Al Dante

Founded in 1994, Al Dante aims to bring the most contemporary writing out of the margins. Al Dante publishes books—poetry, poetic and experimental proses, historical avant-gardes, theoretical essays, catalogs and artists' publications, anthologies, reviews—but also CDs (sound poetry, music), DVDs, journals, organizes and participates in events—readings, performances, colloquiums, exhibitions...

Al Dante's catalogue is integrated into that of Les presses du réel since 2018, and its program extended, in all its poetic and political radicality, within a new series directed by Laurent Cauwet.
303 titles
Jean-Jacques Lebel -
French edition
This exhibition catalogue gathers together the visual works—collages, drawings and installations—of three major French experimental poets.
Sylvain Courtoux - Nihil, Inc.
French edition
A gamebook in which the reader evolves in a burroughsian world threatened by a crime and terrorist corporation.
Jacques-Henri Michot - La vie, l\'amour, la mort
French edition
A collection of trite and commonplace remarks from the everyday life.
Véronique Pittolo - Hélène mode d\'emploi
French edition
A poetic contemporary adaptation of the mythical figure of Helen of Troy.
Jean-Luc Parant - 176 hiéroglyphes déchiffrés sous la voute du ciel
French edition
23.40 11.50 €
Publication gathering a series of early works from 1962 by French artist Jean-Luc Parant. These 176 hieroglyphs consist of 88 drawings to read, and 88 texts to look at.
Anne-James Chaton - Questio de Dido (+ CD)
French edition
Anne-James Chaton in search of the lost manuscript of Virgil's Aeneid in the city of Naples (a text and a radiophonic creation).
Jérôme Game - Ça tire - Suivi de Ceci n\'est pas une liste (+ CD)
French edition
Two texts of poetry examining the organization of everyday speeches. The publication includes a CD with audio recordings by the author.
Yves Buraud - Agonie-sous-bois
French edition
17.30 8.50 €
A lexicon to look back at the 2005 French riots.
Charles Pennequin - Pas de tombeau pour Mesrine
French edition
While looking for French criminal Jacques Mesrine's grave, Charles Pennequin engages in a poetic and politic reflection against French society.
Bernard Heidsieck - Vaduz (+ CD)
French edition
This poem by Bernard Heidsieck starts with Vaduz, the capital of Lichtenstein, and from it, lists all the people and ethnic groups of the world: a great humanist work and an extreme experience of poetry-action. The publication features a recording of the poem, read by Bernard Heidsieck.
Franck Leibovici - Portraits chinois
French edition (texts in English and French)
A poetic document gathering fragments of texts found on the websites of political groups and international news agencies.
 La Rédaction - Nos visages-flashs ultimes
French edition
17.30 8.50 €
This visual essay on hostage portrait questions the emotional relationship to the image in wartime. The artist uses basic communication tools to encourage us to reflect on information in public spaces.
Franck Leibovici - Des documents poétiques
French edition
In this essay, Franck Leibovici attempts to describe how information technologies can serve as tools in our lives. Illustrated with examples taken from the scientific, political and artistic spheres, his reflection leads to a new division between art and science.
Patrick Beurard-Valdoye - Le narré des îles Schwitters
French edition
A poetic investigation into the exile of Merz founder Kurt Schwitters in Norway and England after the Nazis' takeover of Germany.
Raoul Hausmann - Une anthologie poétique - Précédé de « RH L\'optophonétiste » par Isabelle Maunet-Salliet (+ CD)
French edition
First critical anthology of the poetry of Raoul Hausmann, one of the founders of Dada Berlin. It features many unpublished documents, an introductory essay by Isabelle Maunet-Salliet, and a recording of phonetic poems read by Raoul Hausmann.
Julien Blaine - Poëmes vulgos
French edition
39.60 19.00 €
Full-color anthology dedicated to the works of visual poet and performer Julien Blaine.
Olivier Quintyn - Dispositifs – Dislocations
French edition
This study takes a look back at a century of collage practice, including visual arts, photography, video art, cinema, sound art, and literature. Author Olivier Quintyn draws on a body of work that includes Picasso, Rodchenko, Jasper Johns, Max Ernst, John Heartfield, Denis Roche, Manuel Joseph, Anne-James Chaton, Oval, People Like Us…
French edition
Patate is a magazine dedicaded to graphism and poetry edited by French punk graphic design pionneer Pascal Doury.
Charles Pennequin - Je me jette (book + DVD)
French edition
Artist's book born from the encounter between Charles Pennequin's texts and the intimate immediacy of Pascal Doury's sketchbooks. The DVD features the film Je me jette as well as four other videos.
Liliane Giraudon - La sphinge mange cru
French edition
sold out
A collection of poems inspired by the Greek mythological figure of the female sphinx.
Mustapha Benfodil - Le point de vue de la mort
French edition
sold out
Following the social unrest and immolation acts in Southern Algeria in 2011, writer and journalist Mustapha Benfodil wrote this fictional monologue of a village's mortuary employee to reflect on the wounds of the Algerian society.
Christophe Gulizzi - Z5
French edition
sold out
The sport center Z5 in Aix-en-Provence originated from the desire of football glory Zinédine Zidane. This publication documents its conception by architect Christophe Gulizzi. It features a humoristic text on the creation of the stadium by mankind by writer Jean-Michel Espitallier.
Calligrammes & compagnie, etcetera
French edition
sold out
Dada, Fluxus, futurism, spatialism, lettrism, concrete poetry, cut-up… a 560-page anthology of typographical explosions and poetic experiments by Al Dante.
L\'armée noire - Printemps de merde
French edition
sold out
L'armée noire is a collaborative review founded by poet Charles Pennequin and illustrator Quentin Faucompré. This first issue gathers texts and illustrations inspired by art brut and experimental poetry.
Christophe Tarkos - Le Baroque
French edition
sold out
A posthumous notebook of writings and sketches by poet Christophe Tarkos.
Rudy Ricciotti - HQE - Les renards du temple
French edition
sold out
New expanded edition of a pamphlet against the High Quality Environmental standard for sustainable buildings in France. Architect Rudy Ricciotti argues that this standard only serves the interests of liberal economy.
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Al Dante
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Al Dante
An essay on the birth of artistic manifestos in the 19th century, from Jacques Louis David to Gustave Courbet.

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