
352 titles
Maurizio Nannucci - ED/MN - Editions and Multiples 1967/2016
English edition
This publication documents around 50 years of Nannucci editions, artists' books, multiples, prints, catalogues, posters, ephemera—edited as artist & editor—from 1967 to 2016. It includes an anthology of essays, two index of works, by category and in chronological order, a bibliography and a biography.
Cédric Mazet Zaccardelli - Livre blanc - Propédeutique
French edition
Artist's book (photographs and texts).
Giacomo Bianchetti - Bilderberg 2015 - 63ème conférence Bilderberg – 11-14 juin 2015
French edition
A series of photographs taken in the margins of the 63rd Bilderberg conference, which brings together some of the most influential political and economic leaders of the Western world.
Sébastien Reuzé - Indian Springs
no text
This artist's book gives a photographic account of the Creech Air Force Base—a Drone Base set in Indian Springs, Nevada, which carries out military actions in the Middle East. Picture alteration plunges the viewer into an eerie, dreamlike narrative recalling the universe of J. G. Ballard.
French edition
Diary published to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Summerlake Summer School initiated in 2011 by ESAAA – École Supérieure d'Art de l'Agglomération d'Annecy.
Clôde Coulpier - Notebook 2
French edition
500 random notes collected by the artist and inspired by discussions, films and books.
Fabrice Croux - Pur jus
French edition
A contemporary epic poem gathering quotes, film clips, titles, slogans, and a variety of images and sentences collected here and there…
Camille Laurelli - Camille - Tome 2
French edition
An overview of Camille Laurelli's humoristic and provocative work in all its diversity: photographs, pen and felt pen drawings, prints, screenshots, commissioned texts by her mother or a fictional art critic, viral videos, ready-made, website comments, found objects…
Michel Surya - Le Mort-né - Suivi de Eux
French edition
Novelist, essayist and philosopher Michel Surya looks back on his past as an unwanted child and delivers powerful thoughts on hatred, death, and the will to live.
Catherine Ikam -
bilingual edition (English / French)
This monograph is structured around an alphabet dedicated to the career of this pioneer of digital art. It also includes contributions from the likes of Nam June Paik and Paul Virilio, as well as an interview with Catherine Ikam and her associate Louis Fléri.
Guillaume Robert - Parages
bilingual edition (English / French)
(last copies available!)
Designed to be an artist's monograph as well as an artist's book, Parages unveils Guillaume Robert's practice as a video maker and a visual artist throughout seven chapters, with contributions by artists Louise Hervé & Chloé Maillet, Rémy Héritier, Marcelline Delbecq and Jean-Xavier Renaud.
Demain l\'école d\'art - Actes des assises nationales des écoles supérieures d\'art
texts in English and French
Proceedings of the 2015 National conference of the French Schools of Arts.
Philippe Cazal - Semaine fermée
no text
Reprint of the multiple produced by Philippe Cazal in 1972.
Leszek Brogowski - Editer l\'art - Le livre d\'artiste et l\'histoire du livre
French edition
Artist's books and book history (new edition).
Céline Ahond - World Wants Words
French edition
A series of interviews with artists, an art student and an art school director, which implicitly defines Céline Ahond's own artistic practice.
 Magali Daniaux & Cédric Pigot - The Diluted Hours
trilingual edition (English / French / Inupiak)
Transcript of incantations poems recorded on vinyl and produced in the framework of a multimedia work on sound and geology. The poem is translated into Inupiaq, the official Inuit language of the State of Alaska, where this project was developed.
Julien Blaine - Lecture de 5 faits d\'actualité par un septuagénaire bien sonné
French edition
23.00 11.50 €
Religious crimes, Rosetta spacecraft, Hillary Clinton, workers' struggle in France, Calais jungle: a critical commentary of the news by poet Julien Blaine.
Maxime Bondu - Glances in the reflecting surface of the rear-view mirror - Information, speculation and probability in Maxime Bondu\'s work
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
This first monograph dedicated to Maxime Bondu's work includes an essay by Daniel Kurjakovic and focuses on nine of the artist's essential installations. Numerous sketches, drawings, mock-ups, archival material and exhibition views contribute to throw light on an experimental, speculative oeuvre that explores alternative readings of the world, history and society.
Stefan Brüggemann - Showtitles
English edition
currently out of stock
A list of titles for exhibitions available free of charge from the artist (artist's book).
Oriol Vilanova - Without Distinction
English edition
Starting from the art collection of the museum M in Leuven, Vilanova reflects on the artof exhibiting and explores display modes from showcases to postcards.
Didier Fiúza Faustino - Transphère - La Maison Magique
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
Catalogue of a project designed for Maison de la culture du Japon in Paris as part of the “Transphere” Exhibition cycle. Atelier Bow-Wow and Didier Fiuza Faustino have long explored the issue of the habitat, inventing innovative and often provocative “machinery / habitats”. Here they have come together to create a “magical environment”.
Milieux & créativités
French edition
Les presses du réel – Architecture / design / graphic design – Design – Misceallenous
An analysis of new collaborative artistic practices interconnecting artists, designers, graphic designers, architects and researchers with different social and economic backgrounds, outside the strict boundaries of the art world.
Xavier Gayan - Les poètes sont encore vivants (DVD)
French edition
A series of interviews with contemporary poets to understand a practice which seems today more incongruous than ever.
French edition
This catalogue brings together all support materials from Frac Franche-Comté's collective exhibition “Légende*” which focuses on the building of narratives and paratextuality in contemporary art. An “Erratum” brochure to be published at the exhibition's closure will complete this edition.
Vidya Gastaldon - Les rescapés
bilingual edition (English / French)
New monograph.
Nathalie du Pasquier - Initiales - Initiales N.D.P.
French edition
6th issue of the art and research magazine is dedicated to Nathalie du Pasquier.
Suzanne Hetzel - 7 saisons en Camargue
French edition
A notebook illustrated with photographs documenting an installation project inspired by relationships built by the artist with the local people from French region the Camargue between July 2013 and December 2015.
Dominique Pasqualini - AAAH… HMMM! - Amplifiez [la défaillance] – Musique en puissance [electric guitar score]
French edition (texts in English and French)
A kaleidoscopic collection of excerpts on music and instruments.
Dominique Pasqualini - Ton œil ardent - Musée Ni Ni – histoires alternées de l\'in-exposition photographique
French edition
Dominique Pasqualini addresses his singular thoughts on photography and the impossibility of its exposure.
Guillaume Bresson - Red Star Football Club
bilingual edition (English / French)
Considering the relations between art and football through the example of an artwork commissioned by the Red Star Football Club as part of the “New Patrons” program, initiated and supported by the Fondation de France: a polyptych composed of eight oil paintings on wood panels, offering different viewpoints of the stadium and the life of the club.
Peeping Tom\'s Digest - Paris (Le Grand and beyond)
bilingual edition (English / French)
Peeping Tom's Digest is an experimental, empirical and subjective publication dedicated to contemporary artistic practices. This issue, dedicated to Paris, teases out an offbeat and distanced portrait of the Parisian and French scene
Peeping Tom\'s Digest - Paris (Le Grand and beyond)
bilingual edition (English / French)
Peeping Tom's Digest is an experimental, empirical and subjective publication dedicated to contemporary artistic practices. This issue, dedicated to Paris, teases out an offbeat and distanced portrait of the Parisian and French scene
Bernadette Mayer - Utopia
French edition
currently out of stock
A collection of texts defining utopia as a place existing only within the domain of language, Utopia gives a synthesis of historical utopias and a snapshot of the 1970-1980's poetic scene.
Arnau Pi - Gong!
English edition
The third issue of Gong! brings the psychedelic tradition back to life with a series of handcrafted black & white illustrations by graphic designer Arnau Pi.
 Dominique Lesbegueris & Christine Raynier - Les mots construisent l\'architecture - 1995-2015 & ∞
French edition
39.00 19.00 €
A richly-illustrated monograph spanning twenty years of works by architects Dominique Lesbegueris and Christine Raynier. The publication includes an interview with the duo and a collection of poetic texts by Ève Delalysse, Stéphane Nowak Papantoniou, Véronique Bergen, Liliane Giraudon, Fédé Aranburu, Amandine André, Jean-Jacques Viton, Sarah Kérina, and Laura Vazquez.
Glenn Brown -
bilingual edition (English / French)
Combining the artist's early works and the most recent series inspired by van Gogh's oeuvre, this monograph underlines the variety of Brown's practice as well as his exceptional way of interpreting and appropriating the Old Masters.
Liaisons urbaines - Transforming Public Spaces in African Cities
bilingual edition (English / French)
Liaisons urbaines [Urban Connections] chronicles the development and implementation of an eponymous programme for enhancing public spaces in African cities by operations that combine urban planning and development, design, art and heritage.
Battista Lena - Ultimo Cielo
bilingual edition (French / Italian)
Ultimo Cielo documents a musical project forming part of the New Patrons program: a piece for an amateur orchestra inspired by the works and practice of Italian Situationist painter Pinot Gallizio.
Side Effects
trilingual edition (English / Estonian / French)
Side Effects follows an international artistic exchange born from questioning the “sides effects” of artistic activity—sideline jobs, multiple works, choice, accident. This hybrid publication contains archives, photographs, notes and drawings as well as texts, interviews and images from art historians, sociologists, critics and artists.
Didier Fiúza Faustino - Vortex Populi
bilingual edition (English / French)
Vortex Populi is a visual essay focusing on five works by Didier Fiuza Faustino in which the French artist and architect reflects on public space and popular struggle through an examination of the use of crowd control barriers in clashes between protestors and authoritarian forces.
Xavier Veilhan - Architectones by Xavier Veilhan (DVD)
film in French version with English / French subtitles
Echoing his exhibition in the Château de Versailles, Xavier Veilhan opens the doors of seven modernist houses, from California to Europe. Through his contemporary works he creates a dialogue with the singular architecture of these places (original soundtrack by Nicolas Godin / Air).
Inter - Addictions, drogue, création, conscience augmentée
French edition
Counterculture & cyberculture: exploring human potential from psychotropic substances to technological advances.
 Reidemeister Move - Reidemeister Move plays Borromean Rings (vinyl LP – Picture Disc)
Borromean Rings is a graphic score for double bass and microtonal F tuba, composed for the duo Reidemeister Move by Robin Hayward.
Maria-Mercè Marçal - Tanières de lunes
French edition
First French translation of Cau de llunes, a collection of poems written after Franco's death by one of the major voices of Catalan poetry, female poet Maria-Mercè Marçal.
L\'Île des réunions - Méthode de réunions collaboratives pour une approche affirmative de l\'incertitude
French edition
An anti-method of meeting that reaffirms the uncertain outcome of gathering moments.
Julien Carreyn - Lyot
bilingual edition (English / French)
This catalogue provides a set of photographs and drawings by the artist, as well as documents and installation views that reflect the obsessions of Carreyn, from the female body and pop occultism to symbolism and surrealism.
Daito Manabe - Transphère - Fertile Landscapes
bilingual edition (English / French)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
10.00 5.00 €
The catalogue of Daito Manabe & Motoi Ishibashi's first exhibition in France. On this occasion they created an installation using LED lights and smartphones—a new work combining the real and the virtual, the seen and the unseen. This volume also gives an overall comprehension of Manabe and Ishibashi's practice: together they merge art and technology in projects that are at the cutting edge of innovation.
Lara Almarcegui - Luxembourg souterrain
French edition
Luxembourg underground: this artist's book offers a vertical journey through the city's subsoil structure.

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