The Changes

A crosscultural artband project that's not making music but applying itself to image sampling and mixing, The Changes are Dennis Rousski, Boo Hoo Ha Ha, Aries Overload & Vertical Doorway. Departing from backgrounds in fashion, graphic design, pop, and art, the four band members have for a couple of years now applied themselves with sincere commitment and boundless passion for association to the magic of the autodidactic underground. In their interventions, the  influence of and the experience with the CULTural explosions of the '80s and '90s - rave, metal, acid, punk, freak-out, rainbow, black, silver, gold, latex, leather, and denim - merge into a redefinition of the present, a joyful, comic explosion, pulsating with energy and positivism.
 The Changes - The Times they are The Changes
English edition
sold out
Artists' book.

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