
352 titles
Anyang Public Art Project 2007
bilingual edition (English / Korean)
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The catalogue of the art & architecture festival in Anyang (South Korea).
Hans Hartung - Hartung en Chine
bilingual edition (French / Chinese)
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Illustrated catalogue of the exhibition Hartung in China, on the relations between calligraphy and Western painting, taking Hans Hartung's work as starting point.
Wade Guyton -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Artists' books & editions
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Monograph / artist's book: reproduction on glossy paper of 3 printer drawings series realised from art books' pages, with a text by Vincent Pécoil.
French edition
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272 pages, 15 authors, 250 artworks (Rondinone, de Cointet, Decrauzat, Morris, Sandback, Creed, van Golden, Mosset...).
Tom Wesselmann -
English edition
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This fully illustrated catalogue focuses on Wesselman's erotic Drop-Out series, with an essay by John Wilmerding.
Thomas Lélu - After
bilingual edition (English / French)
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Visually expanding on the art world's tendency to see the world through the prism of modern and contemporary art, the book depicts some 200 images of found or researched situations taken “after” an artist's work – occupied realities that are, one might say, signed by the artists.
Hans Hartung - 10 perspectives
French edition
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10 new perspectives on the artist, his oeuvre and its reception (also available in English edition).
Hans Hartung - In the Beginning was Lightning
French edition
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A original approach to the life and work of Hans Hartung through its relationship with the space of his houses and workshops, in Menorca, Paris, and Antibes.
ECAL - Typography
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
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New perspectives on typography.
Adam Pendleton - So I independent in Georgia in the 90\'s - LAB 01/12/06
English edition
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First extensive publication of American artist, poet and performer's texts, illustrated with 4 screenprintings.
 M/M (Paris) - Printemps de septembre à Toulouse - Boxset + photo
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
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Numbered edition of a photography and a poster (Jean-Marc Bustamante fecit), which are added to the special box set by M/M (Paris) containing the last three catalogues of the Printemps de septembre festival.
Antoine Boute - Cavales
French edition
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One of the first published text by a major figure of Belgian experimental literature.
Jenny Holzer - Vingt-deux poèmes
bilingual edition (English / French)
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A series of poems by Henri Cole used by conceptual artist Jenny Holzer for her monumental “signs” installations.
 Yan Pei-Ming - For my father, Dijon–Shangai–Guangdong
trilingual edition (English / French / Chinese)
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Catalog published for the two exhibitions of the artist in Shangai and Guangdong in 2005.
Dora García - sí/yes/oui/no/no/non
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
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This monograph (somewhere between an artist's book and an exhibition catalogue) provides a complete overview of the Spanish artist's œuvre and an important documentation on each project.
Lygia Clark - De l\'œuvre à l\'événement - Nous sommes le moule. A vous de donner le souffle
French edition
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The most comprehensive publication on the Bresilian artist.
Guy de Cointet - A Few Drawings
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Facsimile reissue of the original graphic poetry book self-published in 1975 by Guy de Cointet.
ECAL - Industrial Design
bilingual edition (English / French)
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An inventory of the best products developed within one of the leading European art schools, the Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne.
Pae White - Ohms and Amps / Amps and Ohms
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Artists' books & editions
sold out
Comprising sixteen cardboard pages, this artist's book explores two exhibitions that were literal complements of each other.
Anna Gaskell - At Sixes and Sevens
bilingual edition (English / French)
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A set of drawings and two series of photos by Anna Gaskell: a journey through the dreamlike and strange universe of the American artist.
ECAL - Graphic Design
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
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A source book of graphic design by one of the leading European art schools.
ECAL - Photography
bilingual edition (English / French)
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An album of the “best images” gathered from the Visual Communication Department of ECAL, the dynamic art institute of Lausanne.
Evgenij Kozlov - Das Leningrader Album - We are on our way to school, singing songs hip and cool
trilingual edition (English / German / Russian)
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Erotic drawings of the 60's and 70's in Leningrad.
Claude Closky - Les euros
no text
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Artist's book: a series of bank notes brought together, lying on the floor.
Lawrence Weiner - C\'est selon, ORDONNER (badge)
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Badge in reference to the artist's work entitled C'est selon, ORDONNER.
Victor Charreton - Itinéraire d\'un peintre voyageur
French edition
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Monograph dedicated to the post-impressionnist painter's landscapes.
Christopher Wool - Crosstown
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
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Paintings and photographies.
Herman de Vries - Argumentstellen
bilingual edition (German / French)
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A minimalist interpretation of Wittgenstein's Tractatus (artist's book).
Claude Closky - Mon Père
no text
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Artist's book: a series of collected photographs, derived from advertisements, referring to the father figure.
Fabrice Hyber - Works & Process (box set)
French edition
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Numbered box set (1-100), with an original drawing signed by the artist and an unpublished DVD.
49/3 - ECAL, Lausanne – Fondue déchaînée
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Special issue, dedicated to the Swiss art school ECAL.
Gabrielle Wittkop - Nouveaux mémoires de l\'Abbé de Choisy habillé en femme, pour servir de supplément aux modes du Grand Siècle
French edition
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François-Timoléon de Choisy's writings (1644-1724), presented and illustrated with original collages by Gabrielle Wittkop.
Jack Goldstein -
bilingual edition (English / French)
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Anthology of essays on Jack Goldstein's work (contributions by Hélène Winer, Laurie Anderson, Morgan Fisher, Douglas Crimp, David Salle, Thomas Lawson, Carter Ratcliff, Michael Newman, Jack Goldstein, John Hutton, Craig Owens, Therese Lichtenstein, Jean Fisher, Chris Dercon, Hal Foster, Jack Bankowsky, Rosetta Brooks, Philip Pocock, Bruce Greenville, Lionel Bovier, Fareed Armaly).
Francesco Lo Savio - Francesco Lo Savio
texts in English and Italian
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The first English language monograph on Lo Savio.
Claude Rutault - La peinture photographe
bilingual edition (English / French)
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Claude Rutault's writings on relationships between painting and photography.
Sentimental (12 postcards)
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12 “sentimental” postcards, by Christian Boltanski, Douglas Gordon, Jenny Holzer, Koo Jeong-A, Barbara Kruger, Bertrand Lavier, Fiorenza Menini, Jonathan Monk, Liisa Roberts, David Shrigley, Niele Toroni, Lawrence Weiner.
Jonathan Monk - Meeting#13
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An envelope containing an invitation to meet the artist at the Eiffel Tower on October 13th, 2008 at noon.
Air-Air - Celebrating inflatables (+ CD)
French edition
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Published on the occasion of the exhibition Air-Air - on the inflatables structures theme - at the Grimaldi Forum de Monaco (Philippe Parreno, Yayoi Kusama, Sylvie Fleury, Lee Bul, Carsten Höller, Takashi Murakami, Bertrand Lavier, Andy Wharol, Kenji Yanobe, Archigram...).
Gary Panter - The Burning Monster
bilingual edition (English / French)
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Artist's book reproducing Gary Panter's sketchbook from Summer 1983. It features the essential of the artist's influences and themes: B-movies posters, comics characters, monsters and punks…
Jenny Holzer - Living
English edition
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This book presents the whole texts of the Living series by Jenny Holzer, printed on 400 tracing paper pages.
Bertrand Lavier - Vitrines
bilingual edition (English / French)
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Different works from 1982 to the famous Vitrines series (2000).
Pierre Huyghe -
bilingual edition (English / French)
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Steven Parrino - Electrophilia - Live France 1999 – A Clean And Healthy Obsession (CD)
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Live recording of two performances given by the artists in France.
Pierre Joseph - Des notes en forme de livres
French edition
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Artist's edition: three books batch ("philosophy", "history", "economy").
Pierre Bismuth - Alternance d\'éclaircies et de passages nuageux l\'après-midi
bilingual edition (English / French)
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Artist book from a 16mm film in which an urban scene is repeated several times with slight variations.
Jonathan Monk - Comic Book
no text
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Flip book realized from the Loop cartoon 16mm film.

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