
Éditions Supernova is a publishing platform creating bridges between the field of sound experimentation, the world of electronic music, poetry and litterature.
Anna Serra - Danse-Combat
French edition
Anna Serra's new book of poems, born of a struggle on all levels: the body and its illness, the body and its environment, the body in the midst of other struggling bodies, and the body pushing back its own confinement.
Antonin Veyrac - L\'infiniment petite
French edition
Antonin Veyrac's third collection of poetry: delirium, contemplation and the child as a perpetual horizon.
Jean-Luc Poivret -
French edition
A counter-plunge into the thousands of annotated books in the personal library of the painter Jean-Luc Poivret.
Julie Coutureau - SNI
French edition
An experimental and phonetic poetic adventure, a literary rhizome.
Unglee Izi - SW1 - Sécurité du premier monde – Tracteur directrice de l\'A.S.M.A
French edition
A collection of texts written over a period of fifteen years during the night, introduced by a photographic series by Jacques Patillot, between reality, portraits of friends, poetry, fiction and autobiographical insert.
Un autre monde///dans notre monde - Évocation contemporaine du réalisme fantastique – Tome 2
French edition
A dive into the world of fantastic realism through the works of some twenty contemporary artists.
Pierre Escot - Spermogramme
French edition
The first book written by Pierre Escot at the beginning of the 1980s, never published before, intertwines several stories in poetic and narrative fragments.
Benoît Toqué - Habiter Outre
French edition
A collection of narrative texts articulated around the narrowness of a Parisian dwelling and the daily life of its occupant.
Antonin Veyrac - Basalte et Javel
French edition
Collection of poems influenced by experimental poetry (Tarkos, Pennequin, Quintane...).
Aline César - Aphra Behn, Punk and Poetess
French edition
A writing project around the English poet and playwright Aphra Behn (1640-1689), an avant-garde feminist and protest figure who was one of the first writers to make a living from her pen and establish herself on the London theater scene.
Rosalie Bribes - Du Zénith au Nadir
French edition
In her third poetic collection, Rosalie Bribes deepens the themes tackled in the two previous volumes: criticism of consumer society, illusions, pretences; search for a truth that can give meaning to human existence.
Nicolas Richard - Peloton
French edition
A collection of poetic texts that experiments different forms of contemporary poetry: sound poetry, lists, logorrhoea, glossolalia, ready-made, micro-narrations... Most of these texts have been read in public in the framework of literature festivals or performances.
Emmanuelle K. - L\'oiseleur
French edition
A courtly tale that takes the form of prose poems, dedicated to Surrealist artist Benjamin Péret. Written by Emmanuelle K., poet, storyteller, video artist, and companion of the Situationist International.
Philippe Boisnard - Vie et mort d\'un transsexuel
French edition
In the midst of a demographic crisis, the world witnesses the emergence of a new form of human life, the New Eve, whose particularity is to be transsexual… A tragicomic novel offering an unprecedented reflection on gender and totalitarianism.
Francis Lamodière - Enchâssés - Tome 1
French edition
An experimental crime fiction set in flooded Paris.
Benoît Toqué - Gloire gouaille gosier
French edition
(last copies available!)
A collection of literary texts by contemporary writer Benoît Toqué. It brings together texts written between 2014 and 2017, and either performed at public readings or created during workshops.
Pascal Dombis -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Pascal Dombis's monograph spans 25 years of digital creations exploring the excess, repetition and unpredictability of technological processes. The publication includes a large iconography (200 images), an interview with the artist, two specially-commissioned essays and a collection of articles from 2002-2015 reviewing Dombis's constant evolution.
Susana Sulic - Vitesse Photon Target
French edition
Vitesse Photon Target is a long-running poem combining typographic and syntactic experiments with the theme of space research.
Jungle Juice
texts in English and French
Sixth Issue of the fanzine-like review published by éditions Supernova. It includes poetry, photography, literature, illustrations, and essays.
Jungle Juice
texts in English and French
currently out of stock
October issue of Supernova's fanzine, including an unpublished text by J.G. Ballard. Each copy is accompanied by an original color stencil by French artist Serge Stephan.
 Magali Daniaux & Cédric Pigot - The Diluted Hours
trilingual edition (English / French / Inupiak)
Transcript of incantations poems recorded on vinyl and produced in the framework of a multimedia work on sound and geology. The poem is translated into Inupiaq, the official Inuit language of the State of Alaska, where this project was developed.
Maria-Mercè Marçal - Tanières de lunes
French edition
First French translation of Cau de llunes, a collection of poems written after Franco's death by one of the major voices of Catalan poetry, female poet Maria-Mercè Marçal.
Jungle Juice
texts in English and French
Fourth issue of magazine / fanzine Jungle Juice, featuring an interview with Xanaé Bove about her film Ex-TAZ Citizen Ca$h, textual experiments by Benoît Toqué and Yoshi, cover illustrations by Régis Glaas-Togawa and Julien Lombardi…
Rosalie Bribes - Mammifères
French edition
A second collection of poem by French poet Rosalie Bribes, in which she investigates the theme of the “other”.
Jungle Juice
texts in English and French
currently out of stock
Third issue, edited by artists duo Magali Daniaux & Cédric Pigot, with a cover by photographer Jérôme Bonnet.
Anna Serra - Mont Reine
French edition
Collection of poems following the tale of a Queen who meets with her evil Doppelgänger in the form of an Angel.
Jungle Juice
texts in English and French
The second issue of Jungle Juice brings together some 30 collaborators, close to collective Supernova. Front cover made after a drawing from comic book artist Jim Starlin.
Jungle Juice
texts in English and French
First issue of the fanzine published by French collective Supernova: an artistic and literary stimulus in full black & white.
Rosalie Bribes - Ultime Atome
French edition
First collection of poems by the French-speaking poet.
 Magali Daniaux & Cédric Pigot - UV
French edition
A collection of hallucinatory epic poems inspired by crime novel & science fiction.
Rim Battal - L\'Eau du bain
French edition
sold out
A collection of thoughts, fragments and poems set in a prose text, between the newspaper, written from day to day, the essay and the autobiography.

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