

Antonin Artaud - A Sinister Assassin - Last Writings, Ivry-sur-Seine, September 1947–March 1948
English edition
Edited, translated and with an introduction by Stephen Barber, A Sinister Assassin illuminates Artaud's last, most intensive and terminal work for the first time.
Laurent Mannoni - Movements of Air - The Photographs from Étienne-Jules Marey’s Wind Tunnels
English edition
The book "Movements of Air" reprints the breathtaking pictures of Étienne-Jules Marey, that he took between 1899 and 1901 during his scientific experiments with moving air and smoke, and complements them with two essays of Georges Didi-Huberman and Laurent Mannoni. 
Inventory and Hinge - Entangled Fields of Research in the Arts – Institute for Contemporary Art Research 2001–2022
English edition
An overview of the research projects performed over the last two decades at the Institute for Contemporary Art Research (IFCAR) of Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK).
Antonin Artaud - The Human Face and Other Writings on His Drawings
bilingual edition (English / French)
Three extraordinary texts—pitched between writing and image—that project Artaud's ferocious engagement with the act of drawing.
Yves Netzhammer - Convex Thoughts - 293 Digital Drawings
English edition
293 new digital drawings by the Swiss artist.
Ronny Hardliz - Non-Construction - Architectural Gestures in Artistic Research
English edition
By defining a concept of architecture based on the tactile experience and not on construction, this book allows us to explore both discursive practice as the study of architectural art and the integration of architectural art as a discourse of spatial practice.
Zoran Terzić - Idiocracy - The Culture of the New Idiot
English edition
Zoran Terzić's wide-ranging and sharply detailed essay takes up the cultural-historical figure of the idiot and follows its numerous appearances throughout intellectual history in an examination of the art of idiocy that extends outside the hypertrophic present.
Antonin Artaud - Radio Works - 1946-48
bilingual edition (English / French)
The translated transcripts of two radio broadcasts by Artaud: To have done with the judgement of god (1947-48) and Madness and Black Magic (1946). Correspondences from that period are also included.
Antonin Artaud - Here Lies preceded by The Indian Culture
bilingual edition (English / French)
Two of Antonin Artaud's foremost poetic works from the last period of his life.
Refaire le monde
English edition
A documentation of new values and new worlds and a guide to them.
Connect and Divide - The Practice Turn in Media Studies
English edition
The publication studies four aspects of the practice turn in media studies: Media history from a praxeological perspective, the practice turn in religion and media studies, the connecting and dividing lines of media theories concerning gender and post-colonial agencies, and a historical and theoretical examination of the current relationship of media theory and practice theory.
Wu Yi - The Sea as Mirror - Essayings in and against Philosophy as History
English edition
The deep political and moral ambiguity attributed to the maritimeelement in Western philosophical and literary imaginaries.
Aesthetics of the Commons
English edition
The efficiency of art in common.
Minor cosmopolitan - Thinking art, politics, and the universe together otherwise
English edition
Rethinking cosmopolitanism without its exploitative grip through alternative traditions and practices of the cosmopolitan from across the globe.
Exotic Switzerland? - Looking Outward in the Age of Enlightenment
English edition
A collection of contributions from art history, history, literature, gender studies and ethnology to rethink the Enlightenment in Switzerland.
Une Suisse exotique ? - Regarder l’ailleurs en Suisse au siècle des Lumières
French edition
A collection of contributions from art history, history, literature, gender studies and ethnology to rethink the Enlightenment in Switzerland.
Antonin Artaud - Artaud the Mômo
bilingual edition (English / French)
English translation of Artaud le Mômo, edited in the spatial format Artaud intended, for the first time since its original edition in 1947. Includes eight original drawings by the French poet.
Stephen Barber - The Projectionists - Eadweard Muybridge and the Future Projections of the Moving Image
English edition
This publication explores the pioneering role of 19th century photographer Eadweard Muybridge in the development of moving-image projection. The study also maps the exceptional influence of his experiments on contemporary world's visual form.
Christian Hänggi - Pynchon\'s Sound of Music
English edition
This monographic study catalogs, explores, and interprets the manifold manifestations of music in Thomas Pynchon's novels.
 Claire Fontaine - La grève humaine - Et l\'art de créer la liberté
French edition
An anthology of Claire Fontaine's texts.
Hannes Rickli - Natures of Data - A Discussion between Biology, History and Philosophy of Science and Art
English edition
A transdisciplinary discussion on the influence of computer-based technologies on the conditions of biological research.
After the Crisis - Contemporary States of Photography
English edition
A platform for discussions between some of today's leading artists, writers, theorists, curators, and historians aimed at questioning the very status of photography today.
Après la crise - États contemporains de la photographie
French edition
A platform for discussions between some of today's leading artists, writers, theorists, curators, and historians aimed at questioning the very status of photography today.
Alexander García Düttmann - Qu\'est-ce que l\'art contemporain ?
French edition
The heart of the political-aesthetic debate.
Between / Beyond / Hybrid - New Essays on Transdisciplinarity
English edition
Prominent voices of the debate on transdisciplinarity in a transdisciplinary manner.
Stephen Barber - Film\'s Ghosts - Tatsumi Hijikata\'s Butoh and the Transmutation of 1960s Japan
English edition
An essential book for readers engaged with film and performance, urban cultures and architecture, and Japan's experimental art and its histories.
Antonin Artaud - Artaud 1937 Apocalypse - Letters from Ireland
English edition
First English translation of Antonin Artaud's writings from his apocalyptic journey to Ireland in 1937.
Neolithic Childhood - Art in a False Present, c. 1930
English edition
Based on the writings of Carl Einstein, this comprehensive, richly illustrated reader examines how the artistic avant-gardes reacted to the multiple crises of European modernity around 1930. Structured around a glossary, the publication gathers commissioned essays, texts by Einstein, and documentation on the namesake exhibition.
Sebastian Egenhofer - Towards an Aesthetics of Production
English edition
Throughout the twentieth century, critical art history often chose to ally itself with a restrictive brand of formalism. Therefore, critical analyses regularly reduced the artwork to its material and its social use. Based on this observation, historian Sebastian Egenhofer takes Deleuze's readings of philosophers as a starting point to renew the narrative of art history since the 1960s.
Scripted Culture - Digitalization and the Cultural Public Sphere
English edition
The cultural public sphere at the digital age.
The Present of the Future
English edition
(last copies available!)
This publication investigates our present relation to the future and asks which means and strategies artists and scholars pursue today, to gain a new scope of action for shaping alternative futures. It brings together contributions by academic staff at the cx centre for interdisciplinary studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich as well as selected artistic work by students.
Ute Holl - The Moses Complex - Freud, Schoenberg, Straub/Huillet
English edition
With this essay, Ute Holl analyzes in detail and deep historical context major works by Freud, Schoenberg, Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet, all inspired by the figure of Moses. The author offers a dynamic and comprehensive political and cultural theory of migration and violence.
Gertrud Koch - Breaking Bad, Breaking Out, Breaking Even
English edition
This study offers a reflexion on the complex temporality in the series Breaking Bad. The author develop her theories through examples coming from the show's various visual elements and masterful temporal and narrative structuring.
No New Kind of Duck - Would I know how to say what I do?
English edition
How to talk about his art as an artist? A series of discussions with Jan Verwoert and artists and composers of the Graduate School at the Berlin University of the Arts. In parallel, the book presents a careful selection of original artistic contributions by the participants.
Yves Netzhammer - Concave Thoughts - 357 Digital Drawings
English edition
An entry point into the Swiss artist's imagery through a collection of 357 digital drawings in black & white.
Vision in Motion - Streams of Sensation and Configurations of Time
English edition
An impressive collection of essays offering a critical examination of representations of vision in motion—from early illustrations of plants to the avant-gardes, from gesture to cinema, from decapitation to dance, from David Hume to Bergson and Deleuze.
Social Media - New Masses
English edition
The emergence of the new digital technologies and social media has transformed the very concept of the mass gathering. The present volume brings together a collection of studies that analyze this transformation and seize the opportunity to reevaluate the cultural and medial historiography of the masses.
Elisabeth Bronfen - Mad Men, Death and the American Dream
English edition
Elisabeth Bronfen gives a clever analysis on one of the most influential show of the 21th century, arguing that, beyond the retro-revival, Mad Men builds a comment on the state of the US nation and on the mirage of the American Dream.
Art and Contemporaneity
English edition
Publication gathering a team of thinkers that confront one of the most crucial questions when dealing with the very definition, concept and operativity of art: How to link art to the concept of the contemporary?
Neighborhood Technologies - Media and Mathematics of Dynamic Networks
English edition
This collection of essays seeks to comprehensively address the concept of “neighborhood technologies” by establishing a platform for the thorough discussion of neighborhood concepts and notions across scientific cultures—e.g., computer science, mathematics, sociology, media and cultural studies, theater studies, and architecture.
El Hadji Sy - Painting, Performance, Politics
English edition
(last copies available!)
The first art-historical survey on the multidimensional work of Senegalese artist, curator, and cultural activist El Hadji Sy.
Siegfried Kracauer - Kracauer - Photographic Archive
English edition
The photography book Kracauer. Photographic Archive is a collection of previously unpublished photographic material from the estate of the sociologist, philosopher, journalist and film and photograph theorist Siegfried Kracauer.
Siegfried Kracauer - The Past\'s Threshold - Essays on Photography
English edition
Siegfried Kracauer was a leading intellectual figure of the Weimar Republic and one of the foremost representatives of critical theory. This volume brings together for the first time all of Kracauer's essays on photography that he wrote between 1927 and 1933. It includes a foreword by Philippe Despoix, and a curriculum vitae illustrated with photographs from the Kracauer estate.
Timing of Affect - Epistemologies, Aesthetics, Politics
English edition
Affect, or the process by which emotions come to be embodied, is a burgeoning area of interest in both the humanities and the sciences. For Timing of Affect, Marie-Luise Angerer, Bernd Bösel, and Michaela Ott have assembled leading scholars to explore the temporal aspects of affect through the perspectives of philosophy, music, film, media, and art, as well as technology and neurology.

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