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Geins\'t Naït & Laurent Petitgand - Oublier (CD)
The duo's second recording in the “Mind Travels” Series: Petitgrand's sumptuous melodies meet Geins't Naït's hypnotic industrial collages to form a listening experience both immersive and singular.
Also available on vinyl.
Geins't Naït (Thierry Merigout) and Laurent Petitgand have been quietly making and releasing music for 30 years. A unique chemistry that defies genres. As soon as you think you understand it it changes, the music constantly moves, like trying to grasp at a dream, just as you think you've got it it's gone and replaced by a new thought that leads you like Pan off of the path and into the woods to be lost forever. Petitgrand is best known for his collaborations with Wim Wenders. His soundtrack The Salt of the Earth won numerous prizes. Founded in the eighties, is the heir of the post-industrial scene, and often described as being influenced by surrealism and the Situationists.
Photographs by Francis Meslet.
published in December 2015
CD Digisleeve
13 tracks
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