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Celestino Piatti - Hamsters
This small volume features drawings created by by the famous Swiss illustrator for Basler Rabattmarke BKG Liga.
Celestino Piatti (1922-2007) was one of the most internationally renowned Swiss graphic artists. His rich visual heritage, both idealistically and materially, is impressive. It includes book covers, paintings, lithographs, posters, illustrations, children's books and sculptures.
His oeuvre has achieved outstanding recognition through the more than 6000 book covers he designed for the Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (dtv) from 1961 to the mid-1990s. Originals of the dtv covers are part of the Graphic Arts Collection of the Swiss National Museum, Zurich. Piatti's second trademark was poster art—concise messages in world format.
published in January 2022
no text
10,5 x 10,5 cm (softcover)
28 pages (ill.)
ISBN : 978-3-907179-43-7
EAN : 9783907179437
in stock
(last copies available!)

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