
Founded in 2006 with Mousse Magazine, Mousse Publishing grew out of the demand felt in the sector for a new attitude towards art publishing. The underlying idea was to give every collaborative project (with museums, institutions, fairs, galleries, artists and curators) the originality, care and attention that have always distinguished the publisher's high-quality work.
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
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Terry Adkins, Kai Althoff, Art After Art, Art Against the Net, Art and Appropriation, Josh Bitelli & Felix Melia, Elaine Cameron-Weir, Paul Chan, Liz Deschenes, João Enxuto & Erica Love, Hallucination Museum, Alex Olson, Laura Owens & Lisa Williamson, A Pedagogy of Invention, Sean Raspet, Cameron Rowland, Ben Schumacher & Jared Madere, A.L. Steiner, Stylometry, Franz Erhard Walther, The Work of Images in the Age of Digital Reproduction, Worldly Worlding, The Artist as Curator.
Jonathas de Andrade - Museu do homem do nordeste
bilingual edition (English / Portuguese)
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Artist's book.
Ten Fundamental Questions of Curating
English edition
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Ten distinguished contemporary curators answer to a series of key questions related to curating, art and exhibition making today.
Benoît Maire - Drawing Room Confessions #5
English edition
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Benoît Maire plays the Drawing Room Confessions.

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