Charles Pennequin

Charles Pennequin (born 1965 in Cambrai, France) is a writer and performer, an essential figure in French contemporary poetry.

See also L'armée noire (Charles Pennequin & Quentin Faucompré).

(external link :
Charles Pennequin - Dedans
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
Reissue of Charles Pennequin's first book, a lengthy text in which the author's writing is characterized by obsessive repetition, a breathless rhythm, a combination of introspective movement and prosaic elements, and a staging of proferation.
Charles Pennequin - Plethora
French edition
Catalogue bringing together four virtuoso artists in excess, overflow and debauchery.
Charles Pennequin - Le Martien / Allo maman (+ CD)
French edition
Lenka lente
Charles Pennequin is an unconventional poet who tells us here the sidereal aggression of a Martian who has not yet cut the cord. On the CD contained in the book, he interprets his text three times: twice in the company of the guitarist Jean-François Pauvros, and another time alone, but with a megaphone.
Charles Pennequin - Dictaphones (vinyl LP)
Frac Franche-Comté - Sound Houses Series
This LP draws on twenty years of archives recorded by Charles Pennequin on mini-cassettes. Spontaneous recordings of his readings, unpublished solitary monologues, vocal and sound experiments, ambient sounds were selected and edited in the studio by the poet, and thought of as a global composition that goes through different registers and eras of his poetry.
Charles Pennequin - Alias Jacques Bonhomme
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
An experimental novel written by two powerful voices of French experimental poetry. With illustrations by Charles Pennequin.
Charles Pennequin - Ecluse de Kembs-Niffer - Bâtiment administratif et technique
French edition
Al Dante - Architecture
(last copies available!)
This publication documents the architecture of the Kembs-Niffer lock in Alsace, conceived by Georges Heintz and Anne-Sophie Kehr. It also features the text of a performance from 2011 by Charles Pennequin.
Charles Pennequin - Les Chiens de la Casse (vinyl LP)
Frac Franche-Comté - Sound Houses Series
The collaboration between artist and poet Charles Pennequin, the band Gun-Gi and Laurie Franck.
Charles Pennequin - Pas de tombeau pour Mesrine
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
While looking for French criminal Jacques Mesrine's grave, Charles Pennequin engages in a poetic and politic reflection against French society.
Charles Pennequin - Je me jette (book + DVD)
French edition
Al Dante - Contemporary Art
Artist's book born from the encounter between Charles Pennequin's texts and the intimate immediacy of Pascal Doury's sketchbooks. The DVD features the film Je me jette as well as four other videos.

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