Art & pedagogy / teaching / education

Brian Massumi - Pensée en acte - Vingt propositions pour la recherche-création
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – ArTeC
20 proposals for the intersection of artistic practice and research in academic milieu.
Global Tools - When Education Coincides with Life – 1973–1975
English edition
Global Tools 1973–1975 documents and narrates the story of the eponymous experience of Radical Design and its multidisciplinary school program "without students or teachers."
« Il créait des choses désagréables » - Marcel Mariën et l\'activité surréaliste
French edition (texts in French and English)
Art Book Magazine
The different aspects of the work of Marcel Mariën (1920-1993)–member of the surrealist group of Brussels, poet, creator of images, publisher, theoretician and political activist, accomplice of René Magritte and Guy Debord.
Requiem pour un centaure - Exposition des diplômé-é-s 2020
bilingual edition (English / French)
MO.CO. Panacée
Catalogue of the graduation exhibition 2020 "Centaur's Requiem" at MO.CO. Esba (Montpellier School of Fine Arts), curated by Céline Kopp).
Jungle Design - Le design à l\'École nationale supérieure d\'art et de design de Limoges
French edition
Design creations made at the École nationale supérieure d'art et de design de Limoges, showing the area opened by ceramics to question the process of creation and the field of production of objects within an art and design school.
Exercice(s) d\'architecture
French edition
Exercice(s) d'architecture
ENSAB (Brittany National College of Architecture) - Exercice(s) d'architecture
The tenth issue of the journal of the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Bretagne, on the theme of the never-finished city, in the context of the large-scale crises that overwhelm us and require us to imagine a new alliance of uses and forms to allow to think that the unforeseeable is possible.
Marcel Lods - Éduquer à l\'architecture moderne
French edition
Transcripts of unpublished lectures and writings by the French architect-urbanist Marcel Lods (1891-1978).
Cahiers mésozoaires - Destructions
French edition
Cahiers mésozoaires
Destruction/reconstruction and contemporary art.
Imagine something new, like justice
trilingual edition (English / Arabic / Turkish)
Archive Books
Transdisciplinary research on the theme of justice and the agency of imagination in the artistic, discursive and political realms.
 Free Home University - When the Roots Start Moving - First Mouvement – To Navigate Backward – Resonating with Zapatismo
English edition
Archive Books
A collection of essays investigating predicaments of rootedness and rootlessness and notions of belonging and of displacement across different geographical and epistemological coordinates.
Genre 2030 - isdaT 2020 – L.A.C. 2021, deux workshops, un display, et quelques autres agissements collaboratifs
French edition
isdaT (Higher Institute of Arts and Design of Toulouse) - Research Series
Collective and individual artistic practices from a gender perspective.
 Opening Performance Orchestra - Aktual University (CD)
Sub Rosa
15.00 11.00 €
Two pieces based on Milan Knízak's canonical text Aktual University, dating from 1967, containing ten short lectures outlining the university's character—On Conflict, On Dreams, On Revolutions, On Love, On Belief, On Art, etc. These lectures were to serve as inspirational schemes for lectures, seminars and discussions held at an ideal university.
(How) do we (want to) work (together) (as (socially engaged) designers (students and neighbors)) (in neoliberal times)? - Public Design Support, 2016–2021
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
A critical examination of the Studio Experimentelles Design's politically and socially committed approach, questioning the social implications of design as well as the working conditions of designers today.
MuMo - Le Musée Mobile – Volume 4
French edition
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of MuMo (Musée Mobile), this fourth volume traces the journey of a new museum truck, designed in 2017 by designer Matali Crasset to circulate the works of the Fonds régionaux d'art contemporain (Frac) and the Cnap – Centre national des arts plastiques.
Azimuts - Collecte
bilingual edition (English / French)
Issue celebrating the 30th anniversary of the design research journal, offering a selection of essential articles and free iconographic navigation in the Azimuts corpus.
Angelo Plessas - Experimental Education Protocol III
English edition
The report of the third edition of The Experimental Education Protocol, an alternative educational model imagined by the artist Angelo Plessas, organized in the form of a sailboat cruise in the Aegean Sea.
School of Waters - Mediterranea 19 – Young Artists Biennale San Marino 2021
English edition
Archive Books
Mediterranea 19 – School of Waters imagines a Biennale as a temporary school inspired by radical and experimental pedagogies and the way they challenge artistic, curatorial, and research formats.
French edition
ENSAD (École des Arts Décoratifs de Paris)
First issue of the annual review of the École des arts décoratifs de Paris, devoted to the challenges of contemporary decor.
Usage du temps
bilingual edition (English / French)
ENSP Arles (National School of Photography)
How the organization of time structures the creative process and more broadly our relationship to the world.
Fieldwork Marfa Texas USA - Ten Years of Art Experiments
English edition
Jannink - Wide Open
The ten years of activity of the international program of research, experimentation, and artistic and pedagogical residencies devoted to questions of artistic community, art in public space, landscape and the political issues of borders, territories and migrations, in Marfa, Texas, a mythical place that has become a veritable artistic laboratory.
Fieldwork Marfa Texas USA - Dix ans d\'expérimentations artistiques
French edition
Jannink - Wide Open
The ten years of activity of the international program of research, experimentation, and artistic and pedagogical residencies devoted to questions of artistic community, art in public space, landscape and the political issues of borders, territories and migrations, in Marfa, Texas, a mythical place that has become a veritable artistic laboratory.
Marfa Sounding
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
A program of performances, sound installations, projections, and conversations, to explore the relationship between sound, movement, and the social and geographic specifics of Marfa, Texas, at the intersection of music, minimalism, and the political.
Vikhi Vahavek - Biographie d\'une artiste très professionnelle
French edition
Les commissaires anonymes - Stimuli
This biography of a fictitious artist constitutes a critical analysis of the professionalization of arts education as well as a support for reflection in favor of the socio-economic responsibilities of artistic practices.
Azimuts - Continu
texts in English and French
Azimuts #52 invites researchers to talk about their work and thinking, within and outside of their usual frameworks and fields of investigation, documenting a sensitive and critical perception of a reality on hold due to the pandemic.
Patricio Gil Flood - Notes pour un glossaire - École du non travail
bilingual edition (Spanish / French)
ESAAA (Higher School of Art Annecy)
A collective publication implementing the itinerant project of the School of non-work developed by the Geneva-based Argentinian artist Patricio Gil Flood, developed in always different forms, depending on the context where it settles and acts.
Philippe Guisgand - Analyser les œuvres en danse - Partitions pour le regard
French edition
CND (Centre National de la Danse) - Research (ebooks)
A reflection on the stakes of the analysis of dance works and the education of the gaze.
Exercice(s) d\'architecture
French edition
Exercice(s) d'architecture
ENSAB (Brittany National College of Architecture) - Exercice(s) d'architecture
The ninth issue of the journal of the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Bretagne proposes to update the debate on the autonomy of architecture.
Steffani Jemison - Mikrokosmos - Another time, this time, one time (vinyl LP)
Formed in 2016 as the collaborative platform of composer Justin Hicks and artist Steffani Jemison, Mikrokosmos mines the history of Black music. This ongoing project has manifested in many forms: workshop, study session, concert, listening session, book, prompt, score. “Another time, this time, one time,” the first Mikrokosmos LP, uses Gil Scott-Heron and Brian Jackson's “We Almost Lost Detroit” (1977) as the raw material for R&B songwriting.
Laurent Sfar - La Bibliothèque grise
bilingual edition (English / French)
Captures - Digressions (interviews)
A conversation around books and reading, education and teaching methods, food and culinary practices, and agriculture and ecology.
Luis Camnitzer - E-flux journal - One Number Is Worth One Word
English edition
Sternberg Press - E-flux journal
This collection of texts—with many unpublished—spans over half a century of the conceptual artist's radical engagement with art education and its institutions.
Digital Klee - Pedagogical Sketchbook – An Inquiry Into The Future Of Form
bilingual edition (English / French)
Présent composé
Between 2017 and 2020, researchers in the fields of art, design, computer science, psychology, sociology, digital humanities and mathematics explored the historical publication of the artist Paul Klee, which appeared in 1925 at the Bauhaus. The research work led to the project being part of a logic of patrimonialisation and transmission of knowledge based on digital technologies.
Azimuts - Formation
texts in English and French
Edited collectively by the students of the 2019 graduating and incoming classes of the Design Research Cycle at ESAD Saint-Étienne, issue 51 of the magazine Azimuts looks at pedagogy in higher education in design through testimonies and feedback from past and present experiences that challenge the traditional modalities and frameworks of school and university.
Flore Garcin-Marrou - Penser le design avec la philosophie
French edition
Thinking design with philosophy (a teaching manual).
Angela Marzullo - L\'origine
bilingual edition (English / French)
CPG (Centre de la photographie Genève)
Artist's book stemming from a performance by the Swiss feminist artist, featuring newspaper cut-outs evoking the female sex (limited edition).
Minor Cinema - Experimental Film in Switzerland
English edition
Les presses du réel – Cinema & video art – Documents
JRP|Editions - Documents (co-edition Les presses du réel)
An archeology of Swiss experimental film.
Laurence Rassel - Ce que Laurence Rassel nous fait faire
French edition
Paraguay Press - Essays
A book of interviews with the curator and pedagogue Laurence Rassel, who develops in thought and action ways to remedy what ruins relationships and hinders emancipation.
Exercice(s) d\'architecture
French edition
Exercice(s) d'architecture
ENSAB (Brittany National College of Architecture) - Exercice(s) d'architecture
The eighth issue of the journal of the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Bretagne focuses on the relationship between heritage, ecology and creation.
Jörg Wiesel - Manifesto of Artistic Research
bilingual edition (English / German)
Diaphanes - Think Art
A manifesto for artistic research and in defense of its autonomy.
Art, Self & System
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
Stemming from the Master Fine Arts at the Zurich University of the Arts, this publication promotes the art school as a place for pedagogical, civic and political implications.
Joséphine Baker - Initiales - Initiales J.B.
French edition
ENSBA Lyon (Lyon National School of Art)
The thirteenth issue of Initiales is dedicated to Joséphine Baker, an eminently romantic character who crossed the twentieth century and the continents and who allows us today to reconsider the notions of identity and representativeness that occupy our contemporary world.
Design en regards
French edition
Art Book Magazine
A collection of texts, interviews and testimonials about new teaching practices of design.

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