David Klemmer

David Klemmer is an austrian architect based in Zurich and founder of Studio David Klemmer. For over a decade he has been working as a CGI artist constructing virtual scenarios in collaboration with renowned architecture offices, among others including works for Valerio Olgiati, Miller Maranta, Karamuk Kuo, Jean- Pierre Dürig, Bruther and Jan Kinsbergen. David Klemmer studied architecture at the University of Applied Sciences Joanneum and at the Technical University in Graz. In 2017 he opened his own studio for architecture. In 2022 he established Studio Diode as an independent satellite dedicated to digital images.

(external link : www.davidklemmer.com)
David Klemmer - Dixit - On process
bilingual edition (English / French)
Caryatide / Cosa Mentale - Dixit
The fourth issue of the critical journal Dixit, in which the words of the architects Jan Kinsbergen and David Klemmer confront each other, in the format of a dichotomous visual atlas, around the theme of the process.
topicsDavid Klemmer: also present in

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