
Founded in 1978, Jannink Editions turned to contemporary art in the early 1990s with a new concept: giving artists a voice. Rather than specialist writings, it is now directly the actors of the artistic scene who explain their works.
Bringing together the greatest names in contemporary art—Christo, Gilbert & George, Antonio Saura, Baselitz, Panamarenko, Villeglé, Arman, Opalka, Soto, Adami…—Jannink Editions publish, along with their writings, an original signed work included in the books in bibliophile editions.
At the same time, they publish collections of prints, offering artists the opportunity to try their hand at imposed themes, as well as works of photography.
Rudy Ricciotti - En vain - Limited edition
French edition
A compilation of Rudy Ricciotti's opinion pieces about 59 artists and personalities, with an original artwork signed by Ricciotti.
Véronique Verstraete - Quand je suis occupée, ça va
French edition
A collaborative artist's book with Véronique Verstraete and eight associated authors.
Jeanne Susplugas - Base de données littéraires - Limited edition
French edition
A tribute to literature by the artist. Book accompanied by an original and unique signed work, printing enhanced with watercolour or felt.
Jeanne Susplugas - Base de données littéraires
French edition
A tribute to literature by the artist.
 Willem - Les emmerdeurs - Limited edition
French edition
Limited edition accompanied by an original and unique signed artwork, hand colored comic strip box.
 Willem - Les emmerdeurs
French edition
Willem's satirical drawings on art.
Gilles Barbier - Vu d\'en bas
French edition
Nine texts by Gilles Barbier.
Gilles Barbier - Vu d\'en bas - Limited edition
French edition
Nine texts by Gilles Barbier, accompanied by an unique work, resin and feathers on cardboard.
Tadashi Kawamata - 11/09/2001 - 11/03/2011
French edition
Artist's book: Tadashi Kawamata compiles, like a scrapbook, photographs taken from newspaper reporting natural disasters, terrorist attacks or accidents.
Tadashi Kawamata - 11/09/2001 - 11/03/2011 - Limited edition
no text
Artist's book (Tadashi Kawamata compiles, like a scrapbook, photographs taken from newspaper reporting natural disasters, terrorist attacks or accidents), with an original artwork signed by the artist.
Maxime Chanson - 700 Artists\' Processes
English edition
An innovative typology that provides an overview of contemporary creation, mapping as diagrams the practices of nearly 700 artists of the last 30 years.
Raymond Reynaud -
French edition
First monograph dedicated to the dense, abundant and exuberant work of French painter and sculptor Raymond Reynaud (1920-2007), a figure of art brut.
Thierry Tillier - Principe d\'incertitude - Que faire ?
French edition
A surrealist, erotic and political assemblage of texts, quotes and images with which Thierry Tillier, heir to the great tradition of artistic collage, exposes his libertarian vision of contemporary art.
Taysir Batniji - Man does not live on bread alone
bilingual edition (English / French)
Catalogue: a selection of recent and older works by Palestinian artist Taysir Batniji.
Thierry Tillier - Principe d\'incertitude - Que faire ? – Limited edition
French edition
A surrealist, erotic and political assemblage of texts, quotes and images with which Thierry Tillier, heir to the great tradition of artistic collage, exposes his libertarian vision of contemporary art (limited edition accompanied by an original and unique collage, signed).
Julio Le Parc - Voleur de paroles
French edition
Julio Le Parc scratches the various actors of the art world.
Julio Le Parc - Voleur de paroles - Limited edition
French edition
Julio Le Parc scratches the various actors of the art world (book accompanied with an original artwork signed by the artist).
 Nikita - Echines
French edition
An exploration of the human back through a series of black and white images by photographer Nikita, accompanied by texts or poetic montages.
Benjamin Sabatier - Do It Yourself de A à Z
French edition
Benjamin Sabatier shells over the alphabet the founding principles of his work.
Benjamin Sabatier - Do It Yourself de A à Z - Limited edition
French edition
Benjamin Sabatier shells over the alphabet the founding principles of his work. This limited edition is accompanied by a can compression, a unique signed piece.
Alberto Sorbelli - Journal-poster
French edition
A set of photographs and texts / a large original photograph.
Barbara Anna Husar - Hirtin
bilingual edition (German / French)
Through stamps and photographs, the Austrian artist tells the story of her mystical and artistic experience in the Sinai desert (the dust jacket is hand-painted by the artist).
Barbara Anna Husar - Hirtin - Limited edition
bilingual edition (German / French)
Through stamps and photographs, the Austrian artist tells the story of her mystical and artistic experience in the Sinai desert (the dust jacket is hand-painted by the artist). The limited edition features an original artwork (signed), survival blanket, photography and pill.
Alain Declercq - Boum Julie
French edition
Alain Declercq, who usually transposes crime fiction into the visual arts field, changes his method of operation and publishes his first thriller.
Alain Declercq - Boum Julie - Limited edition
French edition
Alain Declercq, who usually transposes crime fiction into the visual arts field, changes his method of operation and publishes his first thriller (the limited edition of the book is accompanied with an original artwork signed by the artist).
Johannes Strugalla - TraitTraceRetrait / ZeichenHandZeit - Dessin / Zeichnungen
bilingual edition (German / French)
First and extensive monograph dedicated to the drawings of an artist hitherto primarily distinguished as an artist of the book, a typographer and a etcher, revealing the many aspects and the autonomy of the practice of drawing, as well as its role and importance in Johannes Strugalla's artist's books and whole production.
Fabrice Hyber - Journal-poster
French edition
A set of photographs and texts / a large original photograph.
Djamel Tatah - Carnet de notes
French edition
Djamel Tatah's notebook (photos, texts and drawings).
Djamel Tatah - Carnet de notes - Limited edition
French edition
Djamel Tatah's notebook, with an original artwork signed by the artist.
Artistes & Entreprises
French edition
Various critical approaches under the shape of questioning and the appropriation by artists of the model of the company.
Miroslav Tichý - L\'Homme à la Mauvaise Caméra
French edition (texts in English and French)
(last copies available!)
Monograph on Miroslav Tichý's unconventional and artisanal (blurred, underexposed photos, taken with handmade cameras) but powerfully evocative work.
Gloria Friedmann - Naked
French edition
Silkscreen (120 numbered and signed copies limited edition).
Won Sou-Yeol -
trilingual edition (English / French / Korean)
First monograph dedicated to Korean artist's paintings.
Hervé Di Rosa - L\'art modeste
French edition
(last copies available!)
A manifesto of modest art.
Hervé Di Rosa - L\'art modeste - Limited edition
French edition
Limited edition, accompanied by an original watercolor, signed and unique.
Anne Calas - La logique de l\'escargot - Correspondance itinérante (+ CD)
French edition
A traveling correspondence that combines writing, image and sound.
Cendres Lavy - Un génie, une génisse
French edition
First monograph / artist's book.
Felice Varini - Journal-poster - Limited edition
French edition
Limited edition in a boxed set with the original photo print.
Felice Varini - Journal-poster
French edition
A set of photographs and texts / a large original photograph.
David Coste - Intermittent Boundaries
bilingual edition (English / French)
Artist's book / first monograph.
Yann Toma -
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
Reference monograph: an overview of the unclassifiable work of an entrepreneurial artist who, by appropriating the symbolic network of a former electric power company, turned it into his research territory and the very matter of his activity, through twenty texts and interviews and some 700 photographs and illustrations.
Karl Waldmann - Les collages de Karl Waldmann
French edition
First major publication devoted to the mysterious germano-soviet artist's collages, one of the latest discoveries of constructivism.
Alain Séchas - Journal-poster - Limited edition
French edition
Limited edition in a boxed set with the original photo print.
Alain Séchas - Journal-poster
French edition
A set of photographs and texts / a large original photograph.
Bernard Dufour - Journal-poster - Limited edition
French edition
Limited edition in a boxed set with the original photo print.
Bernard Dufour - Journal-poster
French edition
A set of photographs and texts / a large original photograph.
Antoni Miralda - KM
bilingual edition (Catalan / French)
Spanish artist Antoni Miralda writes about his experience-centered approach to art and the theme of food as a main thread to explore cultural practices in a socio-political perspective.
Olga Kisseleva - Divers Faits
French edition
A contemporary dictionary of food and everyday objects symbolism through 49 stories and 49 still lifes.
Antoni Miralda - KM - Limited edition
bilingual edition (Catalan / French)
Spanish artist Antoni Miralda writes about his experience-centered approach to art and the theme of food as a main thread to explore cultural practices in a socio-political perspective. The limited edition is accompanied by an original work, made of ketchup and mustard, signed and unique, for each copy.

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