Fabien Hein
Doctor in Sociology, Fabien Hein teaches at the University Paul Verlaine in Metz. His work focuses on the practical realities of artistic and cultural practices in the field of popular music. After conducting a comparative sociological study at the National Library of Quebec in Montreal, he also worked at the Interuniversity Research Centre for Québec Literature and Culture (CRILCQ) at Laval University in Quebec. He is a member of the AFS (French Association of Sociology) and IASPM (International Association for the Study of Popular Music).
French edition
Mélanie Seteun - Music and Society
An understanding of rock culture through its networks of actors, tastes, objects, systems, activities and practices.
French edition
Mélanie Seteun - Music and Society
(last copies available!)
An historical and sociocultural study on metal music, and the first sociological portrait of the movement in France.