
352 titles
Le Plateau, 10 ans
French edition
26 color reproductions of images used for the realization of the posters celebrating 10 years of Le Plateau / FRAC Ile-de-France, Paris, by artists who have produced a personal exhibition.
Architecture and Time
bilingual edition (English / French)
Contributions by architects, philosophers and artists on the theme of time and architecture (conceptualized temporality, temporality in Japan, consideration of time in the architectural projects, new temporalities of public space...).
Printemps de septembre à Toulouse - D\'un autre monde
bilingual edition (English / French)
15.00 8.00 €
Retrospective catalogue of the 21th edition of the contemporary art festival in Toulouse, France, curated by Anne Pontégnie.
Noémie Lvovsky - Le cinéma de Noémie Lvovsky - Entretiens avec Quentin Mével
French edition
(last copies available!)
Autres - Être sauvage de Rousseau à nos jours
French edition
A collective essay as much as an exhibition catalogue, dedicated to the imaginary of the savage, from the 15th century to the contemporary culture, based on Rousseau's conception of state of nature.
Iris Levasseur - Quelques Vies de la Tarentule
French edition
Sixty small pencing drawings reproduced at scale 1:1.
Delphine Reist -
bilingual edition (English / French)
28.00 15.00 €
First monograph devoted to Delphine Reist's stand-alone devices and animated objects, with 150 illustrations, an essay and an interview.
 Kimsooja - Works & Process (DVD)
original version (English / Spanish / French), subtitles in English and French
25.00 20.00 €
Various documentary approaches of Kimsooja's work (8 films).
Lytle Shaw - The Moiré Effect
English edition
(last copies available!)
The life of the legendary Swiss photographer Ernst Moiré (1857-1929), whose name will forever be linked with the well-known printer's error.
Panorama 14 - Elasticités
bilingual edition (English / French)
15.00 5.00 €
A perspective on contemporary video and multimedia creation.
Stéphanie Jamet-Chavigny - Out-and-Out (Ecstasies)
bilingual edition (English / French)
The transcription of a lecture by Stéphanie Jamet-Chavigny on a photographic triptych by Swiss artist Istvan Balogh.
Akram Zaatari - Conversation avec un cinéaste israélien imaginé : Avi Mograbi
French edition
15.00 9.00 €
An imaginary conversation between two filmmakers that evokes memories from the conflicts between Israel and Lebanon, and the way the memory and the testimony inevitably mix fiction and documentary (available in English edition).
Inter - Espace public
French edition
Art in the public sphere.
Richard Martel - L\'art dans l\'action / l\'action dans l\'art - Textes 2002-2012
French edition
The collection of texts of the performance art theorist/activist.
Jacques Sivan - Des vies sur le deuil polaire
French edition
In this text, poet Jacques Sivan creates an imaginary planet populated by mortals, a mirror of our world through which he investigates the nature of language.
 Suspended spaces - Suspended spaces
56.00 25.00 €
Special offer for the purchase of Suspended spaces #1 and 2.
 Suspended spaces - Suspended spaces - A Collective Experience
bilingual edition (English / French)
21.00 12.00 €
Suspended spaces #2 is a trip in the libanese territories. It develops artistical proposals and philosophical approaches of modernism in a middle eastern country.
Christian Bernard - Petite forme - Cinquante sonnets
French edition
(last copies available!)
Christian Bernard's collection of poems in sonnet form.
Antoni Muntadas - Salt & Sugar - No Sugar, No Salt
bilingual edition (English / Spanish)
Catalogue documenting a unique installation born from the colllaboration of two major artists of the twentieth century.
Digital Art & Culture(s) - International Panorama
bilingual edition (English / French)
This publication offers contemporary and historical overviews of international digital creation.
Xavier Noiret-Thomé -
bilingual edition (English / French)
First monograph dedicated to Xavier Noiret-Thomé's pictural telescopings, between figuration and abstraction, between iconophilia and iconoclasm, between references to art history and borrowings from contemporary popular culture (with two essays and an interview).
Faraj Bayrakdar - Ni vivant ni mort
French edition
Collection of poetry written in jail by award-winning poet and opponent to the Syrian regime Faraj Bayrakdar. With a foreword by French poet Michel Deguy.
Oscarine Bosquet - Mum is Down
French edition
This poetic text borrows from the vocabulary of the tale to express the experience of maternal suicide.
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
Honoré d'O / Herman de Vries / Jocelyne Alloucherie / Sandrine Morsillo & Patrick Lipski / Iannis Xenakis / Iris Levasseur / Faisons connaissance...
Emmanuelle Villard -
bilingual edition (English / French)
32.00 16.00 €
First monograph dedicated to the glamorous and saturated paintings, sculptures and collages of the French artist who works the way a drag queen makes herself up.
Fernand Baudin Prize 2011
trilingual edition (English / Dutch / French)
9.00 5.00 €
The catalogue of the Prize for the Most Beautiful Books in Brussels and Wallonia.
Alain Huck - Ancholia
French edition
50.00 25.00 €
Artist's book: a deconstruction of four monumental charcoal drawings, details of which are reproduced at the scale 1/1 and whose book offers a new reading.
Cursif - Le dessin dans tous ses états
French edition
19.00 10.00 €
The French and Belgian public collections of drawings.
François Curlet - Short Messages Service
French edition
9.00 5.00 €
Artist's book: a compilation of SMS sent by François Curlet since more than 10 years, between haiku and aphorism, with a series of drawings by Mrzyk & Moriceau.
Andy Moor - Decade (book / CD)
text in English, French, German, Dutch...
A collaboration of the sound poet Anne-James Chaton, guitarist Andy Moor (The Ex) and musician Alva Noto (Carsten Nicolai): a dense and structured sound design, in which words, rhythms, and melodic loops inexorably blend.
Guillaume de Lorris - Le Roman de la Rose
French edition
The continuation and end of Guillaume de Lorris's Romance of the Rose, written in 1216 but unfinished, by artist and writer Bruno Di Rosa.
Jean-Christophe Norman - The Circumstances of the Accident
bilingual edition (English / French)
This first monograph retraces the artist's career since 2005 and explores the various facets of his work through lavish illustrations, an essay by Laurent Buffet and an interview with the artist by Marjorie Micucci.
Manières & protocoles - Journée d\'étude n° 4
French edition
Transcript of a seminar on nature and protocols, with philosopher Pierre-Damien Huyghe and artist Jean-Baptiste Farkas.
José M. González García - Métaphores du pouvoir
French edition
An essay of political philosophy in which José M. González García examines the role of the metaphor in politics throughout history.
Fabrice Reymond - Anabase #4 - Canopée
French edition
The fourth publication from an ongoing collection of fragmentary texts, written daily by poet-artist Fabrice Reymond.
Robert Milin - Un espace de l\'art ? (DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French) / DVD in French version (English subtitles)
A film by Robert Milin to question the conditions and implications of “art in the suburbs.” (with Sylvie Blocher, Thomas Hirschhorn, Didier Marcel, Guy Tortosa...).
Bruno Peinado - Myself, Me & I
bilingual edition (English / French)
Reference monograph.
L\'Humidité - 1970-1978
French edition
An anthology of the most important experimental poetry review in 1970s France (25 issues + 1).
Le chiffre & le texte (formes d\'usages) - Journée d\'étude n° 5
French edition
Transcript of a seminar on Mallarmé and the concept of coding in modern and contemporary artwork. With philosopher Quentin Meillassoux and writer Antoine Dufeu.
 Taroop & Glabel - Abécédaire
bilingual edition (English / French)
Artist's book: Taroop & Glabel's ABC.
Jann-Marc Rouillan - Autopsie du dehors - Carnet d\'été d\'un relégué sous surveillance électronique
French edition
This notebook recounts Jann-Marc Rouillan's first months outside of jail. The political activist and former member of Action directe shares his encounters with the people of Marseille and his thoughts on today's society. With illustrations by Marie-Claire Cordat.
French edition
29.00 12.00 €
304 pages, 13 texts, 226 illustrations (N. Shaver by Jean-Philippe Antoine, interviews with K. Walker and I. Wallace, Berdaguer & Péjus by Sylvie Coëllier, M. Rottenberg by Fabien Faure, P. Sietsema by Michel Gauthier, P. Rahm by Guy Lelong, L. Williams by Marjolaine Lévy, M. Blaussyld by Hélène Meisel, W. Raad by Vanessa Morisset, D. Buren by Remi Parcollet, S. Pippin by Frédéric Paul, M. Fortuné by Natacha Pugnet).
 Letaris - Opération Paris ville décente
12 postcards of the Arc de Triomphe, Paris, decorated with cut out and pasted panties patterns.
Éric Watier - L\'inventaire des destructions
French edition
An inventory of gestures of artists who deliberately destroyed their own works.
Mario García Torres - What Doesn\'t Kill You Makes You Stronger
bilingual edition (English / French)
A lecture by Elisabeth Wetterwald on a video installation by conceptual Mexican artist, with a series of slideshow stills.

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