Susanne Kriemann

In her photographic projects, Susanne Kriemann (born 1972 in Erlangen, Germany, lives and works in Rotterdam and Berlin) takes a research-oriented approach: dealing with archival and forgotten documents in particular is a central aspect to her work. The found photo material then frequently serves as a starting point for her own images. Formal or thematic analogies generate multifaceted layers of association, which address the circumstances in which the historical images were produced, their preservation, as well as their link to the present day—and always also examine her own medium of photography.

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Susanne Kriemann - Duskdust
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
sold out
A photographic artist's book focusing on a former cement factory in Sweden. Kriemann's concern with archaeology, archival materials, and lost narratives is once again affirmed in this publication which came as the result of a residency program in Gotland Island and for which she collaborated with poet Maria Barnas and writer Kirsty Bell, among others.
Susanne Kriemann -
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
An in-depth view into the work of Susanne Kriemann.
Susanne Kriemann - Reading Susanne Kriemann
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
The book is comprised of texts on Susanne Kriemann's practice and its relation to the concept of Reading in a wider sense: reading photographs, archives, and texts and transforming these into new compositions with photography, urban space, and historiography.
topicsSusanne Kriemann: also present in

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