Wukir Suryadi

Wukir Suryadi (born in 1977 in Malang, East Java) is an Indonesian experimental musician from Jogjakarta, reknowned for inventing and building new instruments out of bamboo and other materials which he uses then to create new sounds. Wukir Suryadi began playing music for theatre at the age of 12 with the Idiot Theater Studio, and later with the Rendra Theater Workshop. In his solo work, and as a member of Senyawa, Error Scream, Bendera Hitam Setengah, Potro Joyo and other groups, Wukir Suryadi breaks the boundaries of traditional music and avant-garde performance.
Wukir Suryadi - Siklus dan Doa (Cycle and Prayer) (vinyl LP)
On "Cycle and Prayer," Indonesian experimental musician and instrument builder Wukir Suryadi expands the edges of his unique artistic world further, by digging in to meditative improvisation, art, and community building in his home workshop in the mountains of central Java.

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