Georgie Nettell Reena Spaulings/New York; Alex Da Corte Maccarone/New York; Pietro RoccasalvaThe Power Station/Dallas; Fred Lonidier Michael Benevento/Los Angeles; Paul SietsemaMatthew Marks/Los Angeles; Matthew Hale José García/Mexico City; Bojan Šarčević Modern Art/London; James Richards ICA/London; Leigh Ledare Office Baroque/Brussels; Hannah Perry Contemporary Fine Arts/Berlin; Etel AdnanInstitut du monde arabe/Paris; Sarah Charlesworth Campoli Presti/Paris; Biennale de l'Image en Mouvement Geneva; Wael Shawky Castello di Rivoli and Fondazione Merz/Turin; Bianca Baldi Swimming Pool/Sofia; Naama TsabarDvir/Tel Aviv; Chen Shaoxiong Boers-Li and Tang Contemporary, Beijing; He Xiangyu Kaikai Kiki and SCAI The Bathhouse/Tokyo