A musical and poetic performance by the Italian artistic collective.
A song addressed to the night as a time of suspension and subversion, a celebration of waiting in which dawn becomes a figure of a crossing. In the construction of Elementare, the three elements—ritual, song and poetry—engaged in combat, producing a dramaturgical and architectural structure that makes them its basic tools of work.
Elementare is above all an experience: both for the performers, singing throughout the hours of the night and taking their song to that place where control and precision get lost, in order to find an inexpected place within themselves; but also for the audience, who begin to fall asleep but forse themselves to stay awake if possible, like a ritual that tastes like a promise.
Original Music:
Meike Clarelli.
Sound Dramaturgy: Davide Fasulo, Meike Clarelli.
Choir conductor: Davide Fasulo.
With the voices of: Meike Clarelli, Elisabetta Dallargine, Vincenzo Destradis, Davide Fasulo, Fulvia Gasparini, Antonio Tavoni.
Live writing: Sara Garagnani.
Poetic texts: Gabriele Dalla Barba.
Adaption to texts to song: Meike Clarelli.
Amigdala is a collective founded in Modena in 2005 that brings together multidisciplinary artists and researchers (musicians, illustrators, architects, philosophers, performers).