shedding new light on his collaborations with Duchamp and Kiesler.
Brian Massumi - Pensée en acte - Vingt propositions pour la recherche-création
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – ArTeC
20 proposals for the intersection of artistic practice and research in academic milieu.

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