ENSAD (École des Arts Décoratifs de Paris)

Publications by the French National School for Decorative Arts.
15 titles
Décor - Contrefeu
French edition
The fourth issue of the annual review of the École des Arts Décoratifs takes as its starting point the observation of an incandescent and damaged world, unequal and inhospitable, which can only arouse concern and anger in new generations.
Écodesign et Création - Produire
French edition
An exploration of the various paths of ecodesign, from material environments to our imaginations, from concern for uses to new narratives.
Décor - Trans
French edition
The third issue of the annual review of the École des arts décoratifs de Paris, placed under the complex and ambivalent sign of "TRANS", covering the various ways of transgressing (identity, textuality, coding, training, etc.).
Décor - Vulgaire
French edition
The second issue of the annual review of the École des arts décoratifs de Paris, devoted to the question of the vulgar, explores through creations, portfolios, interviews, fictions and theoretical texts the polysemy of this word which embodies all the tensions of our time.
Bureau d\'investigation du sacré
French edition
The restitution of a research and production program (Chair "Young Creation and the Sacred") conducted at the Ecole des Arts Déco by students, teachers and a number of invited artists and thinkers on the question of the sacred in contemporary creation.
French edition
First issue of the annual review of the École des arts décoratifs de Paris, devoted to the challenges of contemporary decor.
Yves Charnay - Les Cahiers de couleurs
French edition
Revised and expanded edition of the“Color notebooks” published by the National School of Decorative Arts, a synthesis of a series of in-depth studies initiated by Jacques Fillacier on the characteristics of color perception. A reference pictorial manual, for pedagogical as well as professional purposes, for all practitioners of color—painters, architects, designers, stylists, etc.
Léon Moussinac - Journal des 60 ans - 19 janvier 1950 – 19 janvier 1951 + L\'Héritage de Spartacus (livre / DVD)
French edition
Léon Moussinac was an influential French art critic and communist intellectual. This critical edition of his diary offers a unique testimony on political and cultural life in post-war France. This edition comes with a DVD of the documentary Léon Moussinac – L'héritage de Spartacus, directed by Patrick Cazals.
Chaire Innovation & Savoir-faire (box set)
French edition
A detailed presentation of the main lines of research, workshops, major projects and invited designers of the Innovation & Savoir-Faire Chair created by the National School of Decorative Arts with the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation, whose aim is to develop innovation and research in art and design.
Pierre Hénon - Une histoire française de l\'animation numérique
French edition
A French history of digital animation.
Profanations textiles - Design textile et matière, architecture intérieure, design objet
French edition
currently out of stock
Crossing perspectives on the results of an educational project around textile design and architecture.
EnsAD 250
French edition
Published on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the foundation of The French National School for Decorative Arts, this catalogue documents and expands a unique project built around a workshop gathering former and actual students, and an extraordinary exhibition of 250 posters in the Paris metro.
René Lesné - 250 Illustres, 1767-2017 - De l\'École royale gratuite de dessin à l\'École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs-Paris
French edition
(last copies available!)
Anniversary dictionary of the The French National School for Decorative Arts, which brings together the students and teachers who contributed to the reputation of the school, from Rodin to Xavier Veilhan, Martial Raysse, Francis Picabia, Cieslewicz, and Matisse.
Écodesign et Création - S\'attacher
French edition
sold out
An exploration of the various paths of ecodesign, from material environments to our imaginations, from concern for uses to new narratives.
Jean Widmer - Une traversée
French edition
sold out
A rereading of the work of the great Franco-Swiss graphic designer, pioneer of minimalism and precursor in terms of typography.

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