Vincent Corpet

Vincent Corpet (born 1958 in Paris) is a French contemporary painter.
"4 years after having taken the decision to become an artist, on March 20, 1978, the day of my 20th birthday, 1 year after having left the fine arts school, I engage on June 8, 1982 in the technique which seems to me the simplest and the least expensive, painting. Having never practiced this medium, I decided to catch up by making paintings. To date, 50 series have followed one another. I then consciously elaborate a 'retinal' painting, painting of the eye. Two distinct groups were formed, each with its own slogan: on the one hand, 'the eye looks, the hand acts': in the landscapes, nudes and portraits, the eye is the witness of the visible. On the other hand, 'the eye looks at the hand that acts', and there, with the analogies, the eye is the foundation of the memory. To this day this adventure continues."

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Vincent Corpet - Tarot game - Cards by Vincent Corpet
French edition
MASC (Musée de l'Abbaye Sainte-Croix)
Tarot deck of 78 cards drawn by Vincent Corpet from a series of paintings made in 2010.
Vincent Corpet - DesMesures
French edition
MASC (Musée de l'Abbaye Sainte-Croix)
A retrospective of the "retinal" painter's work, since the early 1980s.
topicsVincent Corpet: also present in

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