Art & sexuality / erotism

Matthew Buckingham - Play the Story
bilingual edition (English / French)
(last copies available!)
25.00 15.00 €
An original monographic publication (4 books in a boxset) devised as part of an exhibition of video installations recently produced by the American artist.
Walter Pfeiffer - Cherchez la femme!
bilingual edition (English / German)
Edition Patrick Frey
Gathering more than 100 portraits of women by Walter Pfeiffer, most of them being published for the first time, this books shows a new facette to Walter Pfeiffer's rich oeuvre.
Alexandra Baudelot - Jennifer Lacey & Nadia Lauro - Dispositifs chorégraphiques
French edition
Les presses du réel – Dance & Performing Arts –
An essay / fully illustrated monograph on choreographer and dancer Jennifer Lacey and artist and scenographer Nadia Lauro.
Georges Molinié - De la pornographie
French edition
If pornography, for some, is not presentable, it is argued here that pornography is necessary, and that it is even the only ideal way to try to think freely the meaning, the value of art.
Jacques Floret - Alf-moi partout
French edition
Galerie du jour agnès b. - Monographs & artists' books
15.00 7.00 €
Artist's book (drawings).
Richard Phillips -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
(last copies available!)
Illustrated monograph dedicated to the American hyperrealist artist's drawings. With texts by Kim Gordon, Liam Gillick, Karl Holmqvist...
Permanent Food
no text
Permanent Food
French edition
Al Dante - Contemporary Art
Patate is a magazine dedicaded to graphism and poetry edited by French punk graphic design pionneer Pascal Doury.
Yayoi Kusama - Manhattan Suicide Addict
French edition
Les presses du réel – Artists' Writings – Miscellaneous
26.00 15.00 €
First French translation of the Kusama's psychedelic novel, published first in 1978 during the exile of the artist in New York.
Rebecca Warren -
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
First monograph of the artist, presenting her figures of unfired clay, which grotesquely exaggerate the characteristic traits and trademarks of female sexuality.
Michel Onfray - Oxymoriques - Les photographies de Bettina Rheims
French edition
Jannink - Wide Open
Philosopher and essayist Michel Onfray analyzes the nature of Bettina Rheims' photos, and develops the thesis of a work which, more than scandalous or sulphurous, introduces new models of representation of our society.
Pierre Molinier - Je suis né homme-putain - Écrits et dessins inédits
French edition
Writings and drawings.
Kathy Acker - Spread Wide
English edition
Dis Voir - Visual Arts – Encounters
Various artists and authors use two writers' correspondence as a primary source to develop an artistic and literary falsification.
The Future has a Silver Lining - Genealogies of Glamour
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Anthologies & Art Theory
(last copies available!)
Art and glamour as spaces for transformation of the self.
Bernard Dufour - Mes laissées
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
A collection of artist's writings about literature, semantics, dreams, poetry, photography, women...
Bernard Dufour - Mes laissées - Limited edition
French edition
Jannink - L'art en écrit
A collection of artist's writings about literature, semantics, dreams, poetry, photography... (limited edition accompanied by a hand-enhanced photograph).
Bathroom Manners
bilingual edition (English / French)
Jannink - Wide Open
26.00 8.00 €
82 photos taken in bathrooms (Bettina Rheims, Araki, Jacques-Henri Lartigue, Bertrand Desprez, Giselle Freund, Pierre & Gilles...), with an essay by Jean-Claude Kaufmann, half-way between voyeurism and sociological commentary
Markus Schinwald -
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
The films, photos, installations, and graphic artworks of Austrian artist Markus Schinwald create a highly charged aesthetic collection of curios in which the human being stands in the focal point of observation.
Paul-Armand Gette - The Nymphalids
bilingual edition (English / French)
Galerie du jour agnès b. - Monographs & artists' books
Artist's book.
Otto Muehl - Lettres à Erika - Journal de l\'actionnisme
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – Bibliothèque art action pensée
The correspondance between Otto Muehl and Erika Stocker forms an intense journal of Viennese actionism, and more particularly of the artist's work.
Otto Muehl - Lettres de prison
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – Bibliothèque art action pensée
Otto Muehl was condemned to 7 years of prison in 1991. He exchanged letters with his family and friends, he painted.
Keep This Sex Out Of My Sight
English edition
Dis Voir - Visual Arts – Essays
A study, by five women, on the artistic representations of the female body (essays by Chrystel Besse, Marie-Joseph Bertini, Arlette Fontan, Françoise Gaillard, and Elvan Zabunyan).
Cachez ce sexe que je ne saurais voir
French edition
Dis Voir - Visual Arts – Essays
A study, by five women, on the artistic representations of the female body (essays by Chrystel Besse, Marie-Joseph Bertini, Arlette Fontan, Françoise Gaillard, and Elvan Zabunyan).
Permanent Food
no text
Permanent Food
(last copies available!)
Sture Johannesson -
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
39.00 20.00 €
This book, part psychedelic philosophy, part biography, is the first to present Sture Johannesson's work in depth, documenting his affiliations with the “high” underground and the punk movement, his activism and his radical exploration of the relationships between art, politics, technology, and human consciousness.
Kyoichi Tsuzuki - Voulez-vous coucher avec nous ce soir ?
no text
This artist's book brings together photographic images of Japanese pleasure houses and a collection of erotic sculptures.
Alberto García-Alix - Lo que dura un beso
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
95 duotone photographs by Alberto García-Alix.
Jean-Jacques Lebel - Reliquaire pour un culte de Vénus
bilingual edition (English / French)
Casino Luxembourg
10.00 5.00 €
Jean-Jacques Lebel's tribute to Venus.
Otto Muehl - Sortir du bourbier
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – Bibliothèque art action pensée
The actionnist's autobiography.
Luigee Trademarq - Bande Original (Original soundtracks for John B. Root\'s films) (3 CD)
A triple CD of music made for John B. Root's pornographic films! (with Noël Akchoté, Charlie O, Emiko Ota, Dom Farkas, etc.).
Peter Greenaway - Huit femmes et demie
French edition
Dis Voir - Cinema – Script
Eight and a half women is a laconic black comedy, an examination of the age-old phenomenon of male sexual fantasy, its roots and its consequences, as well as a homage to Fellini (film script).
Elke Krystufek - In the Arms of Luck
édition anglaise
CEC (Centre d'édition contemporaine)
An intimate and unsettling diary featuring 56 self-portraits drawn in black and coloured pencils, extensively annotated by the artist.
Larry Bell - Fraction - Edition de tête
bilingual edition (English / French)
Jannink - L'art en écrit
Unpublished text, signed original work, unique for each copy.
Paul-Armand Gette - Textes très peu choisis - Ecrits de 1964 à 1988
French edition
Les presses du réel – Artists' Writings – Miscellaneous
21.00 10.00 €
Collection of texts.
The Nude with a Piece of White Cloth
trilingual edition (English / French / Japanese)
Galerie du jour agnès b. - Catalogues
(last copies available!)
22.00 11.00 €
Pierre Molinier - Mon cul
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Artists' books & editions
currently out of stock
Original gelatin silver print (circa 1968) by Pierre Molinier, on sealed Kodak Kodura paper.
Valerio Adami - Naked
Jannink - Naked (prints)
Silkscreen (120 numbered and signed copies limited edition).
Pat Andrea - Naked
Jannink - Naked (prints)
Silkscreen (120 numbered and signed copies limited edition).
 Arman - Naked
Jannink - Naked (prints)
Pad enhanced silkscreen (120 numbered and signed copies limited edition).
Pol Bury - Naked
Jannink - Naked (prints)
Silkscreen (120 numbered and signed copies limited edition).
Joël Ducorroy - Naked
Jannink - Naked (prints)
Silkscreen (120 numbered and signed copies limited edition).
 Erró - Naked
Jannink - Naked (prints)
Silkscreen (120 numbered and signed copies limited edition).
Jacques Monory - Naked
Jannink - Naked (prints)
Silkscreen (120 numbered and signed copies limited edition).
Jean-Pierre Pincemin - Naked
Jannink - Naked (prints)
Silkscreen (120 numbered and signed copies limited edition).
Bernard Rancillac - Naked
Jannink - Naked (prints)
Silkscreen (120 numbered and signed copies limited edition).
Franck Scurti - Naked
Jannink - Naked (prints)
Silkscreen (120 numbered and signed copies limited edition).
Alain Séchas - Naked
Jannink - Naked (prints)
Silkscreen (120 numbered and signed copies limited edition).
Jacques Villeglé - Naked
Jannink - Naked (prints)
Lithograph (120 numbered and signed copies limited edition).
Walter Pfeiffer - Chez Walti 2000-2022
English edition
Edition Patrick Frey
sold out
A large retrospective of the Swiss cult photographer's work over two decades.
Daisuke Ichiba - Coulour
no text
United Dead Artists
sold out
The third book by Master of the Underworld Daisuke Ichiba published by United Dead Artists focuses on color, blending red demons with the sulfur of strangling gardens.

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