Video art

Raphaël Grisey - Wo versteckt sich Rosa L. / Où se cache Rosa L.
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
it: editions
This publication is based on a series of surveys and photographs made in Berlin between 2001 and 2004 by artist Raphaël Grisey. A combination of images and texts, Wo versteckt sich Rosa L. is an exploration of the memory and the history of the city. This subjective guide of Berlin also features maps to locate the photographed sites.
Marie Bovo - Night Drippings - Alicante-Marseille-Tokyo
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
A series of night photographs.
Doug Aitken - Alpha
English edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
(last copies available!)
Artist's book.
Melik Ohanian - Cosmograms
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
A book conceived as an extension of Melik Ohanian's film Seven Minutes Before, with contributions by Cecil Balmond, Gilles Clément, Beatriz Colomina, Tacita Dean, Richard Drayton, David Elbaz, Patricia Falguières, Medard Gabel, André Gaudreault, Paul Gilroy, Edouard Glissant, Anna Halprin, David Held, Pekka Himanen, Bruno Latour, Charles Musser, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jane Poynter, Jean-Christophe Royoux, Saskia Sassen, Peter Sloterdijk, John Tresch, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro and Robert Whitman.
Tadashi Kawamata - Works & Process (2 DVDs)
original version (subtitles in English / French)
a.p.r.e.s editions - Works & Process (DVD)
25.00 20.00 €
Various documentary approaches of Tadashi Kawamata's work, unpublished films of the artist and archives.
Henri Pousseur - Hommage au sauvage - Un portrait d\'Henri Pousseur (DVD)
French / English subtitles
Sub Rosa
A journey into Henri Pousseur's archives.
 Jean-Baptiste Bruant & Maria Spangaro - Dispositif sonore pour écouter radicalement les anges (CD)
A musical project in collaboration with hospitalized teenagers as part of a “Culture and Handicap” program.
Mika Taanila -
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
First monograph of the futuristic artist / film-maker / documentarist.
Jonas Dahlberg - Invisibles Cities
bilingual edition (English / French)
22.00 13.00 €
An artist's book in the extension of an exhibition: a reflexion on global urbanisation.
Mark Lewis - Location Photographs
bilingual edition (English / French)
Casino Luxembourg
25.00 12.50 €
Mark Lewis' location photographs.
Prospective Game for a sustainable City Project - Venice Architecture Biennal 2004 (book / DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French) / DVD in French edition (English subtitles)
a.p.r.e.s editions - Books-DVDs
DVD-book including all the exhibition films and discussions of 3 workshops at the 2004 International Biennale in Venice, on the theme of sustainable development and urban metamorphoses (a programme of about 2h).
Claude Lévêque - Installation - 2000-2004 (DVD)
French edition
20.00 10.00 €
Filmed installations and interview.
Peter Downsbrough - Group-ED (3 DVDs)
Le Fresnoy
50.00 20.00 €
A video triptych.
Nicolas Schöffer -
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Reference monograph.
Peter Downsbrough - ET/C (DVD)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Artists' books & editions
mfc-michèle didier - Import
An urban journey.
Version 2004 SIMulation City - 7th Biennial for Art and the New Medias (DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Bureau des Videos (DVD)
The contemporary urban city and the links to the utopian city.
Guillaume Leblon -
bilingual edition (English / French)
12.00 8.00 €
Monograph conceived by the artist, documenting a series of exhibitions and Leblon's video works.
Paul-Armand Gette - The Nymphalids
bilingual edition (English / French)
Galerie du jour agnès b. - Monographs & artists' books
Artist's book.
 Anne & Patrick Poirier - Dangerzone (+ DVD)
French edition
Incertain Sens - Artist's books and editions
Artist's book / DVD.
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster - Alphavilles ?
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
A book of sentimental structure of architectural souvenirs gathered during various trips. A collection of images of cities and edificies in alphabetical order beginning with Acapulco-Agra-Albuquerque…
Soun-Gui Kim - Montagne c\'est la mer - Tchouang-tseu et Wittgenstein
French edition
Quotes, aphorisms and stories to relate Tchouang-tseu's Eastern thought to Wittgenstein's philosophy.
Peter Downsbrough - From [to] (DVD)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Artists' books & editions
mfc-michèle didier - Import
(last copies available!)
A b/w movie realized in digital video, on the road and between machines.
Anna Sanders Films - The In-Between
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Cinema & video art
(last copies available!)
27.00 15.00 €
The key book about French production company Anna Sanders Films.
 Jeroen De Rijke & Willem De Rooij -
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
Ange Leccia -
French edition
6.00 3.00 €
Exhibition catalogue.
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster - Films
English edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster's films and video works.
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster - Films
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
24.00 15.00 €
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster's films and video works.
Fabrice Hyber - Works & Process (2 DVDs)
French edition
a.p.r.e.s editions - Works & Process (DVD)
25.00 20.00 €
Various documentary approaches of Fabrice Hyber's work and an original video work conceived for this DVD.
Alice Anderson - Belles Rives
Yvon Lambert - Monographs and artists' books
(last copies available!)
This small book accompanies the video Belles Rives (2001), with a selection of screen shots.
Marcel Odenbach - Blenden/Blinds
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
19.00 10.00 €
With its comprehensive illustrations and essays, including a text by the artist, this book features Odenbach's most important works.
The Livable Image - Version A B C D E
bilingual edition (English / French)
15.00 5.00 €
Exhibition catalogue (art & architecture).
Confidences - « Parce que c\'était lui, parce que c\'était moi »
bilingual edition (English / French)
Casino Luxembourg
14.00 7.00 €
Video artists and photographs explore the notion of secret, evoking intimate relations, seducement and complicity between the artist and his work on one hand, the work and the audience on the other.
Soun-Gui Kim - Bonjour
bilingual edition (French / Korean)
Catalogue documenting the series of works by Soun-Gui Kim presented for her exhibition "Stock Exchange" at the Art Sonje Center, Seoul, in 2000.
Michael Smith -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Le Magasin
19.00 12.00 €
Catalogue dedicated to the works of American video artist and performer Michael Smith. It features a text by Yves Aupetitallot, an interview by John Miller and a full chronology of Smith's works.
Soun-Gui Kim - Nuages paresseux - Avec une calligraphie originale de l\'auteur
French edition
Korean artist Soun-Gui Kim's first essay relates memories, anecdotes, and small timeless tales.
Soun-Gui Kim - Stock Exchange
French edition
Jean-Luc Nancy reflects on the concept of value, around Soun-Gui Kim's “Stock exchange” project.
 eRikm - Re/cycling Rectangle (vinyl 7\
The Rectange label "recycled" by eRikm.
8th Biennal of Moving Images
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Catalogues, Biennales & Collections
The film and video biennale catalogue.
Véronique Joumard -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Le Consortium - Monographs
15.00 7.00 €
Exhibition catalogue.
Angela Bulloch - Satellite
English edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Le Consortium - Monographs
31.00 12.00 €
Soun-Gui Kim -
bilingual edition (English / French)
New monograph.
Alex Bag -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Le Magasin
8.00 5.00 €
Booklet published on the occasion of the first French exhibition of the American video artist. The publication includes a text by Collier Schorr, biographical and bibliographical notes.
Paysages virtuels
French edition
Dis Voir - Video
Giving a good introduction to the virtual realm, this book examines, through art, science and culture, the two visual forms and utopias that exemplifies our modern era: video and computerized images.
Anne-Marie Duguet - Jean-Christophe Averty
French edition
Dis Voir - Video
Monograph dedicated to the work of French television filmmaker, producer, scenarist, and video art pioneer Jean-Christophe Averty.
Technologies et imaginaires - Art cinéma – Art  vidéo – Art ordinateur
French edition
Dis Voir - Video
Considering the relationship between technology and imagination , this book undertakes a mediological reflection on the current cross-hybridization of media which exacerbates and enriches the inherent differences between cinema, video and images. Included, a dictionary of international video-makers and their works.
Nicolas Schöffer -
English edition
Editions du Griffon - Monographs & catalogues
The legendary reference monograph, with the musical piece Spatiodynamisme by Pierre Henry on a 45RPM vinyl record.
Nicolas Schöffer - Limited edition
Editions du Griffon - Multiples & limited editions
currently out of stock
Limited edition of the legendary reference monograph, with the musical piece Spatiodynamisme by Pierre Henry on a 45RPM vinyl record, and with an original lithograph, dated, numbered and signed.
Phill Niblock - Rhymes With Water (vinyl LP)
God Records
sold out
Two monumental pieces for flutes and additional voices.
Jonas Mekas - Images are real
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Cura. - Cura.books
sold out
A retrospective devoted to Jonas Mekas's 70-year activity within and beyond the history of avant-garde cinema.
Zineb Sedira - Dreams have no titles
English edition
sold out
The three issues of the periodical charting the artistic journey of Zineb Sedira in the run up to her presentation for the French Pavilion at the 59th Venice Biennale (2022), gathered in a box set.

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