
353 titles
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
Clément Bagot, Damien Deroubaix, Anne Deguelle, Paysage (s), Sébastien Vonier, Maude Maris / Alice Pichelin / Ji-Yeon Sung, Yassine Zaiat, O Brazil !
 Les Frères Chapuisat -
bilingual edition (English / French)
38.00 19.00 €
Installations 2003-2011.
French edition
The magazine of publisher Al Dante gathers contributions of philosophical, poetic, artistic, and political interest to find new ways of thinking and creating.
Laurent Montaron -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Monograph (with an essay by Michel Gauthier and an interview).
Au loin, une île !
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
14.00 7.00 €
Catalogue of a double exhibition dedicated to the contemporary British art scene.
Christopher Le Brun - Poems Paintings
English edition
(last copies available!)
Paintings by Christopher Le Brun / poems by 7 English authors (Alfred, Lord Tennyson, William Turner, Ezra Pound, Edward Thomas, Wallace Stevens, David Gascoyne).
Francis Ponge - L\'Asparagus
French edition
(last copies available!)
Facsimile edition of the artist book “L'Asparagus” from 1963. Book includes the poem “L'Asparagus” by Francis Ponge and 8 lithographs by Jean Fautrier.
Frédéric Acquaviva - Aatie (opéra-monde) (CD / DVD)
A piece for mezzo-soprano, voices, instrumental ensemble, electronics and videos (with a DVD, with no sound, to synchronise, or not, with the CD).
Volume! - Sex sells, Blackness too? – Stylisation des rapports de domination dans les cultures populaires et postcoloniales
texts in English and French
What role do the representations of the Other, the body, women and race play in highly publicized cultural productions?
Petra Feriancová - Weikendorf I & II (2 books)
bilingual edition (English / German)
12.00 5.00 €
These books are based on two different projects led by the artist during a site-specific exhibition at a gallery in Weikendorf, a little town in Lower Austria. For the first, she invited the local community to bring her photographs that would describe their lives in Weikendorf and exhibited it. The second project includes a black and white photographic installation playing on the reflections of an old fire station.
Vladimir Havlík - Actions and interventions 1978-1988
English edition
This artist's book takes a look back at ten years of works by Czech performer Vladimir Havlík and offers a powerful reflection on the influence of formats in our reception of photographic images.
 Fabrikdelabeslot - Concerto pour autotypo, conques et bulles - duo (book / DVD)
French edition
(last copies available!)
21.00 9.00 €
A book/DVD featuring a performance by Fabrikdelabeslot and Julien Blaine on a text by the latter (Je parle à la machine) in the printing workshops of the École Supérieure d'Art et Design Grenoble-Valence.
 ORLAN - Ceci est mon corps… ceci est mon logiciel
French edition
This monograph is derived from a lecture given in 2009 at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels. ORLAN takes a retrospective look at her career and brings forward themes explored in her work, such as hybridization and the female body in art.
 Filiamotsa Soufflant Rodhes - Wreckhouse (10\
By reorchestrating its previous pieces, the drum/violin duo Filiamotsa, here expanded by the saxophone, keyboards and trombone, has reinvented itself and enlarged its palette of sounds.
John Cage - Other People Think
English edition
A transcript of the earliest of John Cage's extended writings.
Sébastien Leseigneur - Station Dors Ph
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
A cross navigation between genres and techniques of photography (artist's book).
Izet Sheshivari - Macadam Cowboy
no text
Artist's book.
Paul-Armand Gette - Un goût certain pour la publication - Essai de catalogue raisonné des livres et publications, 1945-2012 (+ USB card)
French edition
Catalogue raisonné, with 170 publications described, a biography, and an USB card containing a PDF file and an audio interview of Paul-Armand Gette.
Jeffrey Vallance - The Vallance Bible
English edition
The Bible according to Jeffrey Vallance: a mystical and blasphemous apocryphal tale.
Sophie Coiffier - Me and my dog
French edition
Woes and misfortunes of a TV celebrity.
Olivier Bardin - Expositions
French edition
Monograph dedicated to the work of conceptual artist Olivier Bardin: a chronological selection of 96 projects, and four interviews with prestigious artists and critics: Pierre Huyghe, Pascale Cassagnau, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, and Vanessa Morisset.
Jean Olivier Hucleux - Works & Process (DVD)
French edition (English subtitles)
25.00 20.00 €
Three films about Hucleux.
Veilleurs du monde 3
bilingual edition (English / French)
20.00 10.00 €
Seven artists (the duo Art Orienté Objet, Amy Balkin, Gilles Bruni, Seamus Farrell, Romain Pellas, and Akira Sunrise) explore the issues of the ecological crisis and how humanity is endangering itself, from a reflection on the territory of the bucolic valley of the Lot in France.
Pierre Vadi - Hotel
bilingual edition (English / French)
35.00 19.00 €
First major monograph devoted to the Swiss artist: a retrospective of Pierre Vadi's work and exhibitions over fifteen years, with three essays.
Rencontre internationale d\'art performance 2010 - Regards sur l\'art action en Amérique latine et en Asie
French edition
A complete survey of performance arts in Latin America and Asia today.
Friedrich Kittler - Platz der Luftbrücke - Ein Gespräch mit Stefan Banz
German edition
The extended new edition of the out-of-print publication of the same name, from the year 1996, appears on the occasion of the death of Friedrich Kittler. Along with an introduction, it contains an extensive and unabridged interview with Stefan Banz and Kittler's unusual text Skiagraphia, die Schattenschrift (the shadowed text) from 2005.
Henri Deluy - Manger la mer - Lieux, soupes et bouillabaisses autour du monde
French edition
La bouillabaisse: a world tour of recipes.
Christian Prigent - Le professeur
French edition
A narrative divided in 28 chapters, each made up of one long sentence. A violent confrontation between the abstraction of the language and the subject dealing with pornography.
Tristan Trémeau - In art we trust - L\'art au risque de son économie
French edition
Tristan Trémeau investigates the institutional and market developments in the art word, and calls for the regeneration of art criticism.
Dominique Villa - A Stazzona
French edition
Poetess Vannina Maestri presents A Stazzona, a theater place conceived by Jean-Michel Battesti and Dominique Villa in the Corsican town of Pioggiola.
French edition
This publication gathers a collection of twenty texts together with a selection of archives and photographs which examine the literary and artistic representations of the banquet.
Eduardo Kac - Life, Light, Language
bilingual edition (English / French)
An investigation into Eduardo Kac's practice in 50 questions asked by digital art historian Dominique Moulon.
Cursif - Le dessin dans tous ses états
French edition
19.00 10.00 €
The French and Belgian public collections of drawings.
Lidwine Prolonge - Who had Virginia Woolf for dinner?
bilingual edition (English / French)
22.00 10.00 €
First monograph: thirteen projects conducted by French artist Lidwine Prolonge over the past five years, between literature, film, installations and performances.
Standing on the Beach with a Gun in my Hand - Eternal Tour – Jerusalem
texts in English and French
29.00 17.00 €
A set of contributions (archive texts, essays, literary texts, iconographic analysis, art works, interviews ...) by over thirty authors, scholars, writers, journalists, artists, Westerners, Middle Easterners, Jews, Muslims, Christians, atheists, to explore the complexities of contemporary Middle Eastern reality.
Edward W. Saïd - Dans l\'ombre de l\'Occident / Les Arabes peuvent-ils parler ?
French edition
17.00 10.00 €
Two both aesthetic and political engaged considerations on the relationship between the West and the Middle East (or more generally between the West and its others), from the figures of exile and the two cultures: three unpublished interviews of Edward W. Said / a deconstruction of a common European view on the Arab world by Seloua Luste Boulbina.
Inter - Art vs médias – 50 ans après
French edition
50 years of “media arts”.
Édith Azam - Mercure
French edition
A text on the need of love communication, through the story of a narrator who strives to learn music on a keyboard drawn on a cardboard piece.
Susanne Strassmann - Art People or Employees
bilingual edition (English / French)
39.60 19.00 €
This catalogue brings together a series of photographs by painter Suzanne Strassmann in which she deals with the specific codes of the art world and plays with the ambiguity of the interactions between artworks, art professionals, and the public.
Pierre Joseph - Oui, non, peut-être
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Catalogue raisonné / first monograph of a key figure in the art scene since the late 1980s, this luxurious book (designed by M/M), lavishly illustrated, documents the whole Pierre Joseph's oeuvre, from the first group shows to most recent works.
Damien Cabanes -
bilingual edition (English / French)
A retrospective of Damien Cabanes' paintings, sculptures and installations, with 150 illustrations and two essays.
Vincent Ganivet -
bilingual edition (English / French)
(last copies available!)
First monograph dedicated to the young French artist's “sculpture at work”,, as fragile as spectacular, with an interview.
Pascal Grandmaison - Half of the darkness
bilingual edition (English / French)
First comprehensive monograph dedicated to Canadian artist (photography, video and sculpture), with about 250 images, five essays and an interview.
Raymond Gervais - 3 x 1
bilingual edition (English / French)
28.00 25.00 €
Reference monograph.
Raphaëlle Paupert-Borne - Rome, Paris, Constantine
bilingual edition (English / French)
26.00 13.00 €
Monograph (paintings and drawings).

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