Sternberg Press

Sternberg Press is a London-based publishing house of art and cultural criticism, creative nonfiction, and literary and experimental fiction. Founded by Caroline Schneider in New York in 1999, it aims to support both new and established writers and nourish lasting editorial relationships. The press is committed to publishing books with an interdisciplinary focus on contemporary visual culture and related critical discourse.
Berlin / London
905 titles
Aleksandra Mir - Corporate Mentality
English edition
sold out
For a reassessment of the function of art in late capitalist society (contributions by Bernadette Corporation, Will Bradley, Claude Closky, Dejanov & Heger, Liam Gillick, Lars Bang Larsen, Daniel Pflumm, Superflex...).
Julia Scher - Always There
English edition
sold out
Always There offers a comprehensive survey of American artist Julia Scher's work. The artist's installations and performances have always featured a complex relation to techno-social control, demonstrating our complicity in the proliferating technologies used to surveil both our physical and virtual identities.
Isa Genzken - Urlaub
bilingual edition (English / German)
sold out
Urlaub constitutes Genzken's multilayered inquiry into the meaning of work and leisure.
Swamps and the New Imagination - On the Future of Cohabitation in Art, Architecture and Philosophy
English edition
An exploration of the "swampy" zone between the human and the other forms of life that make up his ecosystem and his environment, at the intersection of art, architecture and philosophy, in the perspective of a posthumanist ecology.
Brian Dillon - In Pieces - Writings on Art, Etc.
English edition
A collection of critical, polemic, and personal essays composed in the past decade.
Joseph Kosuth - Redefining the Context of Art, 1968 and After - The Second Investigation and Public Media
English edition
This first comprehensive survey of Joseph Kosuth's work with public media centers on his pioneering project The Second Investigation (1968–74).
Spyros Papapetros - Pre/Architecture - Critical Spatial Practice 14
English edition
How a pre-architectural world became a central object of study by architectural historians and architects in the aftermath of world historical events.
Climate Engineering
English edition
An inventory of the controversies surrounding the issue of geoengineering, as a set of the large-scale intervention into the earth's natural systems attempting to counter the adverse effects of climate change.
English edition
An update on the issues at stake in the study of the human microbiome (various bacteria, viruses and micro-organisms that compose the human body's ecosystem), shedding new light on the relationship between humankind and nature and the new micro-biopolitics we are now facing.

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