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Madeleine Filippi - Fragment.s
A reflection on the aesthetics of the fragment as a paradigm of memory, from the works of six women artists.
In residence as an art critic at the Caza d'Oro, with complete freedom of discovery and exchange, Madeleine Filippi invites us to discover the approaches of Yvonne Calsou, Dounia Chemsseddoha, Lise Chevalier, Lilie Pinot, Marilina Prigent and Julie Saclier. Like a thread, the question of the representation of memory and time runs through this selection of works and practices and presents a reflection on the aesthetics of the fragment as a paradigm of memory and Heidegger's concept of Dasein.
The book extends like an exhibition. Each text is both independent and attached to this common reflection. There is no order in which to read them, you are free to move from one artistic approach to another. The extracts of interviews and discussions with the artists act like room labels. They talk about the time of the residency. The pieces reproduced reflect each other. They draw a rhizome-like representation of memory.
After graduating a Masters degree in Art History and Cultural Engineering at La Sorbonne in 2011, Madeleine Filippi has been an independent curator and art critic ever since. She directs her researches around the following axes: Archive(s) - memory(s) - language(s), within public and private cultural institutions (Beirut Art Fair, Colombo Art Biennale, Frac Champagne Ardenne, National House Museum Bonaparte etc.). After having been co-chief-editor of Diapo magazine, specialized in performance, she was director of the Vanessa Quang gallery (Paris, France). Then, she was appointed responsible for the collections of several private collectors, as well as the Zinsou Foundation (Cotonou, Benin). Since 2018, she has initiated several projects around the video medium as an artefact of our contemporary society (France-Romania 2019 Season, Frans Krajcberg Foundation, etc.). Today she contributes to various magazines and exhibition catalogs on the emerging scene and the art market. She also teaches art market at the University of Corsica and continues to collaborate with Altaïr ThinkTank on promoting culture, media and digital technology. Madeleine Filippi is a member of the board of directors of CEA (Association Française des commissaires d'exposition, a platform promoting and organizing projects, and reflecting upon the curatorial practice) and AICA France (International Association of Arts Critics).
published in March 2022
bilingual edition (English / French)
14,8 x 21 cm (hardcover)
148 pages (ill.)
ISBN : 978-2-37440-143-0
EAN : 9782374401430
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