Pierre Giquel

French writer, poet and art critic Pierre Giquel (1954-2018) was also a teacher at the École supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Nantes Métropole, and has contributed to numerous exhibition catalogues and art magazines. Since the early 1980s, his texts have been published in multiple publications of contemporary art and institutions editions such as CAPC in Bordeaux, Mac/Val in Vitry-sur-Seine, the Museum of Modern Art in Paris, and the Frac Pays de la Loire.
Pierre Giquel - Les Géographies irrégulières
French edition
Jannink - Wide Open
A selection of 175 texts by the writer, art critic and teacher at the school of Fine Arts of Nantes, Pierre Giquel, summerizing for the first time nearly 35 years of an intense and profuse literary activity. This voluminous publication is comprised of a folded poster dust jacket with watercolors by Fabrice Hyber.
topicsPierre Giquel: also present in

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