The practice of Sara van der Heide (born 1977 in Busan, South Korea, lives and works in Amsterdam and Brussels) consists of political and poetic interventions, drawing series, performances and films through which she proposes a more inclusive modernity. Subject of her works are reflections on the nation state, the position of people of colour in the western modern society,
gender and
art history itself. Her works develop and unfold over a longer period, the cycle of a year, the period of reign.
She was an artist in residence at ISCP, New York (2007), and at WIELS, Brussels (2016). She has been a (guest-) teacher at various art schools (a.o. De Ateliers, and the Rietveld Academie). From 2016 onward she is part of the Piet Zwart MFA Fine Arts tutorial team.