Younès Rahmoun

A major figure in Moroccan contemporary art, Younès Rahmoun (born 1975 in Tetouan, Morocco) develops multiple work, mixing influences from his own universe, its origins, beliefs and experiences. Declining a vocabulary of numbers, colors and shapes, the artist often creates beautiful works, from which emanates a quest for universality. Far from restricting the use of a single medium, Younès Rahmoun curiously explores the possibilities offered by his time. His practice divers from installation and drawing to new technologies and multimedia.
Younès Rahmoun's work has been exhibited in 25 different countries and nearly 150 different spaces including Victoria and Albert Museum, Palais de Tokyo, National Museum of African Art, MACBA and Smith College Museum of Art.

(external link :
Younès Rahmoun - Here, Now
trilingual edition (English / Arabic / French)
Zamân - Zamân Books
A tricontinental exhibition and publication project that takes the form of a multiauthor monograph to showease an artist whose work creates space to connect with the self; to be in the here and now.
topicsYounès Rahmoun: also present in

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