Piero Golia

As a career's start, Piero Golia (*1974, Naples, Italy) successfully convinced a woman to have his portrait and the words "Piero My Idol" tattooed on her back (tattoo, 2001); soon after, following an invitation to the Tirana Biennale, he rowed across the Adriatic Sea in the opposite direction to migratory movement to reach Albania ("Going to Tirana"). And, on January 14, 2005, Golia vanished from New York City leaving no documented proof of his whereabouts; he traveled from a place to another, crossing borders without a trace, for resurfacing only on the morning of February 7 at the Royal Academy of Arts in Copenhagen for a unique lecture about his adventurous trip. He now lives in Los Angeles, a place that blurs the boundaries between reality and fiction, making it the perfect setting for his exploration into the process of myth-making and his ironic outlook on contemporary society.

(external link : www.pierogolia.com)
Piero Golia - The Painter
bilingual edition (English / German)
The Painter is a robot programmed to paint and to improvise and generate unexpected narratives—in response to visitors entering. It is center piece of a larger project lead by Italian artist Piero Gola at the Kunsthaus Baselland—documented in this publication. Includes a text by Ines Goldbach, and an interview with the artist by Jonathan Monk.
Piero Golia - Desert Interviews or How to Jump Off the Roof and Not Hit the Ground
English edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
currently out of stock
Artist's book (limited edition).
topicsPiero Golia: also present in

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