Gretta Sarfaty

Gretta Sarfaty (born 1947 in Athens) is a Brazilian feminist artist recognized for her experimental approach and engagement with gender issues. Since the mid-1960s, she has explored various artistic languages; transitioning from paintings, prints, and drawings to more innovative forms such as photography, performance, and video. Gretta Sarfaty has established herself as an influential figure in experimental visual arts scenes. A recurring theme in her work is the questioning of stereotypical representations of women and the search for feminine essence, often expressed through the manipulation of self-portraits that metamorphose across the various media and supports in which she explores her aesthetic investigations. Her work challenges prevailing standards, prompting reflections on identity, power, and femininity in contemporary times.

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Gretta Sarfaty -
bilingual edition (English / Portuguese)
First monograph of the Brazilian feminist artist.

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