An artist's book based on excerpts and quotes from Matthieu Laurette's interviews, randomly arranged.
In Random (Demix), Matthieu Laurette engages himself in a self-quotation of statements on art and extracts gleaned in his interviews of the last twenty years. Then he randomly organize it. The selection of his own remarks and their staging are, for the artist, a kind of rewriting, giving everyone a reading guide of his artistic work. The more experienced will notice the assumed kinship with Bertrand Lavier's Random, published by editions Jannink in 2002.
Since his appearance in the French TV show “Tournez Manège”, Matthieu Laurette (born 1970 in Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, France, lives and works in Paris) multiplied artistic events and became a major multimedia artist on the contemporary scene. Television, video, installation, or in public area interventions are all mediums which allow him to comment and challenge the social and economic environment of which we are the products, himself included.