Joris de Laet was born in 1947, Belgian by birth, self-taught by definition, parametric music and art video composer by choice. Founder of the S.E.M. (Studio voor Experimentele Muziek) in Antwerp in 1973,
Joris de Laet is the founder of the SEMensemble, a group of musicians-composers specialized in performing
experimental music and live electronics. From 1975 until 1990, he gave concerts with this ensemble throughout Europe (Germany, France, The Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Croatia, etc.) and in Canada (Montreal, Kingston, Toronto).
Inspired by the deep control on electronic sonics, he has been defining his work since 1979 as “Parametric Music,” music where composition is based on transformation flows of one or several parameters, selected by the composer, that form, through their converging (or diverging) processes the main characteristics of the regulated sonics of the composition.