les presses du réel

CRU (Creative Radiant Unique) #04

 - CRU (Creative Radiant Unique) #04
The penultimate issue is dedicated to the works of Frédéric Acquaviva, Isidore Isou, and Orlan. It includes a CD of Isou's last sound work from 2006 and a DVD featuring performances by Orlan, Acquaviva, Isou, Sharif-Sky Mathius, Jeremiah Runnels, Mats Lindström, Jean-Paul Curtay…
Published by AcquAvivA editions, CRU is the annual magazine that documents what's happening or what could have happened at La Plaque Tournante (www.laplaquetournante.org), a non commercial artist space in Berlin and run by French composer Frédéric Acquaviva and English mezzo-soprano Loré Lixenberg. The magazine contains a CD, a DVD, some playlists of exhibited material, postcards, affiches and catalogues into the form of posters.
This section includes all periodicals publishers are not specifically listed in the main list of the journals & magazines section. The complete list of publishers, labels and journals is available in the general index.
published in November 2018
French edition
32 x 32 cm (softcover)
in stock

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